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Importing Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2004-02-05

This Info-Guide is a document designed to help you navigate through the different government programs, services and regulations and identify those of interest. The selected items provide a helpful overview. This list is not exhaustive. Further information on each item can be obtained by contacting the organization directly or by contacting the Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre at 426-8604 or 1-800-668-1010 or visiting our Web site;


  1. Information Services
  2. International Trade
  3. Regulations
  4. Reporting and Recording Imports
  5. Postage/Shipping
  6. Additional Info-Guides


Automated Customs Information Service (ACIS) - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

ACIS is an 24-hour, automated telephone service from Canada Border Services Agency providing information on a variety of customs-related topics.

For further information, please contact:
Automated Customs Information Service
Tel: 1-800-461-9999
See the document Border Information Service - BIS
Visit the Web site:

Canadian Importer's Database - Industry Canada

With this market intelligence tool, Canadian manufacturers and primary goods producers can find out the names and locations of the major companies importing specific products into Canada. By identifying buyers, suppliers or import replacement opportunities from the comfort of their offices, Canadian businesses are then free to concentrate their marketing efforts on these specific sales leads and spend less time searching and more time selling. This database is offered free of charge.

For further information, please contact:
Canadian Importer's Database
Tel: 1-800-328-6189
See the document Canadian Importers Database

Visit the Web site:

Customs Automated Data Exchange - (CADEX) - and Customs Declaration - CUSDEC
- Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA

CADEX and CUSDEC are electronic data interchange (EDI) systems which Canada Border Services Agency offers allowing importers and brokers to file customs accounting documents (B3 forms) electronically. CADEX and CUSDEC also offer centralized accounting privileges, and can send accounting information to clients. Other features include data transmission for notification of customs release, overdue entries and classification. The system also includes electronic bulletins, as well as information on tariffs, GST and excise tax rate changes on commodities.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-888-957-7224 or (902) 426-1789
See the document Customs Automated Data Exchange - CADEX - and Customs Declaration - CUSDEC
Visit the Web site:

Customs Broker - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

Only customs brokers licensed by the Canada Border Services Agency may, on a commercial basis, account for goods and pay duties and taxes on behalf of an importer, under section 32 of the Customs Act. A licensed customs broker is the only entity that can clear commercial goods for importers. An importer must authorize the broker to conduct business.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-800-959-5525 or 1-800-461-9999
See the document Licensing of Customs Brokers

Guide to Importing Commercial Goods (RC 4041), available on the Internet at:

Import Service Centres - Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), in co-operation with the Canada Border Services Agency, has established three regional Import Service Centres (ISC) to serve the Canadian agri-food industry and importers of agri-food products:
- Eastern Region - served from Montreal, Quebec;
- Central Region - served from Lester B. Pearson International Airport ,Toronto;
- Western Region - served from Vancouver International Airport (Pacific Highway).

For further information, please contact:
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Tel: 1-877-493-0468 (Eastern Region)
See the document Import Service Centres

Visit the Web site: provides information to help you navigate each stage of the importing process, from getting started to clearing your goods through customs. If you are an established importer, will keep you current on important trade issues including customs regulations and trade financing. If you're just starting out, provides answers to the questions that will help you receive and release your goods as quickly as possible.

For further information, please contact:
Visit the Web site:

Trade Data - Statistics Canada (SC)

Statistics Canada maintains records related to sales, inventories and operating data for retail and wholesale businesses and the number and value of new motor vehicles sold in Canada. Statistics Canada also maintains detailed trade data by commodity or industry and records related to exports and imports on a customs basis.

For further information, please contact:
Statistics Canada
Tel: 1-800-263-1136
See the document Trade Data and Statistics

Online Catalogue:

Trade Facilitation Office Canada

Trade Facilitation Office Canada (TFOC) is a not-for-profit organization founded by the government of Canada to help improve the economic well-being of developing countries through increased integration into the world economy.

TFOC receives funding from the government of Canada, international development agencies and private organizations to provide trade and investment related technical assistance to developing and transition countries.

