Parties & Leaders

Get the inside scoop on the political parties and the people who would run this territory, as we bring you profiles of the party leaders and their chances this election.

Liberal Leader Arthur Mitchell

The Liberal Party

Party Leader: Arthur Mitchell

Arthur Mitchell has faced a steep learning curve in the past two years, vaulting from relative political obscurity to seize the helm of the Yukon Liberal Party and then form the Official Opposition.
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New Democratic Party Leader Todd Hardy

The New Democratic Party

Party Leader: Todd Hardy

Todd Hardy has been on a roller-coaster ride this year, battling leukemia while watching his New Democrats plunge from the top of the opinion polls in January to third-party status months later.
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Yukon Party Leader Dennis Fentie

The Yukon Party

Party Leader: Dennis Fentie

Going into the campaign, the 2006 election seemed to be Yukon Party Leader Dennis Fentie's to lose. After being sworn in as premier in November 2002, Fentie has had millions of dollars from Ottawa to dole out amid a booming economy.
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