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Home > For Teachers > Grades 6-8 : The Ice Storm of 1998

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    Grades 6-8
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    Lesson Plan
    1. Before Exploring
    2. Outline the Opportunity
    3. Revisit and Reflect
    4. Extension

    CBC Archives Topic: The Ice Storm of 1998

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    The Ice Storm: Life without Electricity

    Activity Overview


    Students discuss common uses of electricity and coping mechanisms when people are forced to be without electricity.

    1 lesson

    To understand the role of electricity in our lives

    CBC Archives Topic
    The Ice Storm of 1998

    1. Before Exploring

    Discuss with students the role of electricity in our homes. Have students list the average daily events in their homes that require the use of electricity. Place students in groups of two or three and have each group identify, then list on the board, its top five uses of electricity. Discuss the results with the class, working together to analyze the reasons for any differences.

    2. Outline the Opportunity

    Have students review clips 1 to 9, reminding them to focus on how electricity is used and what happens when it is unavailable. Then break the class into nine groups. Assign one clip to each group and have the group view it and create a two-column chart. In the first column they should list all of the uses of electricity discussed or shown; and in the second column they should list the impact of being without electricity for that use.

    3. Revisit and Reflect

    Have groups display their completed charts. Give students time to view one another's work, then, as a class, discuss the impact of being without electricity during the winter months.

    4. Extension

    Have students design an emergency kit for their home that would offset some of the problems they might encounter during a power outage. Alternatively, students can work together to create a kit for the classroom.


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