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Aboriginal Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2006-01-10

The following Info-Guide is a document designed to help you navigate through the federal and provincial government programs and services available to Aboriginal people starting or operating a business in Saskatchewan. Although many of your questions will be answered in this document, this list is, by no means, exhaustive. Further information on any of these programs or services can be obtained by calling the numbers listed under the program descriptions; visiting the Web sites listed under the program descriptions; by calling the Canada-Saskatchewan Business Service Centre (CSBSC) and speaking with one of our Information Officers; by visiting the CSBSC office in person; or by visiting the  Canada-Saskatchewan Business Service Centre Web site.

Although the CSBSC has compiled the following information as provided by our partners, we are not a delivery agency for any of these programs and/or services

Canada Business Service Centres are bound by the Official Languages Act and relevant Treasury Board policies. Therefore all information related to federal programs, services and regulations is available in both French and English. However, users should be aware that information from other levels of government and external sources is available only in the language(s) in which it was provided.



1. General

Aboriginal Business Canada
Aboriginal Business Canada (ABC) provides support to Aboriginal entrepreneurs (Young Entrepreneurs, New Businesses and Existing Businesses) for a range of activities including business planning, start-up, expansion and marketing.

Aboriginal Business Canada work with clients:

  • of all Aboriginal heritage groups;
  • on-reserve and off-reserve; and
  • in urban, rural and remote areas.

Interested persons should begin by contacting the nearest Aboriginal Business Canada regional office to discuss their project with an officer.

For further information or to locate the regional office nearest you, visit the  Aboriginal Business Canada Web site, contact the Aboriginal Business Canada office at 306-975-4361 (Saskatoon) or see the document Aboriginal Business Canada.

Business Loans: Treaty and Status Indians
The SIEF Business Loans program provides business loans to Treaty and Status Indian People in the province of Saskatchewan. The program is designed to assist both new and existing business. Commercial lending services are offered to First Nations individuals, partnerships, corporations and band-owned businesses. Loan applications are reviewed based on the viability of the proposed business, client capacity and applicant's credit, character and collateral.

  • Only Treaty and Status Indian People are eligible for this program.
  • All funds are to be used for businesses in Saskatchewan.

The maximum loan contribution is determined by board of directors approval.

For further information contact Saskatchewan Indian Equity Foundation (SIEF) at 306-955-4550 (Saskatoon) or see the document Business Loans - Treaty and Status Indians .

Growth Capital for Aboriginal Business
Growth Capital for Aboriginal Business aims to increase access to capital for Aboriginal entrepreneurs who want to start a small business or expand an existing business operating on or off a reserve in Canada.

Loan Features:

  • Financing of up to $100,000 for existing businesses and up to $25,000 for start-ups.
  • Interest rates and compensation are determined on a project-by-project basis and reflect the risk associated with the proposal.
  • Payments of principal may be deferred for the first year, stepped and seasonal payments are available, where appropriate.

For further information contact the Business Development Bank of Canada toll-free at 1-877-232-2269 (1-877-BDC BANX), visit the Business Development Bank of Canada Web site or see the document Growth Capital for Aboriginal Business.

Community Futures Program
With core funding assistance provided by Western Economic Diversification (WD), the Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDC) in western Canada are actively engaged in a wide array of community economic development  activities in their respective regions. Given the importance of small business to Canada's changing economy, one of the primary focuses of the CFDCs is to foster entrepreneurial development by providing both financial and technical support to new and existing small businesses in non-metropolitan communities.

CFDC Loan Program
A wide range of services and financing opportunities are available to small businesses and entrepreneurs at the local CFDC. In general, businesses seeking financing must:

  • be located in a rural area of one of the four Western provinces (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia);
  • be operating, or about to operate, in a designated CFDC area;
  • contribute to local economic growth;
  • be seeking financing of up to $150,000.

To find the CFDC that services your community, please visit the Business Service Network Web site or see the document  Community Futures Development Corporations - Saskatchewan.

For more information, you may also visit theWestern Canada Web site, the Western Economic Diversification Canada  Web site, or see the document  Community Futures Program - CFP.

Aboriginal Arts - Grant Programs
The eligibility criteria vary from one grant (or program) to the next. At times, grants are only available for non-profit organizations. For more information on any of the programs described below, or to find out about the application closing dates or eligibility criteria, please contact the Canada Council for the Arts.

