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Info-Guide - Young Entrepreneurs

Last Verified: 2006-06-06

This document is designated to Québec  young entrepreneurs to guide them through different federal, provincial, municipal and private programs and services available. This Info-Guide has been prepared by Info entrepreneurs from information provided by Canada Business to answer a growing demand for strategic information by business people. While most of your questions will be answered in this document, it is not intended to be exhaustive. Further information can be obtained by contacting Info entrepreneurs at 514 496-4636, Ressources Entreprises at 418 649-4636 or, across the province, at 1-800-322-4636.


1. Basic Steps
2. Financial Assistance
   2.1 Provincial Programs
   2.2 Federal Programs
   2.3 Other Programs
   2.4 Awards
3. Technical Assistance
4. Resources on the Internet

1.    Basic Steps

Starting a business is a step-by-step process. You must first structure your projet: prepare a business plan, choose a legal structure, verify specific permits, licenses, registrations needed to operate your business. We invite you to consult the Info-Guide Start-Up/Expansion which presents the preliminary steps in starting a business in Québec and refers to online tools, such as the Interactive Business Planner - IBP  (

Evaluate your aptitudes for becoming an entrepreneur by answering the following self-evaluation tests questions:

Moi entrepreneur ? - Fondation de l'entrepreneurship (In French Only)

Entrepreneurial Self-assesment - Business Development Bank of Canada

2.   Financial Assistance

2.1   Provincial Programs

Jeunes Promoteurs Program
This program offered by the Local Development Centres (LDC/CLD) in region or by the "Services d'aide aux jeunes entrepreneurs" (SAJE) in Montréal is designed for new entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 35. For the creation of a first or second business, an entrepreneur may receive a non-refundable contribution of up to 50% of eligible costs (capital expenditures, technology acquisitions, working capital). Financial assistance may also be provided,  for training or for feasibility studies representing up to 75% of the professional fees for consultants or specialists. For more information, contact your local CLD (consult the Regional Assistance for Entrepreneurship of your region; see Related Reading) or the Association des centres locaux de développement du Québec (ACLDQ) at 418 524-0893 or one of the SAJE of Montréal (consult the document Assistance for Entrepreneurship - Montréal Region) or visit the Web sites at: (In French only) and

Financial support program for aspiring farmers
Aimed at aspiring farmers between the ages of 18 and 40, who are acquiring an existing farm or launching a new venture, this program offers the following measures: an establishment grant to cover proper training; a start-up grant of up to $10,000; a consulting grant that offers up to $1,500 to cover some of the costs incurred for consulting services; and a secure rate establishment loan, which offers protection against interest rate hikes for the first $500,000 the company borrows. For further information, contact the Financière agricole du Québec at 418 838-5602, 1-800-749-3646 or visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Défi de l'entrepreneuriat jeunesse
The Défi de l'entrepreneuriat jeunesse program is intended to promote entrepreneurial culture that fosters the development of attitudes, competencies and skills valuable not only for the entrepreneurs of tomorrow but also for future employees and the general public. Over the next three years, some $21 million will be spent on a series of measures aimed at developing an entrepreneurial culture among young people. The measures revolve around the following three areas: enlisting the involvement of schools; creating a favourable environment; and disseminating effective strategies to young entrepreneurs. For further information, contact the Secrétariat à la jeunesse at 418 643-8864, 1-800-463-5306 or visit the Web site at:  (In French only)

Place aux jeunes du Québec
The mission of Place aux jeunes du Québec is to stem the exodus and encourage regional and urban youth who have completed or are in the process of completing university, college or vocational training programs to migrate and thus benefit all regions of Quebec. In order to support the creation of new businesses, PAJ is engaging, through a sustained technical help in business start-ups, in collaboration with young entrepreneurs who are willing to establish their entreprise in the regions. For more information call at 418 523-1117 or 1 888 966-6725, or visit the Web site at:  (In French only)

2.2   Federal Programs

Youth Strategy Program
This program is available through Community Futures Development Corporation - CFDC, at the local level only. The aim of the program is to check youths' drift to large urban centres. This fund targets young entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 35. Its purpose is to help either prospective entrepreneurs to acquire or start a new business, or established entrepreneurs to modernize or expand an existing business. Loans from $5 000 to $15 000 are available with grace on interest payments for up to 24 months. For further information, contact the CFDC Network at 418 658-1530, or your local CFDC office (consult the Regional Assistance for Entrepreneurship of your region; see Related Reading), or see the document Youth Strategy Program CED-CFDC. Consult the directory of members on the Web site at: 

