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Corporate Affairs Registry - Glossary

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- Refers to one or more of the following: Business Corporations Act, Companies Act, Limited Partnership Act or Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act.

- Two character province, state and country codes are used in the address fields where space limitations in the field length exist. Postal abbreviations for Canada and US jurisdictions are followed, and where possible, country abbreviations to ISO standards. If you require further clarification, contact the Corporate Affairs Branch.

- Under various Acts, a business from outside New Brunswick that carries on business in New Brunswick must have an agent in New Brunswick to facilitate legal service on the business. The agent refers to the attorney for service, agent for service or attorney and representative, as the case may be, under the Acts.

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Amendments Other Than a Name Change
- This applies to categories 11, 12, 58, 59, 60 and 61.

Since April 25, 1998, amendments to the charter of a company or corporation have been recorded on the Corporate Affairs database. For categories 11 and 12, it will set out any supplementary letters patent. For categories 58, 59, 60 and 61, it will set out any articles of amendment.

Where the amendment includes a name change, it is set out under "Name Change History". Where the amendment does not include a name change - e.g. only a change in the share structure of a corporation - such amendment will only be recorded under "Amendments Other Than a Name Change".

- To verify if any amendments other than a name change took place for a company or corporation prior to April 25, 1998, you will need to verify this with the Corporate Affairs Branch.

- For categories 58, 59, 60 and 61, if restated articles of incorporation have been filed, this information is also set out in this section if the restated articles were filed since April 25 1998.

- To verify any restated articles prior to April 25, 1998, you will need to verify this with the Corporate Affairs Branch.


For companies or corporations incorporated by special Act of the Legislature, the Corporate Affairs database does not necessarily track amending Acts that have been enacted or proclaimed. Tracking of these amendments which could amend the name of the company or corporation or other provisions of the special Act have been done on a limited "best" efforts basis.

If amending Acts are of importance to you, you may wish to review the relevant yearly Statutes of the Province of New Brunswick to ensure whether any amending Acts were enacted or proclaimed.

Alternatively, you may request a Certificate of Status on the corporation from the Corporate Affairs Branch. The Certificate of Status will indicate whether any amending Acts have been enacted or proclaimed for any relevant special Act company or corporation that is subject to either the Business Corporations Act or the Companies Act. The fee for a Certificate of Status is $20.00

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- A "Yes" in this field identifies that the company, corporation or extra-provincial corporation is the result of an amalgamation. This indicator has been in effect since April 25, 1998. It therefore only records this information if the amalgamation occurred after April 25, 1998.

Annual Return Deficiencies
- Companies, corporations and extra-provincial corporations have annual return obligations (see annual return obligations). This section sets out any outstanding annual return obligations that a company, corporation or extra-provincial corporation has since 1989 which have not yet been rectified.

Note - Where a company, corporation or extra-provincial corporation has a "B" status and its last status change date is before January 1, 1989, then in all likelihood, it has pre-1989 annual return obligations which are still outstanding as well as any deficiencies set out post 1989.

When reviewing any information on annual return deficiencies of a company, corporation or extra-provincial corporation, one should review and understand the corporation's "status". See "Status".

For example, for a corporation which has been dissolved for failure to file annual returns, this section will show any annual return deficiencies of the corporation up to its date of dissolution, i.e. last status change date. Nevertheless, if steps are to be taken to revive the corporation, the annual return obligations between the date of dissolution and date of revival will need to be addressed. See information kit on revivals.

For J, K or L status, the corporation has either been amalgamated, continued out of the Province or has been exempted from continued registration. This section will show any annual return deficiencies of the corporation to its date of amalgamation, continuance or exemption.

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Annual Return Obligations
- For companies, corporations and extra-provincial corporations, they are required to file the relevant annual return under the Act and to pay, where required, filing fees and late filing fees related to the annual return.

For categories 11 and 12
- Companies under or subject to the Companies Act are required to file an annual return. Most companies are not required to pay annual return fees or pay late filing fees. The annual return (and any fees) are due within one month of its anniversary month. The anniversary month will normally be its month of incorporation.