For more information on any of the Aboriginal Arts programs, to find out about the application closing dates or eligibility criteria, you may visit the Canada Council for the Arts - Grant Programs Web site,  call toll-free 1-800-263-5588 (ext. 5060).

2. Métis

First Nations and Métis Economic Development Program
Grants under this program are intended to support business development and expansion within Saskatchewan through funding a portion of initial start-up capital and operating expenditures in businesses within key sectors of the Saskatchewan economy.

To be eligible, an applicant must be a Canadian resident of Aboriginal ancestry living in Saskatchewan or a Canadian corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity that is majority-owned or controlled by Canadian residents of Aboriginal ancestry living in Saskatchewan.

Amount of Funding:

  • For businesses owned by individual entrepreneurs or private corporations, grant funding will be set at a maximum of $50,000 on condition that the provincial contribution will not exceed 35% of the total financial package.
  • For businesses owned by legal entities associated with Indian Bands, Tribal Councils, Métis communities and institutions, grant funding will be set at a maximum of $100,000 on condition that the provincial contribution will not exceed 35% of the total financial package.
  • In a case of businesses with Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal partners, the maximum funding will be prorated based on the level of Aboriginal ownership and control.

For more information about this program, visit the Economic Development Program  Web site, call 306-798-7800 (Regina) or toll-free 1-866-240-4484 or see the document  First Nations and Métis Economic Development Program.

Small Business Loans Program
The SaskNative Economic Development Corporation (SNEDCO) is a Saskatchewan Métis-owned and operated business development organization, whose sole purpose is to assist in the creation of viable Métis business ventures.

To achieve the goal of the organization, SNEDCO provides the following programs: capital loans, working capital loans, supplementary equity loans, bridge loans, loan guarantees and business advisory services.

Loans are assessed based on the following criteria and guidelines:

  • Applicants must own at least 51% of the business.
  • Applicants will be required to use a SNEDCO application form accompanied by
  1. Personal Financial Statement for each owner or participant of the business.
  2. Copy of their membership card with the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan
  3. Letter of reference from the president of their local confirming their Métis status.
  4. Written business plan.

  • The business and management must be highly viable and demonstrate the potential for profitability.
  • Applicants must demonstrate commitment and be actively involved in day-to-day operations.
  • Applicants must have some equity in the business in the form of cash and/or contributions of land, existing equipment and machinery, or pledging of personal assets.

For further information contact SaskNative Economic Development Corporation (SNEDCO) at 306-477-4350 (Saskatoon) or see the document  Small Business Loans Program.

Supplementary Equity Loans Program
The Supplementary Equity Program provides equity loans to increase the viability of new and existing businesses. These loans can be used to improve access to the Aboriginal Business Canada programs and other public and private financing programs and institutions.

Through the Supplementary Equity Program, SNEDCO will assist an entrepreneur or corporate business to acquire part of the equity requirement to qualify for regular loans from the Corporation and/or other financial institutions. These loans can be for amounts up to a maximum of $40,000 per applicant. The maximum term for repayment is 5 years.

Loans are assessed based on the following criteria and guidelines:

  • This program is available only to Métis people of Saskatchewan who lack the financial resources to raise the equity necessary for success.
  • Applicants must own at least 51% of the business.
  • Applicants will be required to use a SNEDCO application form accompanied by:
  1. Personal Financial Statement for each owner or participant of the business;
  2. Copy of their membership card with the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan;
  3. Letter of reference from the president of their local confirming their Métis status;
  4. Written business plan.

  • The business and management must be highly viable and demonstrate the potential for profitability.
  • Applicants must demonstrate commitment and be actively involved in day-to-day operations.
  • Applicants must have some equity in the business in the form of cash and/or contributions of land, existing equipment and machinery, or pledging of personal assets.

For further information contact SaskNative Economic Development Corporation (SNEDCO) at 306-477-4350 (Saskatoon) or see the document Supplementary Equity Loans Program.

Clarence Campeau Development Fund
The objective of the Clarence Campeau Development Fund is to stimulate economic development activities of Métis people and communities by providing equity for Métis businesses, support to community economic development initiatives and assistance for the development of the management skills of new and existing Métis business owners and entrepreneurs.  They currently offer six programs:

  1. Loan/Equity Contribution Program
  2. Community Business Development Program
  3. Large scale or Joint Venture Projects Program
  4. Development of Management and Marketing Skills Program
  5. Business Plan Assistance Program
  6. Support for Aftercare Program

For further information call toll-free 1-888-657-4870 or 306-657-4870 (Saskatoon), visit the Clarence Campeau Development Fund Web site or see the document Clarence Campeau Development Fund .

