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Flaherty imposes new tax on income trusts
Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has announced a new tax on income trust distributions in a bid to stem the growing number of companies that are converting to trusts. FULL STORY

Layton 'disappointed' after climate change meeting
NDP Leader Jack Layton said he was disappointed after meeting with the prime minister about the NDP plan to deal with climate change, and has not ruled out introducing a no-confidence motion to topple the government. FULL STORY

INDEPTH: Governing by minority

Feds scrap planned Caledonia meeting
Federal Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice cancelled a scheduled meeting Tuesday night with his provincial counterpart, reportedly upset by Ontario's vocal demands regarding the financial costs incurred in the Caledonia land dispute.  FULL STORY

INDEPTH: Caledonia land claim: Timeline of recent events

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