Privacy Policy



This privacy policy is applicable to all CBC websites.

The CBC respects the privacy of its Internet users and will protect that privacy as vigorously as possible.

CBC does not collect information that personally identifies individuals except when individuals provide such specific information on a voluntary basis. There may be occasions where specific personal information is requested before an individual can enter certain sections of a CBC site. For example, registration is needed to become a guide on, or to submit music to New Music Canada. This kind of registration helps us to ensure that content standards on these sections of the site are rigorously upheld.

In all such cases, CBC will collect only information that is voluntarily provided by the user and undertakes that such information will be kept strictly confidential. Individual information provided to the CBC to gain access to any feature of a CBC site will not be sold or made available to a third party.

CBC does reserve the right, however, to perform statistical analyses of user behaviour and characteristics, in order to measure interest in and use of the various sections of its sites so as to improve design and navigation and to gather marketing information. Only aggregated data from these analyses, not individual data, will be used for this purpose.

As well, users should be aware that certain non-personal information and data may be automatically collected by the CBC through the operation of what are called "cookies". "Cookies" are small text files that identify an individual computer's browser entering a web site. They allow the site to track that browser's movement through the site over several sessions. Through cookies, a web site can recognize repeat users, facilitate the user's access to and use of the site and allow a site to track usage behaviour that will allow content improvements. The CBC uses cookies only for the above-mentioned purposes and will not use them to identify users or to track non-CBC usage.

If you do not want a cookie placed on your computer by the CBC, you may disable cookies altogether by modifying the Preferences section of your Netscape or Internet Explorer browser (under Edit/Preferences/Advanced). Note that it is possible that some aspects of CBC sites may be unavailable to you if you choose this option.

If you have no problem accepting cookies, but wish to be informed of their appearance, you may turn on a warning prompt by modifying the cookie warning section in Edit/Preferences/Advanced.

House Rules

CBC Radio 3 accepts no responsibility for messages posted in the comments section of this website. The views expressed are those of the author, and are not necessarily the views of CBC Radio Canada, CBC Radio 3, or any persons associated with this site.

You agree, that you will not use this site to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of Canadian law.

You agree not to hijack threads for your own agenda or profit. Advertisements, chain letters, harassments, personal attacks, solicitations, and gratuitous deviations from the topic at hand are inappropriate in this site's comments section.

We reserve the right to remove comments, and in the event of repeat offenders, posting privileges of any user who posts inappropriate material to this site.

Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable should contact us immediately by email.