3. Youth

Aboriginal Youth Business Initiative
The Aboriginal Youth Business Initiative (AYBI) is a financial program established to provide direct business loans to Aboriginal Youth.  Training and support services are also available.

  • 51% First Nations owned and/or operated enterprises
  • Businesses significantly employing Aboriginals
  • Businesses that will preserve existing Aboriginal employment
  • Projects must be viable or have potential for viability with the ability to repay debt
  • The owner must be an Aboriginal youth:  from age 18 to 35 inclusive

The program is open to all types of Aboriginal youth businesses:  new business start ups where the applicant has a viable business plan; and for existing business expansion and/or modernization.

AYBI Youth Business Loans - The maximum loan is $15,000 - interest rate @ 8.5%

For further information contact Saskatchewan Indian Equity Foundation at 306-955-4550 (Saskatoon) or see the document Aboriginal Youth Business Initiative.

4. Northern

Northern Development Fund
The Northern Development Fund contains a set of initiatives to stimulate economic development in northern Saskatchewan and encourage diversification and job creation. The purposes of the fund are to: support community economic and northern business development, help ensure that benefits from resource developments contribute to the long-term economic development of the North, contribute to increased participation by northerners in economic development decision making, and improve the coordination of economic development activities among residents, communities, entrepreneurs, businesses, industries and institutions.

The Northern Development Fund includes a loan program, grants for research and development, and grants for community economic development. The loan program focuses on: business related to the resource industry, business contributing to northern economic diversification, essential retail and service businesses, fishing, trapping and wild rice harvesting. The delivery of business skill development initiatives is also supported. The Northern Development Fund is advised by a Northern Review Board composed of Northerners.

Programs under the fund are open to northern Saskatchewan residents who have lived in the North for 10 years. Corporation, partnerships, co-operatives and economic development organizations will be considered eligible if they are at least 51 per cent owned by northern residents.

For further information contact Northern Affairs toll-free at 1-866-663-4065 or 306-425-4295 (La Ronge) or see the document Northern Development Fund.

Northern Enterprise Fund Inc.
Northern Enterprise Fund Inc. is a corporation that was established in 1988 by SaskPower to support business and education in northern Saskatchewan.

Any individual or northern business resident in the Northern Administration District Map region may apply (anywhere north of the 54th parallel).

Any commercially-viable project may be considered for support, including:

  • the acquisition of fixed assets;
  • refinancing of existing borrowings;
  • the purchase of an existing business.

The Fund has no set lending limit.   Applicants with large borrowing requirements may be accommodated through syndication with other financial institutions.

For further information contact the Northern Enterprise Fund Inc. toll-free at 1-800-864-3022 or 306-288-2258 (Beauval) or see the document Northern Enterprise Fund Inc..

First Nation Forestry Program
Forestry-based activities on and off-reserve are expected to provide initial major economic opportunities for First Nation communities. The First Nation Forestry Program is a national program designed to assist First Nations to build capacity and assume control of the management of their forest resources, to establish partnerships with provinces and industry, and to actively participate in off-reserve forestry and other economic development opportunities.

For further information contact the Natural Resources Canada 306-953-8545 (Prince Albert), visit the First Nations Forestry Program Web site or see the document First Nations Forestry Program.

5. Agricultural

Agricultural Lending for Saskatchewan First Nation Farmers
The Saskatchewan Indian Equity Foundation (SIEF) provides collateral and operating loans to Saskatchewan Indian farmers. SIEF's mandate is to facilitate Indian agricultural development in the province by providing access to financial assistance under reasonable terms and conditions. They can provide short-term operating loans for equipment and livestock purchases to qualifying farmers.