2.3   Other Programs

Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ)
The OFQJ guides young adults aged 18 to 35, be they entrepreneurs, artists, researchers, employees, job seekers or students, with overseas projects. The OFQC  offers six programs: Action Développement,  a program aimed at developing partner networks and exchanging knowledge and expertise; Synergie entreprise , a program aimed at developing an entrepreneurial culture; Formation et emploi, an on-the-job professional development initiative; Coopération institutionnelle étudiante, a program to guide internship students; Poursuite d'études collégiales et universitaires en France, a program allowing students to complete some of their studies in France; and Mobilité des jeunes travailleurs , a program allowing students to obtain a temporary work permit. Deadlines for submitting projects. For further information, call 514 873-4255, 1-800-465-4255 or visit the Web site at: Office Franco-québécois jeunesse (In French only)

Société d'Investissement Jeunesse (SIJ)
The Société d'Investissement Jeunesse is a non-profit corporation managed by the Société de développement économique Ville-Marie which gives young entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 35 personal loan guarantees in order to financially support their business projects such as starting up, acquiring or investing in the shares of a company. The company must be incorporated. The personal loan guarantee can reach $50 000. For further information, call 514 879-0558 or visit the Web site at:

Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF)
The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) is a national non-profit organization that enables young entrepreneurs aged 18 to 34 to pursue their aspirations to build a successful enterprise. The CYBF offers a loan program (up to $15,000), a structured mentor program and an online business support program. For further information, contact the FCJE at 1-800-464-2923 or visit the Web site at:

Mayor's Foundation for Youth
The Fondation du maire de Montréal pour la jeunesse (fmmj) is a non-profit organization with a mission to help young (18-35 years of age), low-income Montrealers to start up a business, including in the artistic community. The grants offered by the fmmj cover a maximum of 25% of the business' start-up costs, up to a maximum of $20 000. The fmmj also provides access to support and mentoring services that contribute to the success of the businesses funded. For more information,  consult the document Fondation du Maire de Montréal pour la jeunesse, call 514 872-8401 or visit the Web site at:

2.4   Awards

Raymond-Blais bursaries for 18-30 year-olds
This program is for young people ages 18-30 years, who wish to find a job, take upgrading courses, acquire instructional equipment or material or carry out a personal project. The program will award 80 bursaries worth $500 each and the applicant must send in their applications before November 20. For further information, call 514 281-7171, 1-800-443-8611 ext. 2, or visit the Web site at: Raymond-Blais bursaries for young people 

The 8th annual Québec Entrepreneurship Contest
This major entrepreneurship contest is organized by the Education Network and its partners. Its goal is to promote the development of entrepreneurship in Québec. Two types of projects may be submitted: Business Creation, for adults who want to start a business and for new business owners; Student Entrepreneurship, for students who have carried out projects that require entrepreneurial skill. The deadline for applications is March 20, 2006. For more information call 418 644-4255. Visit or apply online on the Web site at: Concours entrepreneurship QC  

Les Anges financiers de Montréal
Canada Economic Development has presented the annual Soirée des Anges financiers, organized jointly by the Fondation du maire de Montréal pour la jeunesse (FMMJ) and the Jeune Chambre de commerce de Montréal (JCCM). The goal of this event is to help young entrepreneurs between 18 and 40 from all over Québec to create or develop their own businesses by offering them an opportunity to present their projects to experienced businesspeople, convincing them to invest in them. The deadline for application is January 30, 2006. For more information call 514 872-2939 or 514 845-4951 ext. 24 or visit the Web site at: 

Young Entrepreneur Awards and Mentor Program
Every year, the BDC presents the Young Entrepreneur Awards (YEA). Thirteen young canadian entrepreneurs aged between 19 and 35 years old - one from each province and territory - will receive these awards to recognize their accomplishments. One of them will also receive the Export Achievement Award from Export Development Canada. The nomination period is on June 8, 2006. You can contact the BDC for further information at 1-877-232-2269, consult the document  Young Entrepreneur Awards or visit the Web site at Young Entrepreneur Awards

3.   Technical Assistance

Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)
Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO) is a volunteer-based not-for profit organization. CESO with Canada Economic Development launched an youth entrepreneurship support program in Quebec. Through the Support to SME - Youth program, CESO offers, to many entrepreneurs, aged between 18 and 35, mentorship services, technical advice and management support in developing their businesses. For further information, you can contact CESO at 514 875-SACO (7226), 1-800-561-0687, consult the document Canadian Executive Service Organization - CESO Support to SME - Youth or visit the Web site at:

Carrefour jeunesse-emploi (CJE)
Each Carrefour is an independent community organisation that provides a free information service for young adults 16 to 35 years of age on job search, going back to school or starting up a business or a project.For further information, contact the Réseau des Carrefour jeunesse-emploi du Québec at 514 393-9155 or visit the Web site at: Réseau des Carrefours Emploi-Jeunesse QC

