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Turning back the tide
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Turning back the tide
CBC News | Oct. 26, 2006

In Souris, P.E.I., the streets are quiet come fall, and it’s not just because tourist season is over. In a town of just over 1,200 people, Souris residents Cindy Outhouse and Diane Roach can count more than 100 men and families who have left to work in Alberta.

It’s a problem widespread across the region. New Brunswick has seen 6,000 people leave in the last two years. The population of every Atlantic province has dropped in the last year except for Prince Edward Island, where it is barely holding steady. In contrast, the population of Alberta grew almost three per cent, three times the national rate.

This radical out-migration will have a complex social and economic impact on the community. In this feature, CBC News explores the problem and asks the question: How can we turn back the tide?

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CBC Public Forum: Turning back the tide

What will it take to keep young people in New Brunswick?
And what will it take to bring back those who have already left?

On Oct. 25, CBC hosted a public forum at St. Thomas University in Fredericton about out-migration and the New Brunswick of the future. We brought together students, young people in the workforce, business people, and political and community leaders for a discussion on how to make New Brunswick a more attractive place for people to live and work.

Forum participant
From Oct. 25, 2006
CBC New Brunswick examined why so many young New Brunswickers are leaving, and what might keep them here, in a public forum moderated by Terry Seguin.

Listen to the entire public forum in three parts:
Part One (runs 25:50)
Part Two (runs 32:30)
Part Three (runs 33:39)

Navigation Features

Boom or Bust:
How has an abundance or a lack of jobs affected your community?

Rex Murphy reports on Oct. 29, 2006 live from the City Centre Mall in Thompson, Manitoba. (runs 1:53:05)

Find out more about this Cross Country checkup show, the guests, and your feedback.