  • only treaty or status Indians residing in Saskatchewan are eligible
  • must be a viable farming, ranching or related agribusiness operation in Saskatchewan
  • maximum of 70% financing for capital items
  • all loans must be secured by eligible assets
  • security may include chattel mortgage security, security under the Personal Property Security Act, conditional sales contract, assignment of crop insurance, security over crops and inventory, assignment of other payments or receipts, life insurance on the borrower, branding of livestock with SIEF's registered brand
  • a band council resolution is required from the Chief and Council giving SIEF access onto the reserve to inspect and realize upon security

For further information you may call 306-955-8699 (Saskatoon Head office) or 306-445-7486 (Northern Region) or see the document Agricultural Lending for Saskatchewan First Nation Farmers.


Aboriginal Workforce Participation Initiative - AWPI : AWPI Employer Toolkit
The Aboriginal Workforce Participation Initiative (AWPI) is a national initiative designed to help employers recruit, retain and promote Aboriginal employees. The toolkit is designed to provide quick access to information geared to Aboriginal employment.

For more information you may visit the Aboriginal Workforce Participation Initiative Web site, call Indian and Northern Affairs Canada at 306-780-8370 (Regina) or see the document  Aboriginal Workforce Participation Initiative (AWPI) : AWPI Employer Toolkit.

Metis Employment & Training of Saskatchewan Inc.
The Metis Employment & Training of Saskatchewan Inc. (METSI) currently offers three programs to assist Métis clients as listed below:

  • Individual Sponsorship Program
    This program is designed to assist Métis clients obtain the skills required to advance their present position or obtain quality employment in their chosen field through further education and training.
  • Wage Subsidy Program
    This program is designed to assist Métis individuals enter or return to the workforce by participating in a practical work experience.
  • Student Work Experience
    This program offers a wage subsidy for employers hiring Métis clients during the year.

For details on these programs or additional information call METSI toll-free at 1-866-885-1588 or call 306-668-7671 (Saskatoon), visit the Metsi Web site or see the document  Metis Employment and Training of Saskatchewan Inc..

Building Environmental Aboriginal Human Resources - BEAHR Internship Program
The BEAHR Internship Program sets out to match Aboriginal graduates with Canadian employers in the environment sector. This program provides great benefits to both sides. Employment opportunities and skill development are created for Aboriginal applicants while employers are provided with access to qualified candidates and wage subsidies of up to $8,000.

For more information or to obtain a copy of the Corporate Application package, you can visit the Building Environmental Aboriginal Human Resources (BEAHR) Web site, call 403-233-0748 (Calgary) or see the document Building Environmental Aboriginal Human Resources - BEAHR Internship Program.

First Nations and Inuit Youth Work Experience Program
The objectives of this program are to:

  • support the provision of opportunities for mentored work experience;
  • support the development and enhancement of essential employability skills, such as communication, problem solving, and working with others;
  • expose youth to a variety of career options; and
  • promote the benefits of education as being key to labour market participation.

Eligible Organizations: First Nation and Inuit governments and organizations may submit project proposals.
Eligible Participants: First Nations and Inuit youth aged 15 to 30 ordinarily resident on reserve or in recognized communities who are out of school, unemployed or underemployed.
Eligible Employers: Those in the private and non-profit sector.
Note:  Projects must not exceed 11 months and must be completed by March 31.

The guidelines, the form and content of the proposal template, and the reporting templates are available by accessing the First Nations and Inuit Youth Work Experience Program Web site.

For further information contact Indian and Northern Affairs Canada at 306-780-8216 (Regina), visit the Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Web site or see the document First Nations and Inuit Youth Work Experience Program.

First Nations and Inuit Student Summer Employment Opportunities Program
The objectives of this program are to:

  • support skills acquisition through the provision of wage subsidies for short term work experience;
  • assist First Nations and Inuit secondary and post-secondary students to prepare for future entry into the labour market by facilitating access to summer employment; and
  • support First Nations and Inuit students to earn wages for post-secondary financing.

Eligible Participants: First Nations and Inuit secondary and post-secondary students aged 15-30 ordinarily resident on-reserve or in recognized communities who were registered as full-time students during the preceding academic year and who intend to return to school on a full-time basis in the next academic year. NOTE: Placements must provide a minimum of 80 hours of work.

Maximum Program Contributions: The non-profit sector is eligible to receive a contribution of up to 100% of the applicable wage plus mandatory employment related costs and the private sector up to 50% of the applicable wage only.

The guidelines, the form and content of the proposal template, and the reporting templates are available on the First Nations and Inuit Student Summer Employment Opportunities Program Web site.

For further information contact Indian and Northern Affairs Canada at 306-780-8216 (Regina) or see the document First Nations and Inuit Student Summer Employment Opportunities Program.

