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CBC Radio One The St.John's Morning Show
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Hi! Thanks for dropping by. On The Go has now been on the air for 30 years, bringing Newfoundlanders and Labradorians stories from every nook, cranny and cove in the province.

Join us for a lively package of news, weather, interviews, mini-documentaries and the best in local music.

We're on the air weekdays between 4:00 and 5:30 p.m. (NT) (half hour earlier in most of Labrador). But if you miss an item, check below. Thanks to our technical expert Wayne Hayes, many interviews are online shortly after they're aired.

On the Go audio interview


Interview #1 (Aired Friday, Oct 27, 2006)
Our next story revolves around two central questions. What land, if any, should be left wild in the city St. John's. And where there is development....how much input from the public is neccesary? Here is Ted with more on this story.
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Interview #2 (Aired Wednesday, Oct 25, 2006)
There was a very frightening incident this morning on the ferry from Little Bay Islands to Shoal Arm. The engine aboard the Inch Arran failed out on the water, in high winds and rough seas. The crew sent out a mayday and prepared to abandon ship. George Wiseman was a passanger on the Inch Arran this morning. CBC radio reporter David Zelcer contacted him in Shoal Arm.
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John Hickey is the Minister of Transportation. Here's how he described what happened on the ferry this morning
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For more, let's turn to the Mayor of Little Bay Islands, Perry Locke.
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Earlier this week we told you about the impending closure of Mill Lane and Evergreen Recycling on Waterford Bridge Road in St. John's. This "sheltered workshop" is run by the Waterford Hospital and Eastern Health for people who are dealing with mental illnesses. The current thinking, in the mental health community, is that "sheltered workshops' stiffle incentive and isolate workers. So there's a move to integrate them into regular workplaces. We've heard from the folks in charge; today we turn to two of the workers. Melissa Dreger works in textiles at Mill Lane. Randy Barnes works in recycling. Here's their story.
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Interview #3 (Aired Tuesday, Oct 24, 2006)
Ted thinks it's safe to say there isn't a community in this province that hasn't lost some of it's best and brightest to Alberta. Many communities have been literally stripped of their young people. This afternoon the Newfoundland Ocean Industries Association wants to reverse this trend. NOIA is hosting a seminar that's going to explore how Newfoundland and Labrador companies can capture Alberta contracts and import work instead of exporting workers. Ted Howell is the President and CEO of NOIA. And he joins Ted on the phone.
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Interview #4 (Aired Monday, Oct 23, 2006)
This story takes place on Lemarchant Road in St. John's. Do you know where the old Newfoundland Margarine plant used to be, with its black and yellow sign, across the road from where the Grace Hosptial used to be? There's nothing but a big hole in the ground there now, next to a big pile of gravel. They tore down the old butter factory, and a handful of houses next to it, to make way for one of those big new Shoppers Drugmarts. Progress. And a story of passing interest to most, but big news and not good news for Erin Noel.
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Interview #5 (Aired Monday, Oct 16, 2006)
Ted had Tom Osbourne, the Minister of Health on the show today to talk about health matters.
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Host Ted Blades of On the Go
Hosted By
Ted Blades
4:00 - 5:30 p.m. (NT) /
3:30 - 5:00 p.m. (AT) in most of Labrador on CBC Radio One.

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