For categories 58, 59, 60 and 61
- Corporations under or subject to the Business Corporations Act are required to file annual returns, pay annual return fees and if required, pay late filing fees. The annual return and annual return fee is due within one month of its anniversary month. The anniversary month will normally be its month of incorporation. A late filing fee is owed if a corporation does not pay its filing fee on time.

For categories 62 and 64
- An extra-provincial corporation is required to file its annual return and pay any relevant annual return fee within one month of its initial month of registration (or exemption) as an extra-provincial corporation.

It should be noted that extra-provincial corporations can file an election of anniversary month. This would allow the corporation to file the annual return and pay any relevant annual return fee based on the month of incorporation in its home jurisdiction instead of the month of initial registration (or exemption) in New Brunswick.

- This is used to refer to companies, corporations, extra-provincial corporations, partnerships, limited partnerships, extra-provincial limited partnerships and business names which are recorded on the Corporate Affairs Registry.

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Business Address
- For categories 50, 51, 53 and 54, this is the most recent address set out on relevant registration documents for the business.

Business Names of Companies, Corporations and Extra-Provincial Corporations
- Where one reviews information on any particular company or corporation, a section will appear under the heading "Business Names" to indicate any past or present business name registrations of the company or corporation.

- The database of Corporate Affairs has only been able to perform this linkage since January 1987. As such, business names registered initially prior to January 1987 may not link to the corporation/company record under this section heading.

If you require further information on this, contact the Branch.

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- This identifies the business in accordance with the Acts and classification system used by the Corporate Affairs Registry. A two-digit code is used to facilitate the classification.

    10 - company - Companies Act
    This represents companies that were subject to the Companies Act prior to January 1, 1987 that were not deemed continued under the Business Corporations Act. Aside from companies incorporated under the Companies Act, a number of companies incorporated by special Act of the Legislature and that were subject to Companies Act may be set out in this category.

    This category is composed of tombstone registrations, i.e. all companies have been dissolved, have had their charter surrendered or forfeited, been amalgamated or discontinued. Check the status on each to determine this.

    Companies in this category were normally considered to be profit oriented in nature. A few exceptions may exist. Reference to the letters patent of the company may be helpful in this instance.

    11 - company - Companies Act
    This represents companies that are presently subject to the Companies Act.

    Companies in this category will normally be considered to be non-profit or not-for-profit in nature. A few exceptions may exist. Reference to the letters patent of the company may be helpful in these instances.

    Aside from companies incorporated under the Companies Act, a number of companies incorporated by special Act of the Legislature that are subject to the Companies Act are set out in this category.

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    12 - company - Companies Act
    This represents companies incorporated by special Act of the Legislature since 1990 and which are subject to the provisions of the Companies Act.

    This category has been in effect since 1990. Companies incorporated by special Act prior to 1990 and subject to the Companies Act may be set out in this category or category 10 or 11, as the case may be.

    50 - partnership - Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act
    This represents partnerships that have registered under the Act since May 1, 1981.

    As well, registrations of partnerships, which occurred prior to May 1, 1981 under the Partnerships Registration Act were recorded on a best effort basis in the Registry's database in 1981.

    51 - business name - Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act
    This represents business names that have registered or filed a certificate of renewal under the Act since May 1, 1981.

    As well, registrations of business names, which occurred prior to May 1, 1981 under the Partnerships Registration Act were recorded on a best effort basis in the Registry's database in 1981.

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    53 - limited partnership - Limited Partnership Act
    This represents limited partnerships formed since August 1, 1984 under the Limited Partnership Act. As well, limited partnerships continued under the Act as of August 1, 1984 that have filed a declaration in accordance with section 47(1) of the Act are set out.

    54 - extra-provincial limited partnership - Limited Partnership Act
    This represents extra-provincial limited partnerships that have filed a declaration under the Act since August 1, 1984. A declaration is required when the extra-provincial limited partnership carries on business in New Brunswick. Carries on business in New Brunswick is defined in the Act. An extra-provincial limited partnership means a limited partnership organized under the laws of a jurisdiction other than New Brunswick.

