CBC.ca British Columbia
CBC Radio One North By Northwest


Coming up on North by Northwest

Comedian Margaret Cho in the Studio One Book Club on Saturday after 8:00 and Chapter Two of our NXNW Breakfast Serial from author Des Kennedy.

This week's featured interviews

Comedian Margaret Cho was the latest guest in our CBC Radio Studio One Book Club.  We were talking about her latest book I Have Chosen to Stay and Fight. Listen to the book club session

AK Coope
is the writer and composer for the new musical How I Became Queen at the Evergreen Cultural Centre in Coquitlam starting Oct 25. Listen to a conversation with her and with the director.

Alexander McCall Smith was our latest guest in the CBC Radio Studio One Book Club.  Listen to part 1Listen to part 2Listen to part 3Listen to part 4

Anand Prakash
has travelled the world sampling kebabs and now brings all that experience to the page in a new book World of Kebabs.  (Firefly Books)  Listen to our cooking club sessionwww.bookstocooks.com

Bulletin Board

  • Get involved with the North by Northwest Breakfast Serial.  Get you suggestions in now for objects, characters and places to include in Chapter 3.  Author Des Kennedy used suggestions from Terry Pitt-Brooke, Rosella Bradly, Roy Mills, Dorothy LeClair, Joan Koebel and Danielle Swanson in his second chapter.    Deadline is November 5.

  • Thanks to everyone who sent in a wildlife encounter. The winners of Trees and Wildlife in BC from Lone Pine Publishers are: Karen from Victoria, Jim Mackie from Comox, and Janet Jones from Esquimalt.

  • Cantabile is touring BC.  Check the website at www.cantabilie.com

  • The Rogue Folk Club concert listings are available on the website

  • Craig Benson is a wood and stone carver from BC.  www.craigarthurbenson.com

  • How I Became Queen : a brand new musical and modern day fairy tale is on stage at the Evergreen Cultural Centre in Coquitlam Oct 25th - 29th.   Tickets 604-927-6555

  • For information on Finding the Still Point: Music for Healing contact the Vancouver Chamer Choir by phone or through their website www.vancouverchamberchoir.com

  • Check out the website for The Claremont Review, the publication that showcases the wrting of young people from around the world.  www.theclaremontreview.ca

  • Jon Bartlett and Rika Ruebsaat  are regular visitors to NXNW with songs and stories from B.C.'s past.  To find out more about their work or to order cds: www3.telus.net/jonbartlett-rikaruebsaat/

  • Donations to the Land Conservancy of B.C to help purchase the Joy Kogawa House in Vancouver can be made online at www.conservancy.bc.ca or by calling 604-733-2313.  The organization has purchased the house now and will continue fund raising to pay for it.

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Copyright © CBC 2006
Sheryl MacKay, host of North By Northwest
Hosted By
Sheryl MacKay
Weekend Mornings
6:00 - 9:00 a.m. on CBC Radio One
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