Community Economic Development Program
To provide long-term employment and business development opportunities to First Nations and Inuit by giving them the means to effectively manage skill development programs, economic institutions and business enterprises. This is achieved by forging partnerships among Aboriginal peoples, various levels of government and the private sector.

For further information contact Indian and Northern Affairs Canada at 306-780-6421 (Regina) or see the document  Community Economic Development Program.

Information for Aboriginal People
For information about tax and customs benefits and requirements under the Canadian Indian Act and for examples of how the Indian Act exemption applies to employment income and other related income, visit the Canada Revenue Agency Web site entitled Aboriginal Peoples.


SIEF Business Service Office
Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicant(s) must be First Nation individuals, bands, or organizations within Saskatchewan.
  • Individuals must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Businesses employing Aboriginals.
  • Projects must be viable or have potential for viability with the ability to repay debt.
  • Client must provide the BSO with a 25% retainer before work is initiated.

This office offers the following services to potential clients:

  • Accounting advisory services
  • Acquiring funding for clients from SIEF or other financial institutions
  • Assisting clients who apply for Federal funding through various government agencies
  • Business performance reviews
  • Business workshops & seminars
  • Feasibility studies
  • Management support services

For more information contact Saskatchewan Indian Equity Foundation by phone 306-522-2811 (Regina) or 306-955-4550 (Saskatoon) or see the document  SIEF Business Service Office.

Journey to Success Aboriginal Women's Business Planning Guide
This guide reflects input from Aboriginal women across the country, individual entrepreneurs and representatives of Aboriginal women's organizations. Their ideas and advice have been included into this practical and easy-to-use tool for Aboriginal women who are thinking of going into business.

To order a free copy of this publication please call the toll-free number at 1-800-567-9604 or you may visit the Aboriginal Women's Business Planning Guide Web site to download it in PDF format. Also available in Inuktitut at

For further information see the document Journey to Success Aboriginal Women's Business Planning Guide.

Canada's Virtual Aboriginal Trade Show
The Virtual Aboriginal Trade Show (VATS) is an innovative Internet showcase of Aboriginal entrepreneurs, products and services.

For further information contact Indian and Northern Affairs Canada toll-free at 1-888-399-0111, visit the Canada's Virtual Aboriginal Trade Show Web site or see the document Canada's Virtual Aboriginal Trade Show.

Aboriginal Planet
Aboriginal Planet is an online magazine that provides resources for people to learn more about the Aboriginal dimension of Canada's international relations. The site also provides tools for Aboriginal Canadians to get onto the world stage with its "International Opportunities" and the "Business Centre" sections.

Visit the Aboriginal Planet Web site.

For further information contact Foreign Affairs Canada toll-free at 1-800-267-8376 or see the document Aboriginal Planet.

First Nation Profile
The First Nation Profile Site is a user friendly site which allows quick and easy access to current national First Nation community profiles. Profiles include information of general interest about the First Nation, the First Nation's government, Tribal Councils and reserves.

Visit the First Nation Profiles Web site.

Aboriginal Peoples Survey
Statistics Canada maintains files from 1991 that provide a social and economic profile of aboriginal people. Costs may be applicable in obtaining these statistics.

For further information visit the Online Catalogue of Products and Services Web site.

You can also contact Statistics Canada toll-free at 1-800-263-1136 or 306-780-5405 (Regina) or see the document Aboriginal Peoples Survey.

Business Advisory Services Program
The Business Advisory Services Program offers general business information and consulting services, and offers business development workshops. A business resource centre has been established in the Saskatoon SNEDCO office, to handle inquiries, to prepare business plans, to provide management assistance and to assist with the completion of grant/loan applications. The program assesses fees that range from $40/hour to $60/hour. There is no charge for the initial meeting.

Only Saskatchewan residents who hold a valid membership with the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan, are eligible to apply.

For further information contact SNEDCO at 306-477-4350 (Saskatoon) or see the document  Business Advisory Services Program.

Aboriginal Resource Guide
The Aboriginal Resource Guide is a Web site designed to help Aboriginal entrepreneurs locate the resources they need to improve their business capabilities.

This user-friendly tool is designed to help Aboriginal people search for information they require to develop or enhance administrative and financial skills in order to increase their capacity to use the services of financial institutions successfully.