    58 - corporation - Business Corporations Act
    This category has been in effect since January 1, 1982, i.e. the date the relevant provisions of the Business Corporations Act came into effect.

    This represents corporations incorporated since January 1, 1982 by special Act of the Legislature and which are subject to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act

    As well, a number of special Act incorporations prior to January 1, 1982 are set out in this category by reason of the fact such corporations were deemed continued as being subject to the Business Corporations Act on January 1, 1987 pursuant to section 2(1)(c) of the Act.

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    59 - corporation - Business Corporations Act
    This represents corporations which were deemed continued on January 1, 1987 from the Companies Act to the Business Corporations Act pursuant to section 2(1)(c) of the Business Corporations Act. For the most part, these companies were initially incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act and deemed continued on January 1, 1987. These may include a number of special Act companies that are subject to the Companies Act but which were deemed continued under the Business Corporations Act.

    Since at least September 1992, deemed continued corporations that filed articles of continuance have had their category adjusted from category 59 to category 61.

    Since 1998, where a deemed continued corporation that was dissolved became revived, its category classification remained the same. If the revival took place prior to 1998, its category may be either 59 or 61.

    60 - corporation - Business Corporations Act
    This represents a corporation incorporated since January 1, 1982 under the Business Corporations Act (See also categories 59 and 61).

    61 - corporation - Business Corporations Act
    This represents corporations that voluntarily continued into the Business Corporations Act. Such corporation would have either been

    1. subject to the Companies Act at the time of the continuance
    2. been deemed continued as a category 59 corporation but elected to file Articles of Continuance since being deemed continued on January 1, 1987
    3. organized/incorporated outside of New Brunswick and elected to apply to be continued as a corporation under the Business Corporations Act.

    As well, corporations revived pursuant to the provisions of the Act would have been classified under this category up to 1998. Now, a corporation that is a category 59 or 60 corporation at the time of dissolution would continue to be classified as a category 59 or 60 upon its revival.

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    62 - extra-provincial corporation - Business Corporations Act
    This represents extra-provincial corporations registered under the Act. Registration is required for corporations incorporated under the laws of a jurisdiction other than New Brunswick when they carry on business in New Brunswick. Carrying on business is defined in the Act. The registration requirement has been in effect since the relevant provisions of Part XVIII of the Act were proclaimed on October 1, 1981.

    As well, certain extra-provincial corporations which were in compliance with reporting requirements of the Companies Act were deemed, effective October 1, 1981, to be registered as extra-provincial corporations under the Business Corporations Act.

    64 - extra-provincial corporation - Business Corporations Act
    This represents extra-provincial corporations that have been exempted from Part XVII of the Act by the Director. Part XVII of the Act deals with, among other things, the requirement for extra-provincial corporations that carry on business in New Brunswick to register under the Act. The exemption is granted only where the Director is satisfied that the corporation is a non-profit or not-for-profit corporation.

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- This represents a free text field whereby certain comments are added to facilitate information disclosure. This will, in the normal course, be limited to the following comments:

Dispute - director
This identifies that an individual disputes either being a director or not being a director of a particular company/corporation. Further information can be obtained by contacting Corporate Affairs.

This applies to categories 10, 11, 12, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 and 64.

Proposed Continuance
This identifies that the company or corporation has filed the relevant documentation in order to apply to another jurisdiction to be continued under the laws of that other jurisdiction.

If the application is proceeded with and the continuance takes place, a certificate of discontinuance (Business Corporations Act) or a notice of discontinuance (Companies Act) will be issued in accordance with the provisions of those Acts.

This applies to categories 11, 12, 58, 59, 60 and 61.

Verify Status
This relates to a number of companies in categories 10 and 11 that are assigned reference numbers from 90,000 to 97,726. These numbers were assigned in 1981-82 to a group of companies that were considered at the time to be inactive and for the most part dissolved.

The status of these companies should be verified with the Corporate Affairs Branch. In most cases, the Branch will provide details on the dissolution date of the company. Nevertheless - due to past record keeping and the fact a company has a perpetual existence unless formally dissolved, certain of these companies may still be in formal legal existence. If one is relying on the status and status code for these companies, please first contact the Corporate Affairs Branch.

