CBC News: Canada Now

Retiring Safely
10/26 -  The Canadian Centre for Policy alternatives says that many Canadians need to start planning for retirement now - otherwise it just becomes a remote possibility.  That is why most Canadians need to start planning now.

Senior Fraud
10/25 -  As the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. But that warning does not stop criminals from dreaming up schemes to seperate you from your money. And for fraudsters, the elderley are often an easy target. In our continuing series on aging, we feature one group of seniors that is fighting back.(Runs 02:02)

Fragility in Aging
10/24 -  It's no secret that Canadians are living longer - dramatically longer than previous generations.  Life expectancy in 1920 was just 60 years and in 1960 it hit 70.  Today, the average Canadian can expect to live 80 years.  Some experts predict that many of us may live to 120 due to a good lifestyle, good genes and good luck.(Runs 02:23)

Demographic Forecast
10/23 - The rock band the Who once sang of their generation: hope I die before I get old.  But the baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1966,are very much alive and the oldest are becoming senior citizens.  Statistics Canada says that when the youngest boomers hit that category, one in four Canadians will be over 65 compared to just one in eight today.  That demographic shift will change much of Canadian life and not necessarily for the better.(Runs 02:29)

Consumer Immigrants
10/20 - These days there are fees all immigrants to Canada have to pay, regardless of the country they come from. And some of them choose to pay even more. They hire consultants to help them through the web of paperwork. But those consultants can be expensive and some are outright fraudulent.(Runs 02:52)

Refugee Housing
10/19 - Imagine leaving your homeland and emigrating to another country. Trying to start a new life without friends, maybe even family, in a place where you might not even speak the language. That's the situation for many immigrants when they arrive in Canada. And add to that the problem of finding a place to live.
(Runs 02:38)

Rural Immigration
10/18 -  When immigrants do arrive here, they tend to settle in the big cities. But now, governments in the Atlantic provinces are trying to change that as they see many of their longtime residents move out west. The challenge: not just attract new Canadians but keep them too.(Runs 02:22)

Changing Immigration
10/18 -  New numbers today that suggest there is a significant demographic shift underway in this country. Based on the numbers of people applying to emigrate to Canada,  the country that has traditionally been the top source of immigrants may be about to change. Here's more on the emerging trend and what might be behind it.
(Runs 02:11)

Immigrant Health
10/17 -  Every year, a couple of hundred thousand people emigrate to Canada with the dream of improving their lives. But doctors have noticed an unusual phenomenon. Within ten years of living in Canada, the health of new Canadians is often worse than when they first arrived. Here's what we found out in our week-long look at immigration.
(Runs 01:54)

Who Gets In?
10/16 -  We know that through the years immigration has shaped our country and this week on Canada Now, we're taking a look at many of the issues raised by having tens of thousands of people moving here every year from around the world. We take a look at who is emigrating to Canada and how they get in.(Runs 02:37)

10/16 -  An outbreak of a Norwalk-like virus hit the New Brunswick campus last week. You might remember health authorities said the best defense against the virus was hand-washing. Which leads us to tonight's Value-Added segment. Some anti-bacterial soaps might pose more danger than the illnesses they're supposed to prevent.(Runs 02:29)

Germ Tour
10/13 - Sinks, countertops, toilets, shower stalls. Our homes can be a welcoming environment for germs. But is this a bad thing? In the latest in our series on germs, we look at what is dangerous and what is not.
(Runs 02:29)

Good Germs
10/12 - We usually think of germs as bad for us. But the vast majority of those germs living in our body are good for us. In fact, we can actually get sick if there are not enough of them.Here's a look at the emerging field of Probiotics.(Runs 02:17)

Germ Free
10/ 11 -  From parents wanting to create the safest environment for their kids, to people who simply obsess about germs lurking in their homes. There seerms to be a lot of demand these days for products that promise to make your bedrooms, kitchens, even bathrooms germ free. But some experts say a sterile environment is not as healthy as you might think. The key is striking the bacterial balance.(Runs 02:30)

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