National Gallery of Canada - Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
Regulations Governing the Use of Collections, Facilities and Services (National Gallery of Canada, Library and Archives)

   The Library and Archives support the research requirements of the employees of the National Gallery of Canada. Public access to these resources and services is solely for the purpose of art-related inquiry and research.

Coats, briefcases, attaché cases, backpacks and bags larger than 30 x 40 cm. (12 x 16 inches) must be checked at the National Gallery cloakroom before access to the Library and Archives is permitted. Personal research documents and laptop computers may be brought to the Library and Archives in a transparent bag provided by Security personnel at the cloakroom. The Library and Archives reserves the right to examine the content of the bag upon the researcher's departure from the reading rooms.

   Researchers must display their user cards at all times.
   Researchers should not leave valuables, such as purses and wallets, unattended in the reading rooms. The National Gallery assumes no liability for articles that may be lost.
   All collections are for on-site consultation only, with the exception of slides, which may be borrowed for a one-week period.

The Library and Archives reserves the right to impose limits on the amount of material that can be requested by a researcher at any one time.


Researchers are responsible for the care and preservation of all materials in their use. Marking or defacing items is prohibited. The use of self-adhesive notes on Library material is forbidden.


Photocopying of material is permitted provided that the Library and Archives preservation policies and relevant copyright legislation and conventions are honoured.


Library and Archives handling instructions for photocopying and for the consultation of rare and fragile materials must be observed. Pencil only may be used for note-taking when working with rare and archival materials. Cotton gloves may be required for the handling of some items.


Internet access is provided solely for art-related inquiry and research. Use is restricted to 20 minutes per client per day. Electronic mail, word processing and downloading of files to diskette or CD-ROM are not permitted.


Use of cellular telephones and personal stereo players is forbidden in the reading rooms. Please ensure that your cellular telephone is turned off.


Food and beverages (including bottled water) are not permitted in the reading rooms.


Researchers must conduct themselves with appropriate decorum and with consideration for other researchers and for staff. Loud or abusive language or conduct will not be tolerated.