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- All dates are set out in the "year-month-day" format.

- This sets out the current directors for companies and corporations based on the records of the Registry. The field has been in operation since 1990. Directors are recorded as follows:

  • For any new incorporations since 1990 (also some pre-1990 incorporations).
  • For any Notice of Change of Directors that has been filed since 1990.

- In cases where a company/corporation was incorporated prior to January 1, 1990 and no Notice of Change of Directors has been received since January 1, 1990, the directors' field will appear, but there is no information set out in the operational database of Corporate Affairs. In this case, contact Corporate Affairs for information on who the directors are.

- For categories 10, 11, 12, 58, 59, 60 and 61, the field sets out the current directors of the company/corporation in accordance with the latest Form on file that indicates who are the most current directors of the company/corporation.

- Latest form on file means the following

    Categories 10, 11, 12
  • the incorporating documents or the most recent Notice of Change of Directors

    Category 58

  • the special Act or the most recent Notice of Change of Directors

    Categories 59, 60 and 61

  • the most recent Notice of Directors or Notice of Change of Directors

    Categories 62 and 64

  • Documents filed under the Act disclose the directors of an extra-provincial corporation. This information is not presently entered into the database. Contact the Corporate Affairs Branch for information on the directors. As well, one may wish to check with the extra-provincial corporation's home jurisdiction.

Election of Anniversary Month
- This represents the election of anniversary month for an extra-provincial corporation. This would allow the corporation to file the annual return and pay any relevant annual return fee based on the month of incorporation in its home jurisdiction instead of the month of initial registration (or exemption) in New Brunswick.

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General Partners - Limited Partnership Act
- For categories 53 and 54, documents filed under the Act disclose the general partners of limited partnerships and extra-provincial limited partnerships.

This information is not presently entered in the database. Contact the Corporate Affairs Branch for information on the general partners.

Head Office Address
- For categories 10, 11 and 12, this sets out the head office address of the company. In the normal course, a Notice of Change of Head Office, Form 46, is required in order for a change in this field to occur.

- This identifies the "home" jurisdiction the business originates from. This is applicable only for categories 54, 62 and 64. If blank, contact Corporate Affairs for this information.

Last Annual Return
- For categories 10, 11, 12, 59, 60, 61, 62 and 64 companies, corporations and extra-provincial corporations file on a yearly basis an annual return under the respective Act. This field sets out the most recent year the respective annual return was filed. For example, if 2000 is set out, the 2000 annual return is the latest annual return filed.

This field has been operational since 1989. Corporations are required under the respective Act(s) to file an annual return on a yearly basis. No requirement exists to file an annual return in relation to the year of incorporation for a company/corporation and the year of registration for an extra-provincial corporation.

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Last Renewal
- For categories 50, 51, 53 and 54, a requirement exists on partnerships, business names, limited partnerships or extra-provincial limited partnerships to file a renewal document under the Act every five years. This field sets out the filing date of the latest renewal document.

For a partnership or business name, a certificate of renewal is required to be registered every 5 years from the date of initial registration (or previous renewal).

For a limited partnership or extra-provincial limited partnership, a new declaration is required to be filed to replace the initial (or previous) declaration prior to the expiry date of the initial (or previous) declaration. A declaration expires five years after its date of filing.

Where a partnership, business name, limited partnership or extra-provincial limited partnership is not in compliance with its renewal obligations, the registration is still in effect under the respective Act, but the business has not complied with its renewal/new declaration obligations.

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Last Status Change Date
- This reflects the date the status was last changed for a given business. The date will reflect the filing date of the document that triggers the status change. E.g. Certificate of Dissolution. It should be noted an exception exists in the case where the status is changed as a result of a Certificate of Discontinuance under the Business Corporations Act or a Notice of Discontinuance being issued under the Companies Act. The status change date will reflect the date of continuance of the company/corporation to its new jurisdiction.

