Perhaps you need initial, short-term help paying the wage for an additional employee. Or maybe you operate a seasonal industry and need an extra worker every year for a certain number of weeks. If you are a private sector company, non-profit organization or First Nation Community, there’s help just for you. Employer Wage Reimbursement, part of Workforce Expansion, utilizes temporary wage reimbursements to help you establish permanent employment or annually recurring seasonal jobs.

An eligible employer must either be a:

  • private company
  • non-profit organization
  • First Nation Community

The job must:

  • be an incremental position
  • be for a minimum of 30 hours per week ( a minimum of 15 hours per week will be considered for recently established small businesses creating a part-time position which will eventually develop into a full-time position)
  • lead to a permanent full-time or annually recurring seasonal position
The job must not:
  • be strictly commission based or piecework based
  • displace or replace an existing employee or an employee on layoff
  • be funded by another employment program
  • be related to the management of a First Nation band
  • start prior to the approval of the program application

A wage reimbursement is available to an employer at a rate and duration that depend on the type of employment that is created and individual employed:

  • permanent employment

  • - general unemployed individual – 50 per cent of the hourly wage to a maximum of $8.00 per hour for a period of 12 to 24 weeks depending on job classification
    - priority unemployed individual (including aboriginal/social assistance recipient/ person with a disability/older workers/visible minorities) 70 per cent of the hourly wage to a maximum of $8.00 per hour for a period of 24 weeks
    - post-secondary graduate – 70 per cent of the hourly wage to a maximum of $8.00 per hour for a period of 40 weeks; the employer must pay a minimum of $10.00 per hour
  • annually recurring seasonal job – 50 per cent of the hourly wage to a maximum of $8.00 per hour. Employment must be for a period of at least 14 weeks in duration. Funding is for half the employment period (a minimum of 7 to a maximum of 12 weeks)

Think Employer Wage Reimbursement could benefit you? An application form can be obtained at any Department of Post-Secondary Education and Training Office or Service New Brunswick Centre.

©copyright 2003
Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
P.O. Box 6000
Chestnut Complex
Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
tel.: (506) 453-2597, fax: (506) 453-2148
