Blueprint Alberta: H20



CBC Radio One 1010

CBC Radio One 740

CBC News at Six

CBC News | October 9 - 27, 2006

The special coverage may be over, but you can still soak up Blueprint Alberta: H20.

CBC TV, Radio and brought Albertans an in-depth look at the province's water from Oct. 9 to Oct. 27, 2006.

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Your View

Water - it should be conserved and protected as our national parks are preserved and protected.

Larry Dornan


I agree with former premier Peter Lougheed that water is more important than oil. With agriculture using 70% of the surface water, we need to develop a policy that will decrease this usage over a reasonable period of time.

Ron Esch

See more comments »


The Best of Blueprint Alberta: H20 - Episode 1

The Best of Blueprint Alberta: H20 - Episode 2

The Best of Blueprint Alberta: H20 - Episode 3


Of water drawn from the Bow River, 91 per cent is used for irrigation.

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