Local Development Centre (LDC)
The Association des centres locaux de développement (ACLDQ) gathers the LDCs that operate everywhere in Quebec. The LDC is a non-profit corporation managed by members of the community, under the authority of a board of directors that represents the various local economic and labour market partners. LDCs offer extensive technical and financial support by making available an array of front-line services to help start-up, consolidate and develop business projects, including projects in the social economy. Each LDC manages four specific programs:

- local investment funds intended to provide assistance to businesses;
- the development of entreprises in the social economy;
- support for the start-up of businesses by young people ("Jeunes Promoteurs");
- measures for self-employment.

For further information, contact the LDC closest to you (consult the Regional Assistance for Entrepreneurship; see Related Reading), the ACLDQ at 418 524-0893 or visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC)
The CFDC is a non-profit organization funded by the Canada Economic Development. Its mission is to support the creation, consolidation and development of local companies with its technical and financial services. Each CFDC is responsible for its own social plan. CFDC's have access to an investment fund which permits them to authorize loans and share options to encourage start-up, expansion or stabilisation of businesses. The maximum amount of loans allotted by the CFDC's and the CAE's is $125 000. For further information, contact your local MRC (consult the Regional Assistance for Entrepreneurship; see Related Reading) or the CFDC Network (known as Réseau des SADC) at 418 658-1530. Visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Fondation de l'entrepreneurship - Mentoring service
The mentoring network constitutes a network of cells consisting of local mentors directed and supported by organisations accredited  by the Foundation (CAE,CLD, Chambres of Commerce, SADC's etc.). The implementation of the network is done by the gradual growth of local cells so as to cover the overall territory of Quebec. For further information contact the Foundation at 418 646-1994 or visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Programme Mentor
The Université Laval’s placement service and Entrepreneuriat Laval have created a mentorship program to facilitate student integration into the workplace, to help them understand the requirements and realities associated with their career choice and to help graduate entrepreneurs with the various stages of their enterprise’s development. For further information call at 418 656-3575 or visit the Web site at:  (In French Only)

Regroupement des jeunes gens d'affaires du Québec (RJGAQ)
The RJGAQ regroups the Chamber of commerce and similar organizations such as youth comity and young entrepreneurs club in Québec. Its mission is to promote and defend social and economic interests of young Québec business people. For further information, contact the RJGAQ at 514 933-7595 or 1-877-933-7595 or visit the Web site at: Regroupement jeunes gens d'affaires QC (In French only)

Youth Employment Services (YES)
The Youth Employment Services (YES) is a non-profit, community organization that delivers English-language job-search and self-employment services of Quebecers. The Entrepreneurship Program is open to individuals of all ages. For further information, call 514 878-9788 extension 316 or visit the Web site at:Youth Employment Services

4.   Resources on the Internet

Accro des régions
This Web site allows youths to stay informed on employment, business opportunities, manpower needs and regional activities and services. Stratégie emploi jeunesse - Accro des régions (In French only).

La Toile entrepreneuriale
This portal managed by the Fondation de l'entrepreneurship helps entrepreneurs by guiding them towards essential  Web sites for starting or running a business. Toile entrepreneuriale (In French only).

At your service ! Youth
This guide addresses a number of questions and concerns important to today's youth. It lists most places where young people can go for help. Aimed at 16 to 24 year-olds, Au service de la jeunesse was developed by Québec's Secrétariat à la jeunesse in co-operation with a variety of youth organisations. Publication

PAJE Portal
The Portail d'affaires pour jeunes entrepreneurs (PAJE) is a help portal for business creation and development based on the following fundamental steps: information on entrepreneurship, research and evaluation, pre-start-up, start-up, financing and expansion. A virtual assistant linked to a knowledge base facilitates the learning process.  (In French only)

Répertoire des programmes jeunesse - Québec government
This directory contains entrepreneurship programs and is available on the Web site at Répertoire des programmes jeunesse du gouvernement du Québec  (In French only)

Portal for Canadian young entrepreneurs. Many subjects are covered: import/export, franchising, marketing, human resources, law, etc. Youth Business 

Youth Link booklets
One-stop information collection of over 200 Government of Canada youth programs, services and resources. For more information, call the Youth Info-Line at 1-800-935-5555. Youth Link booklets

Discover many other documents, tools and interesting links pertaining to the "Young Entrepreneurs cluster" in the Tool Box, What You Must Know and Links of Interest sections of our Website.

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

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Last Modified: 2006-07-13 Important Notices