Look at yourself in the mirror and say “You’re hired!” As part of the Workforce Expansion Program, Self Employment Benefits can help you get back to work by creating work for yourself—by becoming an entrepreneur. Start the business you’ve always dreamed of—one that has a market demand, and one for which you have the skills and training to make it succeed.

We can help—by supporting you during the start-up period. Assistance can include technical advice, financial support, and coaching—like accounting and marketing. You can also develop a business plan with the help of a Self Employment Benefits Coordinator.

Receiving Employment Insurance benefits? You will continue to receive these benefits until your claim ends, after which you will receive financial support at a rate provincially determined for a duration of the time you are on SEB.

So, if you’re looking for a job, start searching inside your mind… for a great business idea. You could be eligible for Self Employment Benefits!

A participant must:

  • be a resident of New Brunswick or a First Nation Community in New Brunswick
  • be unemployed and eligible to work in Canada
  • have an active Employment Insurance Benefits claim or a claim that has ended within the last three years, or have received maternity or parental benefits within the last five years
  • have acceptable credit references
  • have an idea for a successful business as demonstrated by a business plan
  • attend an orientation session
  • work full time (at least 35 hours per week) at the business
A participant must not:
  • be enrolled as a full-time student
  • be currently operating a similar business, or be closely associated to a similar business
  • have received previous funding under this program or the Entrepreneurship Program during the last five years
The business must:
  • begin operations within ten weeks of signing a Self Employment Benefits contract
  • operate for at least ten months of the year
  • provide the participant with a large degree of operational control
The business must not:
  • create undue competition for an existing venture
  • be unsuitable for public funding
  • be a franchisee with a franchise fee of over $50,000 start prior to the approval of the program application

A Self Employment Benefits duration may be provided for a maximum of 45 weeks
Self Employment Benefits are available to an eligible participant as follows:

  • Employment Insurance (EI) Benefits recipient:
  • where a participant’s EI Benefits period is currently greater than or equal to 45 weeks—the participant will receive the EI Benefits for the 45-week program period
  • where a participant’s EI Benefits period is currently less than 45 weeks—the participant will receive the EI Benefits for the remainder of the EI Benefits period, then receive provincial support at a rate of $250 per week for the remaining portion of the 45-week program period
Non Employment Insurance Benefits recipient:
  • the participant will receive provincial support at a rate of $250 per week for the 45-week duration

For more information, contact a Self Employment Benefits Coordinator at 1-888- 303-2232 or pick up the document “Self Employment Benefits – Guide for Applicants” at one of our Department of Post-Secondary Education and Training Offices.

©copyright 2003
Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
P.O. Box 6000
Chestnut Complex
Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
tel.: (506) 453-2597, fax: (506)