For further information, please contact:
Trade Facilitation Office Canada
Tel: 1-800-267-9674
See the document Trade Facilitation Office Canada
Visit the Web site:


North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - International Trade Canada (ITCan)

Canadian business people and the general public may get printed information about NAFTA from ITCan and other government departments. NAFTA will eliminate tariffs among Canada, Mexico and the United States on nearly all qualifying goods.

For further information, please contact:
International Trade Canada
Tel: 1-888-811-1119
See the document North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Visit the Web site:

NAFTA Advance Rulings Program - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

The Advance Rulings Program provides nationally binding rulings on how the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) applies to future imports of goods into Canada.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1800 461-9999
See the document Advance Rulings Program

Visit the Web site:

Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA)- International Trade Canada (ITCan)

Legislation to implement the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement has been approved by the Chilean Senate, and the agreement entered into force on 5 July 1997.

For further information, please contact:
International Trade Canada
Tel: (613) 995-0642
See the document Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA)

Visit the Web site :

Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement - Agriculture- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

The Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA), which came into effect 5 July 1997, provides immediate duty-free access for some key Canadian agri-food exports. It improves market access for most agri-food products which (with the exceptions of milling wheat, sugar, and beef) became duty-free or will become duty-free by 2002 or 2007.

For further information, please contact:
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Tel: (613) 759-7656
See the document Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA)
Visit the Web site:

Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA) - International Trade Canada (ITCan)

The Canada - Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA) gives effect to the CIFTA agreement signed by Canada and Israel on 31 July 1996. The Regulations passed to implement CIFTA were adopted on 30 December 1996, and came into force on 1 January 1997.

For further information, please contact:
International Trade Canada
Tel: 1-800-661-6121
See the document Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement - CIFTA
Visit the Web site:The embedded asset has been deleted:
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Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA) - Agriculture - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

The Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (FTA), was implemented January 1, 1997 and improves market access for agri-food products of export interest to both Canada and Israel and eliminates tariffs on virtually all industrial goods. It partially restored Canada's competitive position in the Israeli market where the United States and the European Union have gained preferential access through negotiated bilateral arrangements.

For further information, please contact:
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Tel: 1 (613) 759--7713
See the document Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA)

Visit the Web site:

Trade Data Online - Industry Canada

To get and stay competitive, Canadian business needs strategic value-added information about target markets and products. Trade Data Online is a product designed to facilitate access to Canadian and U.S. trade statistics by commodity (HS code), industry (SIC code) and geographical location. The data is obtained from Statistics Canada and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

For further information, please contact:
Industry Canada
Tel: 1-800-328-6189.
See the document Trade Data Online
Visit the Web site:

Trade Data - Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada maintains records related to sales, inventories and operating data for retail and wholesale businesses and the number and value of new motor vehicles sold in Canada. Statistics Canada also maintains detailed trade date by commodity or industry and records related to exports and imports on a customs basis. Statistics Canada has the following trade analyzers products:

  • World Trade Atlas - Canada Edition is a data and software product providing up to five years of the most recent data on 18,000 import and 6,000 export commodities with 250 of Canada's trade partners :
  • The World Trade Analyzer (WTA) shows international trade flows (exports and imports of goods), created from adjusted data reported by United Nations members countries. This database includes nearly 20 years of annual data on trade in over 800 commodities among 180 trade partners :

For further information, please contact:
Industry Canada
Tel: 1-800-263-1136
See the document Trade Data and Statistics

Online Catalogue:


Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

The proposed Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) is a graduated system of administrative monetary penalties for failure to comply with Customs legislative, regulatory or program requirements. It will provide a flexible and effective sanctions regime necessary to ensure and preserve the public trust in the fairness and integrity of the Customs program.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-800-461-9999
See the document Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS)
Visit the Web site:

Business Number - Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

All Canadian individuals or businesses importing on a commercial basis have to obtain a Business Number in order to account for their goods. Foreign-based or non-resident importers are also required to obtain a Business Number. Canada Revenue Agency uses this number to identify a business and to process Customs accounting documents. A Business Number consists of 15 characters. The first 9 numbers identify the business, the remaining 6 characters identify the account.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Revenue Agency
Tel: 1-800-959-5525
See the document Business Number - BN
Visit the Web site:

Duty Deferral Program - Duty Drawbacks
- Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
This program helps Canadian companies compete in export markets and certain domestic markets by allowing them, under special circumstances, to recover duties they paid on imported goods. (You cannot recover GST payments under this program.)