The Resource Guide is a database containing information and programs related to the above-mentioned objective. It is organized under the following categories:

- Training;
- Business Plan;
- Sources of Funds;
- Business Environment;
- Help with Running Your Business.

For further information contact the Canadian Bankers Association toll-free at 1-800-263-0231, visit the Aboriginal Resource Guide Web site, or see the document Aboriginal Resource Guide.

Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business
The government launched the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (PSAB) to help Aboriginal firms do more contracting with all the federal departments and agencies.

For answers to questions about the Procurement Strategy, please call the toll-free number 1-800-400-7677. If you need more information or assistance, contact your local DIAND office or visit the Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business Web site or see the document Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business.

Information for Status Indians
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has prepared information on tax benefits as well as general information regarding the application of the exemption under section 87 of the Indian Act and its effect on income tax, the goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) and excise taxes.  Visit their Web site or for additional information call CRA toll-free 1-800-959-5525 .

Interactive Business Planner
The Interactive Business Planner (IBP) is a computer software program that uses the capabilities of the Internet to assist you in preparing a 3-year business plan for a new or existing business.

The IBP will:
- help you write your business plan;
- provide a format for writing your business plan;
- take the information you enter and prepare financial projections for you.

For further information you may visit the Interactive Business Planner Web site or see the document Interactive Business Planner - IBP.

Performance Plus
This tool is designed for small business and for people preparing Business plans. It enables them to benchmark their businesses against their peers and plan their operations objectively. The tool provides over 30 performance measurement ratios such as expense information, financial ratios, balance sheet info, employee data, profitability statements etc. Once measured, businesses can see where they're strong and where they need improvement.

Performance Plus provides detailed financial and employment data on small businesses by industry for Canada, the provinces and territories. The Profiles have been produced every two years since 1985, with 1997 being the last reference year using the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code. For the recent year of 2002, the Profiles are now using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code. The data provide performance benchmarks for the financial planning of start-up and established small and medium enterprises. Performance Plus uses the "Small Business Profiles" data from Statistics Canada.

For further information you may visit the Performance Plus Web site or see the document Performance Plus.

Sources of Financing
Sources of Financing is an Internet resource for locating traditional and alternative sources of small business financing.

The Sources of Financing Web site provides SMEs with interactive access to objective information on appropriate forms of public and private sector sources of debt and equity financing. Users will find information about:

  • banks, caisses populaires and credit unions;
  • leasing;
  • factoring;
  • angel investors;
  • venture capital;
  • provincial and federal assistance programs.

For further information you may visit the Strategis Sources of Financing Web site or see the document Sources of Financing.

Online Small Business Workshop
The Online Small Business Workshop (OSBW) is a Web-based workshop designed to provide you with techniques for developing your business idea, starting a new venture and improving your existing small business. The OSBW will assist you to visualize and develop your business. It is organized in six sessions, each focusing on a different area of business.

These six sessions and their sub-topics are as follows:

Session 1 - Starting with a Good Idea
Session 2 - Marketing Basics
Session 3 - Financing Your Business
Session 4 - Planning Fundamentals
Session 5 - Basic Regulations for Getting Started
Session 6 - Setting up an E-business: The Basics

For further information visit the Online Small Business Workshop Web site or see the document Online Small Business Workshop - OSBW.

Strategis  is one of the most comprehensive business and consumer information Web sites in Canada. It provides fast, accurate and value-added information aimed at small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as consumers. With Strategis, Canadian businesses have access to a vast array of management resources, perspectives and data that can help them further develop and expand markets, create alliances and find new clients. Consumers have access to interactive bank service charge and credit card cost calculators, and other useful information to help them become better informed citizens. Businesses and consumers who are not linked to the Internet can access Strategis through various Canada Business and community access points across the country.

For further information contact Industry Canada toll-free at 1-800-328-6189 or see the document Strategis.

Links to other Info-Guides:

Business Start-up Info-Guide

Employment and Training Info-Guide

Exporting Info-Guide

Importing Info-Guide

Taxation Info-Guide

E-Business Info-Guide

For further information regarding starting a business, contact the

Canada-Saskatchewan Business Service Centre
#2 - 345 3rd Avenue South
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7K 1M6
Phone: 306-956-2323
Toll-Free: 1-800-667-4374
Web site: 


Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

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Last Modified: 2006-10-18 Important Notices