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Community Access Program

Industry Canada (IC)

Last Verified: 2005-11-28

The Community Access Program (CAP) provides Canadians and, in particular, those most affected by the Digital Divide (ie senior citizens, those with low education, low income, those persons living in remote areas, francophones, Aboriginals, persons with disabilities and new Canadian immigrants, etc) with affordable public access to the Internet, government services and, the skills to use it effectively. CAP has worked with community-based partners to establish a network of approximately 4,000 public Internet access sites across Canada.

Eligibility Criteria

CAP sites are found in public libraries, educational institutions, recreational facilities, hospitals, government offices, social service agencies, and small businesses.


Access to the Information Highway has created opportunities for growth and jobs by providing Canadians with the ability to communicate with each other, conduct business, access government information and services, enhance job skills, and exchange information and ideas.

Originally launched in 1995 with the goal of establishing public access sites in rural and remote communities, CAP was expanded to urban communities in the 1998 Budget. With the increase in awareness and use of the Internet CAP turned its attention to the next phase of its plan and, in 2003 the strategic direction of the program shifted to providing services to those in most need - those most affected by the Digital Divide. These included: senior citizens, persons with low education, persons with low income, those persons living in remote areas, francophones, Aboriginals, persons with disabilities and new Canadian immigrants.

As well, the CAP Youth Initiative (CAP YI) provides employment opportunities to young people in CAP sites across Canada. Young Canadians aged 15-30 assist CAP site visitors on the use of the Internet and provide technical support to the CAP sites.

Northwest Territories Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Pam Menchions
Director, Community Access Program
Industry Canada
7th Floor
155 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H5
Fax: (613) 952-8711 / (613) 941-3857
Toll-free (information): 1-800-575-9200
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