
Click to view the CBC News feature

How Yukon Voted

CBC Online News | Aug. 25, 2006

Study the results from the 2002 election.
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The Yukon Party's record

CBC Online News | Aug. 25, 2006
Dennis Fentie and his Yukon Party hope voters will give their party credit for the booming economy, but several controversial issues could haunt them.
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Seats of Power

CBC Online News | Aug. 25, 2006
Interactive view of the legislative assembly.
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How it's done:
CBC Decision Desk FAQs

CBC Online News | Aug. 25, 2006
Behind the scenes it's one crew that crunches the numbers and provides the stats.
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The Yukon sport of floor crossing

CBC Online News | Aug. 25, 2006
A Yukoner can understand why outsiders might need a program to track the territory's mercurial political scene. In the past six years alone, politicians changing their party affiliations have triggered the fall of the Liberal government, shifted Official Opposition status from the NDP to the Liberals and chopped the Yukon Party government from majority to minority.
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Premiers On Parade

CBC Online News | Sept. 12, 2006
A gallery of Yukons’s premiers, with brief descriptions of their achievements while in power. (Flash presentation - Link opens in a new window)
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