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"Boy, am I confused". When you're starting a business or expanding an existing one, the one thing everyone needs is MONEY. Friends are quite encouraging and try to be helpful. They tell me, and yes I have also heard, that the government has grants for small business.

When I look in the newspaper, usually in the Business section, there are several ads such as: "Government Grants", Government Funds-Grants, Loans'. I have also received these types of offers through the mail. They all have an 1-800 line. When you phone them, they want money in the hundreds of dollars for the information. I think they are private sector but, I am unsure.

How difficult can it be to find this type of information? I mean you should be able to find something in the Government of Canada or Provincial blue pages under business or, information, or something like that. The government creates these programs; they should be able to give me the information!

So, I look in the blue pages and call. There's an government agency that specializes in government programs and services for small business. What better question to ask than "What grants are available for my business?" They say there are few, if any, grants for my type of business. Is that really true? Boy, am I confused."

This story happens every day at The Business Link Business Service Centre. It is confusing when you get mixed information. To help with all this confusion, The Business Link has created one of the most comprehensive, up-to-date data bases on government programs and services, including grants, subsidies, tax credits etc. for businesses. This information is available by phoning The Business Link or on our web site. The entire data base is accessible to everyone. And, the best thing of all, it's FREE.

After phoning in to The Business Link Business Service Centre or reviewing the web site you may find out that indeed there is no grant for what you are looking for or your business might not qualify. One key thing to remember is that all programs are very specific in their eligibility criteria. What applies to one situation, may not apply to another even though both seem to be very similar. The difference might be credit history, management ability, stability of the business, the quality of the business plan or, the business is in a sector, an activity or a region that the government feels is not a program priority. Program criteria are highly individualistic. That's why some businesses can take advantage of programs while others cannot. The other point to remember is that programs tend to focus more on high unemployment or less developed areas of Canada more so than areas which are doing very well. Alberta has been one of the fastest growing provinces in Canada for the last several years and likely has less programs than slow growth areas.

Many grant programs are targeted to non profit organizations. Those that are for the private sector in Alberta, are usually for activities such as: export marketing, agri-food and high tech research, employment, aboriginal businesses, and Canadian literature.

How is it that private sector firms can offer access to information on millions of dollars of government grants? Advertising cannot do the type of questioning necessary to get all the pertinent details to determine if a particular individual and their business fit all the criteria for a specific program or number of programs. Advertising and articles in newspapers tend to be general in nature. The ad or offer has to attract your attention, to get a response or readership or, get you to buy the information (free money always attracts attention). These types of appeals of millions of dollars available may be a part of what's creating some of that current confusion for Albertans. Many of the programs they list are only available outside of Alberta.

The Business Link's objective is to give the public the program details they need, in the most efficient method possible, so that they can truly ascertain their fit to a program's specific criteria. You know the many aspects of your business better than we ever can. Please check out the "Programs and Services" section of our web site.

If you have found a "grant", "cost-sharing", "contribution", "subsidy", or "non-repayable", congratulations! If you haven't, try some of the government supported loan programs. You may have a better chance finding a loan for your business. These loan programs also have specific criteria and some business will be able to qualify, while others will not.

Good Luck with your Money Hunt!

Click here for information on the Federal and Provincial Grants Programs 

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