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Community ACCESS-ability Program
The Community ACCESS-ability Program is one way the Government of Nova Scotia is demonstrating its commitment to equal opportunity and improving access to community facilities and venues for persons with disabilities. Under this program, funds are available for cost shared grants to community groups for accessibility related capital improvements.
Community ACCESS-ability Grant Program
Proposals for ACCESS-ability Grants are welcome from non-profit community organizations or groups, and municipalities.

Under this program, the provincial Government will make grants of up to two thirds of the direct and indirect costs of renovations, installations, and/or equipment, with the sponsoring organization being responsible for raising at least one third of their improvement project’s funding from other sources. The maximum grant available for individual projects is $10,000. Priority will be given to applications which demonstrate that the improvement proposed is part of an overall plan and commitment to the inclusiveness of persons with disabilities.

Applications for ACCESS-ability Grant funds will be considered any time throughout the duration of the program, subject to funding availability.



Funding is available to non-profit community organizations or groups, and municipalities for renovations that will provide universal public accessibility or to upgrade existing accessible facilities to improve universal public accessibility. Projects involving new construction are required to meet the Barrier Free Design requirements of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations and therefore are not eligible for funding under this program.

Eligible types of facilities include the following:
  • community halls/meeting facilities
  • libraries
  • parks or playgrounds
  • community cultural/heritage facilities
  • shelters/group homes [non profit]
  • sport & recreation facilities

Ineligible facilities include

  • federal and provincial government owned buildings
  • private home/buildings
  • church sanctuaries
  • for profit entertainment facilities

Eligible types of projects include the following:

  • ramps
  • barrier free washrooms
  • power door operators
  • audio signals and loops
  • elevators and/or lifts
  • lever door handles
  • lighting/colour contrasting for visually impaired
Eligible types of organizations are:
  • non profit community organizations or groups
  • municipalities
Expenditures for renovations and equipment incurred prior to the date of the application approval will not be eligible for cost sharing under this program.

Funding Applications for improvements to leased premises will be considered, provided the lease period extends to at least five years beyond the date the application is submitted to the Department.

Evaluation Criteria

Program funding is limited. Consequently it may not be possible to respond favourably to all requests for assistance. Applications will be assessed on the basis of a variety of criteria including the following:
  • The extent to which accessibility needs in the Community will be met through renovations or equipment
  • History of sponsoring organizations service to the community
  • Benefits to the community
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Extent of community support
  • Ability of the sponsoring organization to maintain the improved facility
  • Demonstrated ability of the sponsoring organization to complete the project on time and within budget
  • The extent to which the project will serve the needs of multiple groups
  • Identification of partner or co-sponsor organizations who will benefit


Funding will be available across the province to eligible applicants who wish to make their facilities universally accessible. Grants of up to 66.6% of eligible costs to a maximum of $10,000 per eligible project will be provided. Cost sharing is required, but applicants may use donations of eligible labour and materials as part of their contribution. Grants from other government sources may affect the amount of grant awarded under this program.

Grant Payments

Grant payments for approved projects will be processed as follows:

Estimated Eligible Grant
up to $2,500

$2,501 to $10,000
100% upon completion of project

50% on approval [$1250.00 - $5,000.00]
balance upon completion of the project

Documentation Required

Proposals must be accompanied by a completed ACCESS-ability Grant Application Form and required documentation. Please use the checklist on the Grant Application form. Incomplete submissions will delay consideration of your project.

Application Review

The Department will review and award projects on a quarterly basis as funding permits. All funding has been committed for the fiscal year 06/07. The next deadline for applications is March 31, 2007. Applications may be submitted at any time.

For more information

Contact Karen Ramsland, Program Administrator, at (902) 424-7798 or for more information about the ACCESS-abilty program.

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Please use the online inquiry form if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.