As well, for existing companies, corporations and extra-provincial corporations that have an A status, their status will automatically change to a B status where the company/corporation is delinquent in meeting its current annual return filing obligations. That is, if the current year obligation is not met within one months of its anniversary month, then the status will be changed from "A" to "B" and the status change date will reflect this change having occurred.

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- For categories 62 and 64, a "Yes" in this field indicates that a notice of the liquidation of the corporation has been filed and that no return relating to the completion of the liquidation proceedings has been filed.

Liquidator Date
- For categories 62 and 64, this is the date the notice of the liquidation of the corporation has been filed under the relevant Act.

Mailing Address
- For all categories, this represents the most current mailing address the Corporate Affairs Branch has on the business, based on either extracting the information from documents on file with the Branch or communicated to the Branch by the business.

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- This reflects the name of the business. A name of a business may be set out in English, in French or a combined language version. The Registry reflects the name of the business that is set out on the registration documentation subject to the following comments.

Since April 25, 1998, the Corporate Affairs database has been able to recognize both upper and lower case letters and French character set for new registrations and changes to the name of an existing business. The name is entered into the Registry as it appears on the relevant registration document under the Act(s).

The Corporate Affairs Branch does not determine whether particular letters or words in the name of the business should be in upper or lower case or have French character set. It is the business which determines how it wishes its name to be set out in its registration documents.

Differences may well exist in the appearance of the name as to whether it is on one or two or more lines as compared with the actual registration documents. This is the result of either the database field size for names or the user's computer screen resolution. If this characteristic of the name is important, reference to the actual registration documents should be made.

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Prior to April 25, 1998, the database was strictly upper case with no ability to recognize French character set. The name that is set out on the actual document dealing with the registration is the official record of the name. If the actual setting out of the name - i.e. whether it is in upper or lower case and whether French character set is set out or not is important to you - reference to the actual registration document should be made. This can be done by contacting the Branch or requesting a copy of the relevant document from the Branch.

As well, it should be noted that certain names have exceeded the actual character length of the name field. Since April 25, 1998, the character length field is 120 characters. Prior to that, it was 75 characters in length.

When a name is longer than the field length, the name has been entered up to its cut off point, or cut short to the last full word in the name. The indicator * has been entered at the end of the name field when the Branch is aware the name exceeds the field length. In these cases, please contact the Branch in order to get the full name of the business or request a copy of the relevant registration document from the Branch.

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Name Change History
- For categories 10, 11, 12, 58, 59, 60 and 61
This sets out changes to the legal name of the company or corporation according to the historical records of the Corporate Affairs Branch.

Please note where a name change has taken place, the amendment effecting the name change may or may not have amended other aspects of the charter of the company/corporation. (E.g. amendment of the share conditions of a corporation). Where such information is important, you may wish to request a copy or certified copy of the amendment document which effected the name change. Copies and certified copies are available from the Branch at a cost of $10 and $20 respectively.

- For category 50
This sets out any change in the name of a partnership under the Act that has been filed with the Corporate Affairs Branch according to its historical records

- For category 53
This sets out any change in the name of a limited partnership.

- For category 54
This sets out any change in the name of an extra-provincial limited partnership that has been filed with Corporate Affairs since the initial registration of the extra-provincial limited partnership in New Brunswick.

It is always prudent to check with the "home" jurisdiction of the extra-provincial limited partnership to verify its records.

- For categories 62 and 64
This sets out changes to the name of an extra-provincial corporation that have been filed with Corporate Affairs since the initial registration or exemption of the extra-provincial corporation in New Brunswick.

It is always prudent to check with the "home" jurisdiction of the corporation to verify its records.

Partners - Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act
- For category 50, this lists the current partners of the partnership in accordance with the most recent Form on file, i.e. the Certificate of Partnership or Certificate of Renewal of Partnership or the Certificate of Change of Membership of Partnership.

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Receivership (Notice of Receivership)
- For categories 10, 11, 12, 58, 59, 60 and 61, this field will indicate that a notice of the appointment of a receiver or receiver-manager for the company/corporation has been filed and that no notice of discharge of receiver/receiver-manager has been filed to date. The date shown is the date the notice of appointment of receiver or receiver-manager has been filed under the relevant Act.

