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CBC Radio One Weekend Mornings
Welcome to Weekend Mornings

JukeboxListen to Weekend Mornings Saturdays from 6:00 - 9:00 a.m. and Sundays from 6:00 - 8:30 a.m. on CBC Radio One with host Stan Carew.

Phone us at 1-888-737-0338


Find out what we are up to

Welcome to Weekend Mornings!
Last weekend we had a full mooon...a harvest moon and Joe Bellefontaine sent us this photo of the moon taken over Chezzetcook Inlet.

A couple of weeks ago in a recent issue of the magazine Saltscapes, writer Katherine Mott did a lovely article about our little program. Included in the article was a drawing by artist Bruce Wood. He has graciously allowed us to use it here.

Thanks Bruce...great likeness of Duke!
You may have heard Stan mention his trip to Fredericton. Here's a photo of Stan with Matt Anderson and Bill Stevenson taken by a listener...Glenn Murray.

Recently, during the visit from Condoleeza Rice with her local political escort Peter MacKay....we played a new song commemorating that special occasion.

After numerous inquiries...here are the lyrics:
Condoleeza,  Condoeelza men have named you.
One has named you secretary of state.
Condoleeza,  Condoeelza I don't blame you...
for thinking that I might me second rate.

Condoleeza,  Condoeelza can I tell you....
how much you stir the beating of my heart.
I want you to be mine oh Condoleeza.
I'm fawning, you're yawning.
Oh I've got it bad for you oh Condoleeza.
Too bad you don't think I'm very smart.

Condoleeza,  Condoeelza don't refuse me.
You know that you're the only girl for me.
Please don't listen to the others who accuse me....
of buzzing through the flowers like a bee.

Condoleeza,  Condoeeza you must want me,
when I turn on my Pictou county charm.
The things we could discuss Oh Condoleeza....
Afghanistan, the Taliban.
Affairs of state are great Oh Condoleeza.
Together we could keep the world from harm.

Condoleeza,  Condoeelza I must have you....
not to put the horse before the cart.
But you'd be great for me Oh Condoleeza,
such a tonic after Stronach.
Some  girls think I'm hot Oh Condolleeza.
Help me forget about the queen of auto parts.
You may have heard us talk about Fran Panet on Morris Island. She was looking for someone to help her stack firewood. Another Weekend Mornings listener Peter Barss offered to come to the rescue. It turns out she found someone locally, but they had a lovely visit anyways. Here they are...Fran, Peter and Fran's dog Nikki.

Be sure to tune in on Saturday mornings at around 8:20 for our infamous Fromage Factory.

(Thanks to Bill Chappell for the photo)

We play a tune from the past that was once a huge hit and is now simply 'cheesy'....but it will stick with you. All of the suggestions we've received are mounted on the big cheese wheel and we spin it around 8:20  to pick the cheese selection of the week.

If you have a favourite cheese tidbit, simply call the Weekend Mornings Request Lion....

1-888-737-0338 (toll free night or day)

It's not just for requests...tell us a story, leave a public service announcement,(PSA)  or simply make a comment.

And don't forget Birthday and anniversary announcements.....

We air all greetings at a specific time......

7:15 for Anniversaries
7:45 for Birthdays

This is on both Saturday and Sunday. We do air all the greetings we receive (don't forget to give us your name and the name of the person your sending greetings to), but naturally we can only play one song...so the most interesting/compelling email or call will be the one we choose. Be sure to get yours in early and tell us a good story about the person/people to whom you are sending greetings.

Be sure to visit our "Listener's Gallery" of places "where we go" as listeners tune in to Weekend Mornings.

As Stan is also the host of Atlantic Airwaves on CBC Radio check out the Airwaves' site!

Atlantic Airwaves website ...for details of the broadcasts.

Also...don't forget the Weekend Morning's Mystery Vocalist Contest....we play it at 10 minutes before every hour. Call the studio line at.......


One last thing....our CD.....

"Play it Again Stan".

You can get your copy by clicking on the CBC SHOP. ("Play it again Stan" is on page 2 of the listings)
or phone toll free -  1-800-955-7711

By the way...do keep in mind that because of the tremendous numbers of emails and calls that we get each week, we cannot always respond individually. Also not all requests make it to air and we can't always play requests at the time that you wish to hear them.

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Host Stan Carew of Weekend Mornings
Hosted By
Stan Carew
Saturday Mornings,
6:00 - 9:00 a.m.
on CBC Radio One

Sunday Mornings,
6:00 - 8:30 a.m.
on CBC Radio One

CBC Radio One Live
CBC Radio One live stream(s) will return as soon as possible.


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