On November 10th, 1940, seven aircraft left an airstrip in the middle of nowhere in the tiny country of Newfoundland in an amazing adventure based largely on faith. And in the course of an 11 hour journey, their crews changed history.

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Broadcast Information

Above & Beyond 2prt
View trailers
October 29th & 30th
8pm / 8:30pm NT

(CBC Television)
Ferry Command
November 2nd
8pm / 8:30pm NT

(CBC Television)

Check your local schedule for additional radio and television programming.

Situation & People

World War II is considered the deadliest war in history in terms of lives lost. It started when Adolph Hitler, then German Chancellor, started to act on his plans for German expansion across Europe.

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Planes & Routes

Young and, sometimes, inexperienced crews were flying planes that a few years earlier were only drawings on a designer's table.

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It is likely the enemy knew about Ferry Command to some degree because of the extensive spy network it maintained in North America.

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Fight for Recognition

"Hidden implies that it was kept secret on purpose, but Ferry Command is one of the great unknown stories of the war."
- Carl Christie - military historian

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