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top quote...not only is there no Santa Claus, but there's no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy either, in the world of sport ... I mean the whole history of the Olympic Games is just full of corruption, cover-up, performance-enhancing drug use - it's not what the world thinks it is.top quote Victor Conte,
founder, owner of BALCO

top quoteI don't want my grandchildren to have to become chemical stockpiles in order to be good at sports and to have fun at it.top quote Dick Pound,
sports anti-doping leader

top quoteThey are useful, I need vitamins to play 70 games per year.top quote Zinedine Zidane, testifying in a Turin court in a drug trial involving his former club Juventus

  • THG: The hidden steroid
    How the THG scandal of 2003 unfolded. (CBC News Online)

  • The truth behind drug testing
    A primer on the drug screenings performed by the main Canadian anti-doping agency. (CBC News Online)

  • Ben Johnson and Drugs in Canadian Sport
    From disgraced Pan Am weightlifters to the Ben Johnson scandal Canada has had its share of drug headlines (CBC Digital Archives)
  • The dangers of EPO
    A banned substance with deadly consequences. (CBC News Online)

  • Going for Dope: Canada and Drugs in Sport
    From disgraced Pan Am weightlifters to the Ben Johnson scandal Canada has had its share of drug headlines. (CBC Digital Archives)

  • INDEPTH: DRUGS AND SPORT The inside dope CBC Sports Online | Last updated Dec. 3, 2004

    Recent features & FAQs
    Baseball under the microscope With the game's image already ravaged but steroids scandal, Major League Baseball is going directly under the microscope. U.S. Congress is investigating baseball's new drug-testing policy and allegations of rampant steroid use.
    Q&A: Anti-doping czar Dick Pound CBC Sports Online talked recently with the outspoken Pound about the World Anti-Doping Agency, his views on drug testing in North American pro sports and the Beckie Scott case.
    Top 10 drug scandals Some notorious cases over the years.
    The drug dictionary Go beyond the array of confusing drug names and cases to find out what these drugs really do and why athletes use them to get a competitive edge.
    THG: The sports scene's newest designer steroid High-profile players from Barry Bonds to Olympic athletes have been embroiled in the latest controversial drug. A timeline shows how it has unfolded, and a FAQ explains the drug.
    Modafinil: THG's partner in crime? This narcoleptic drug implicated several high-profile U.S. athletes in doping in 2003. Do they all really have problems staying awake, or is there more to it?

    Today's athletes continue to push the boundaries of excellence in performance and physical fitness. Helping them are refined training methods and technologies. Never have athletes had more training aids at their disposal.

    And never had athletes had more opportunities to cheat, mainly through the proliferation of performance-enhancing drugs.

    Twenty years ago, drug testing in sport was in its beginning stages. Now, it is complex and in constant change. Keeping sport clean has become a never-ending race between drug testers and those who choose to cheat.

    And as much as the quest for the podium or championship should be the big news, often negative reports about positive drug tests end up overshadowing competitors' accomplishments.

    So much so that some sports fans have become cynical. They may ask, how much of what we watch has been achieved by hard work, and what has been achieved by artificial means?

    The role of nutritional supplements and drugs in general are so ingrained in the culture of elite athletics that it can often be hard to tell where advanced training ends and cheating begins. Some athletes looking for an edge – legally – have unwittingly found themselves with positive drug tests.

    Here, we will examine the types of drugs and methods that have clouded sporting competitions over the years. What do these drugs do and why do people use them? In the future, we'll look at the emerging trends in doping and the ongoing battle between drug testers and cheaters.

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