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Profile of Individual Committees

Aboriginal Peoples

Agriculture and Forestry

Banking, Trade and Commerce

Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources


Foreign Affairs

Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration

Legal and Constitutional Affairs

National Finance

Privileges, Standing Rules and Orders


Social Affairs, Science and Technology

Transport and Communications

Library of Parliament

Official Languages

Scrutiny of Regulations

Committee on Aboriginal Peoples

Mandate The Committee was first created in December 1989 and has a mandate to examine legislation and matters relating to the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada (Rule 86(1)(q)).

Recent Reports and Legislation


Recent Committee Chairpersons


Committee on Agriculture and Forestry

Mandate In 1983 the Committee on Agriculture became the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. In May of 1986, the Committee was divided into two standing committees, one on Fisheries and another on Agriculture and Forestry. The mandate of the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry is to examine legislation and matters relating to agriculture and forestry generally, and the Canadian Wheat Board (Rule 86(1)(n)).

Recent Reports and Legislation

Recent Committee Chairpersons


Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce

Mandate The Committee dates back to 1867 and has a history of reviewing legislation on financial institutions and budgetary and commercial matters. It was among the first committees to pre-study bills, now recognized as a distinct feature of Senate Committee work. The mandate of the Committee is to examine legislation and matters relating to finance and business, including:

1) banking, insurance, trust and loan companies, credit societies, "caisses populaires" and small loan companies;

2) customs and excise;

3) taxation legislation;

4) patents and royalties;

5) corporate affairs; and

6) bankruptcy (Rule 86(1)(l)).

Recent reports and legislation


Recent Committee Chairpersons


Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources

Mandate The Committee first met in January 1984 under the name of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Its name was changed to the present one in January 1991. From 1946 to 1968 there existed a Committee on Natural Resources. The mandate of the Committee is to examine legislation and matters relating to energy, the environment and natural resources generally, including:

1) mines and natural resources, other than fisheries and forestry;

2) pipelines, transmission lines and energy transportation;

3) environmental affairs; and

4) other energy-related matters (Rule 86(1)(p)).

Recent Reports and Legislation

Recent Committee Chairpersons


Committee on Fisheries

Mandate The Committee was created in May 1986 with a mandate to examine legislation and matters relating to fisheries (Rule 86(1)(o)). Until that time fisheries had been part of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

Recent Reports

Recent Committee Chairpersons


Committee on Foreign Affairs

Mandate The Committee was first established in March 1938 under the name of Committee on External Relations. Its name was subsequently changed to International relations and in 1968 to Foreign Affairs. The mandate of the Committee is to examine legislation and matters relating to foreign and commonwealth relations, including:

  1. treaties and international agreements;
  2. external trade;
  3. foreign aid;
  4. defence; and
  5. territorial and offshore matters (Rule 86(1)(h)).

Recent Reports and Legislation

Recent Committee Chairpersons


Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration

Mandate The Committee has a mandate to consider all matters of a financial or administrative nature relating to the internal management of the Senate. It reviews and authorizes the budget applications of committees and sets guidelines and policies on items such as Senators' travel and research expenditures. It should be noted the Committee is authorized to carry out its mandate on its own initiative rather than being dependent on an order of reference from the Senate (Rule 86(1)(g)).

Recent Committee Chairpersons


Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs

Mandate The Committee has a mandate to examine legislation and matters relating to legal and constitutional matters generally, including:

1) federal-provincial relations;

2) administration of justice, law reform and all related matters;

3) the judiciary;

4) all essentially juridical matters; and

5) private bills not otherwise specifically assigned to another committee, including those related to marriage and divorce (Rule 86(1)(k)).

Recent Report and Legislation

Appointment of Privacy Commissioner, April 1991

Recent Committee Chairpersons


Committee on National Finance

Mandate The Committee was first created in May 1919 under the name of Committee on Finance, and in 1968 it became the Committee on National Finance. The Committee's field of interest is government spending, either directly through the Estimates or indirectly through bills that provide borrowing authority or bear upon the spending proposals identified in the Estimates. The Committee also has a mandate to examine the report of the Auditor General (Rule 86(1)(i)).

Recent Reports


Recent Chairpersons of the Committee


Committee on Privileges, Standing Rules and Orders

Mandate The Committee was first established in 1968 under the name of Committee on Standing Rules and Orders and in 1991 received its present name. The Committee has a mandate:

1) on its own initiative to propose, from time to time, amendments to the rules for consideration by the Senate;

2) upon reference from the Senate, to examine and, if required, report on any question of privilege; and

3) to consider the orders and customs of the Senate and privileges of Parliament (Rule 86(1)(f)).

Recent Reports

Chairpersons of the Committee


Committee of Selection

Mandate At the commencement of each session, nine Senators are appointed to the Committee which has a mandate to nominate:

1) a Senator to preside as Speaker pro tempore; and

2) the Senators to serve on the select committees (Rule 86(1)).

Recent Chairpersons of Committee

Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology

Mandate This Committee traces its origins back to 1908 when a Committee on Public Health and Inspection of Food was first established. It received its present name in 1983 and has a mandate to examine legislation and matters relating to social affairs, science and technology generally, including:

1) veterans affairs;

2) Indian and Inuit affairs

3) cultural affairs and the arts;

4) social and labour matters;

5) health and welfare;

6) pensions;

7) housing;

8) fitness and amateur sport;

9) employment and immigration;

10) consumer affairs; and

11) youth affairs (Rule 86(1)(m)).

Since 1984 the Committee has in each session established a Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs to examine matters pertaining specifically to Canadian veterans.

Recent Reports

Recent Chairpersons of Committee


Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs


Committee on Transport and Communications

Mandate The mandate of the Committee is to examine legislation and matters relating to transport and communications generally, including:

1) transport and communications by land, air, water and space;

2) tourist traffic;

3) common carriers; and

4) navigation, shipping and navigable waters (Rule 86(1)(j)).

Recent Reports

Recent Chairpersons of the Committee

Subcommittee on Communications Chairperson

Subcommittee on Transportation Safety Chairperson

Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament

Mandate The Joint Committee has a mandate to act in an advisory or consultative role to the Speakers of the Senate and the House of Commons who direct and control the Library of Parliament.


Recent Joint Chairperson from the Senate


Joint Committee on Official Languages

Mandate Section 88 of the Official Languages Act gives the Committee the authority to review the implementation of the Act and the reports submitted by the Commissioner of Official Languages, the President of the Treasury Board and Secretary of State, now the Minister of Canadian Heritage.

Recent Reports

Recent Joint Chairpersons from the Senate

Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations

Mandate The Joint Committee's mandate is defined by the Statutory Instruments Act which authorizes it to review and scrutinize statutory instruments made after January 1, 1972. In addition to its statutory order of reference, since 1980 the Senate and the House of Commons have renewed an order of reference at the beginning of each session authorizing the Joint Committee to study the means by which Parliament can better oversee and control the government regulatory process. Therefore, taken together, the statutory and sessional references of the Committee provide it with a broad jurisdiction to enquire into and report on most aspects of the federal regulatory process.

Recent Reports

Recent Committee Joint Chairpersons from Senate

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