Reference Number
- An internally generated number used by Corporate Affairs to identify the business. This number is 6 digits.

Registered Office Address
- For categories 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 and 64, this sets out the registered office of the corporation.

For categories 58, 59, 60 and 61, a Notice of Change of Registered Office - Form 2 - is required in order for a change in this field to occur.

For categories 62 and 64, a Notice of Change of Registered Office - Extra-Provincial Corporation - Form 28 - is required in order for a change in this field to occur.

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Registrant of a Business Name
- This lists the registrant of a business name, if such information has been inputted into the database. In the normal course, a registrant will be either an individual, a company, corporation or an extra-provincial corporation.

Registration Date

    For categories 10, 11, 12, 58, 59 and 60
  • This reflects the date the company/corporation was incorporated, became an amalgamated corporation or continued under the relevant Act.

    For categories 62 and 64

  • This reflects the date the extra-provincial corporation became registered or became exempted under the Business Corporations Act.

    Where the extra-provincial corporation was deemed registered by section 196(2) of the Business Corporations Act, this reflects its initial registration status date as determined under the Companies Act. (Corporations not deemed registered by section 196(2) are not set out in the Registry's database.)

    For category 50

  • This reflects the date the partnership filed a certificate of partnership under the Act. The date of establishing the partnership is set out on the certificate. This date is either earlier or the same date as the filing date.

    For category 51

  • This reflects the date the certificate of business name was filed under the Act. The date of establishing the business or use of the business name is set out on the certificate. This date is either earlier or the same date as the filing date.

    For category 53

  • This reflects the date the limited partnership was formed under the Act.

    For category 54

  • This reflects the date the extra-provincial limited partnership filed its initial declaration of extra-provincial limited partnership under the Act.

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Reinstatement Date
- Applicable for categories 62 and 64

- This includes any reinstatement of the registration of the extra-provincial corporation which has occurred since April 25 1998. Reinstatements prior to April 25, 1998 are recorded only on the paper/microfiche records of the Corporate Affairs Branch.

- In the unusual circumstance that a corporation has been reinstated more than once since April 1998, this field will display only the most recent reinstatement date.

Revival Date
- Applicable to categories 11, 12, 58, 59, 60 and 61

- This indicates any revival of the company or corporation which has taken place since April 25, 1998. Revivals prior to April 25, 1998 are recorded only on the paper/microfiche records of the Corporate Affairs Branch.

- In the unusual circumstance that a corporation has been revived more than once since April 25, 1998, this field will display only the most recent revival date.

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- This identifies in general terms the existing status of the business in relation to the Act under which the business is registered.

The terms used are as follows:

  • active
  • intent to dissolve
  • intent to cancel
  • dissolved
  • dissolved or cancelled
  • ceased or cancelled
  • cancelled
  • amalgamated
  • discontinued
  • exempted

For an understanding of these terms and how they relate to the category of the business, please refer to "Status Code".

Please note for example that "active" refers to both "A status" and "B status" businesses. Basically, "active" indicates the registration of the business is still in effect.

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Status Code
- This sets out the existing status code for the business in relation to the Act under which the business is registered.

A status

    For categories 10, 11, 12, 58, 59, 60 and 61
    - the company/corporation is legally in existence and is in compliance with its annual return obligations.

    For categories 62 and 64
    - the registration of the extra-provincial corporation or the exemption of the extra-provincial corporation is in effect and the corporation is in compliance with its annual return obligations.

    For categories 50 and 51
    - the partnership name or business name registration is in effect.

    For category 53
    - the limited partnership formed under the Limited Partnership Act is in legal existence.

    As well, a limited partnership continued under the Act as of August 1, 1984 and has filed a declaration in accordance with section 47(1) of the Act is in legal existence.

    For category 54
    - the registration of the extra-provincial limited partnership is in effect.

B status

    For categories 10, 11, 12, 58, 59, 60 and 61
    - the company/corporation is in legal existence but is not in compliance with its annual return obligations.

