National Gallery of Canada - Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
Saturday Morning Art Club
Winter 2006 Session: Saturdays 21 and 28 January, 4, 11, and 18 February from 10 am to 12:30 pm
Don’t miss this Saturday Morning Art Club series in which participants will explore Art of This Land, an innovative project incorporating Native art into the Canadian Galleries, as well as the special exhibition Norval Morrisseau – Shaman Artist, a retrospective exploring the artist’s nearly 50-year career. Each workshop in this series includes an in-gallery visit, activities, and a studio project.

For children ages 8 to 12. Maximum: 25 participants. Bilingual. Series cost: $65 (Friends $55). Registration required: (613) 998-8888.

Saturday 21 January • My Favourite Animal
Visit the Canadian and Inuit galleries. Afterwards, sculpt your favourite animal in brightly coloured modeling clay.

Saturday 28 January • My Tree of Life
On a t-shirt, use vibrant colours to create a tree of life incorporating all your dreams and passions.

Saturday 4 February • A Fantastic Legend
Listen to a fantastic legend and illustrate the story. Explore Norval Morrisseau’s style and use of colour for inspiration.

Saturday 11 February • The Shaman and the Artist
Learn about the roles of the shaman and the artist while exploring the works of Norval Morrisseau. Then create a multicoloured mask.

Saturday 18 February • Happy Memory
Try working in the “Woodland” style originated by Norval Morrisseau, and represent a happy memory to decorate a giant pencil holder.