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    For categories 62 and 64
    - the registration of the extra-provincial corporation or the exemption of the extra-provincial corporation is in effect but the corporation is not in compliance with its annual return obligations.

F status

    For categories 10, 11, 12, 58, 59, 60 and 61
    - the company/corporation is no longer in legal existence in accordance with the specific provisions of the Companies Act or Business Corporations Act.

    Under the Companies Act, the company's charter is either forfeited or the company is dissolved.

    Under the Business Corporations Act, the corporation is dissolved.

    For special Act companies and corporations, this status code may also reflect the effective date of repeal of the special Act. Specific inquiry is needed to confirm this.

    For categories 62 and 64
    - in relation to category 62, the extra-provincial corporation's registration under the Act has been cancelled. In relation to category 64, the exemption granted by the Director under the Act has been cancelled.

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    For category 50
    - the partnership has been dissolved. The actual date of dissolution is set out on the Form filed under the Act. The last status change date indicates the date the Form was filed under the Act. The date of dissolution will be either earlier than or the same as the last status change date. Alternatively, the registration of the certificate of partnership has been cancelled in accordance with the Act.

    For category 51
    - the business that registered the business name has ceased or its use of the business name has ceased. The actual date of cessation is set out on the Form filed under the Act. The last status change date indicates the date the Form was filed under the Act. The date of cessation will be either earlier than or the same as the last status change date. Alternatively, the registration of the certificate of business name has been cancelled in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

    For category 53
    - the limited partnership has dissolved. The actual date of dissolution is set out on the Form filed under the Act. The last status change date indicates the date the Form was filed under the Act. The date of dissolution will be either earlier than or the same as the last status change date.

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    For category 54
    - the extra-provincial limited partnership has filed a declaration of withdrawal which cancels its declaration of extra-provincial limited partnership, i.e. its registration under the Act. The actual date of withdrawal is the date set out on the Form filed under the Act. The last status change date indicates the date the Form was filed under the Act. The date of withdrawal will be either earlier than or the same as the last status change date.

I status

    For categories 11, 12, 58, 59, 60 and 61
    - under the respective Acts, proceedings can be initiated by the Director (or Minister) to dissolve the company/corporation. When such a proceeding has been commenced and is still ongoing, the status reflects an "I". The company/corporation may decide to take steps to avoid a dissolution.

    For categories 58, 59, 60 and 61 as well, a corporation may file a statement of intent to dissolve. In that case, the status is changed to "I" as of the date of receipt of the notice. When a statement of revocation of intent to dissolve is filed or the corporation becomes dissolved, a change from "I" status will occur.

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    For categories 62 and 64
    - proceedings can be initiated by the Director to cancel the registration of the extra-provincial corporation or cancel the exemption granted by the Director under the Act to a category 64 corporation. When such proceeding has been commenced and is still ongoing, the status reflects an "I".

    - Alternatively, the extra-provincial corporation may voluntarily ask that its registration/exemption be cancelled.

J status

    For categories 10, 11, 12, 58, 59, 50, 61 and 62
    - this signifies that the company/corporation was an amalgamating company/corporation in an amalgamation. The company/corporation resulting from the amalgamation, i.e. the amalgamated company/corporation will have a separate and distinct reference number.

K status

    For categories 10, 11, 12, 58, 59, 50, 60 and 61
    - This signifies that in accordance with the respective Acts, the company/corporation has continued out of New Brunswick.

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L status

    - Legislative and regulatory provisions under the Business Corporations Act, Limited Partnership Act and Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act came into effect on April 1, 1994 to exempt Nova Scotia based corporations, partnerships, limited partnerships and business names from the general registration requirements under the Acts.

    Where the exemption applied, the status of any existing registration was changed to "L" status, as the exemption applies by operation of the law.

    For those Nova Scotia businesses that are set out with an "L" status, the registration information on the Corporate Affairs Registry is viewed as "dated" tombstone information. For up-to-date information on these businesses, the inquirer will need to contact the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies in the Province of Nova Scotia.

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