Canadian companies may recover import duties (but not GST) under the following circumstances:

  • Export of Canadian manufactured goods;
  • Import and subsequent export of goods;
  • Use of imported parts and materials;
  • Destruction of obsolete or surplus goods.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-800-461-9999
See the document Duty Deferral Program - Duty Drawbacks
Visit the Web site:

Duty Deferral Program - Duties Relief - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

The Duties Relief Program (formerly Inward Processing) relieves the payment of duties on imported goods that will eventually be re-exported either in the same condition or after being used, consumed or expended in the processing of other goods. Relief of the GST is also available, under certain circumstances.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-800-461-9999
See the document Duty Deferral Program - Duties Relief -- Supplies for Government Contracts
Visit the Web site:

Requirements for Imports and Exports of Prohibited and Controlled Goods: Other Federal Government Departments

Some government departments prohibit certain goods from entering or leaving Canada. Certain other goods are controlled, meaning that permits, certificates, labelling or authorizations from a federal department are needed before the goods can be released by the Canada Border Services Agency, which holds them until the importer or exporter meets all the requirements.

For further information on federal departments which control goods:
Tel: 1-800-959-5525.
See the document Requirements for Imports and Exports of Prohibited and Controlled Goods - Other Federal Government Departments
Visit the Web site:

Export and Import Permits Act - Import Permits - International Trade Canada (ITCan)

Under the authority of the Export and Import Permits Act, the issuance of Import Permits is administered by the Export and Import Controls Division of ITCan. The Bureau provides assistance to importers in determining if import permits are required. It also publishes brochures and Notices to Importers that are freely available on request.

The importation of goods on the Import Control List to Canada for commercial or personal purposes is controlled by a series of quotas and import licenses. In order to import these goods, you must obtain in most cases, an import permit.

For further information, please contact:
Textiles: (613) 996--3711
Steel Products: (613) 995-8358
Agriculture Products: (613) 944-0773
Military Technology;
Logs, U.S.-Origin;
General Inquiries: (613) 996-2387
Softwood Lumber: (613) 944-2167

See the document Import Permits
See the document International Import Certificates
See the document Import Quotas

Visit the Web site:

Tariff Treatment - Origin - Imported Goods - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

The Canadian Customs Tariff includes 11 separate tariff treatments. Goods imported into Canada may be subject to one of these 11 separate tariff treatments. These treatments have been established as the result of trade agreements (such as NAFTA) negotiated with Canada's trading partners. Some treatments have been established unilaterally for various reasons, such as granting preferential duty treatment to developing countries.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-800-959-5525 or 1-800-461-9999
See the document Tariff Treatment-Origin-Imported Goods

Visit the Web site:

Tariff Treatment - Origin - Imported Goods NAFTA/CIFTA/CCFTA - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

The Proof of Origin of Imported Goods Regulations explain what types of documentation importers must provide in order to claim the benefits of the various preferential tariff treatments that are applicable to imported goods. Service to Importers of commercial or casual goods.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-800-959-5525 or 1-800-461-9999
See the document Tariff Treatment-Origin - Imported Goods

See the document Tariff Treatment - Origin - Re-determination -- NAFTA/CCFTA
Visit the Web site:

Tariff Classification of Imported Goods - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

Canada uses the international Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) to classify imported goods. This classification is used for statistics and to see if any of the following apply:

  • prohibitions;
  • quotas;
  • anti-dumping or countervailing duties
  • NAFTA provisions;
  • other preferential tariff treatments.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-800-959-5525 or 1-800-461-9999
See the document Tariff Classification of Imported Goods

Visit the Web site:

Temporary Importation/Exportation Programs - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

All goods entering Canada, even those being imported temporarily or those goods which were exported temporarily, are subject to duty and tax on their full value, unless there is a provision to relieve the duties and taxes owing.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: (902) 426-2724 or 1-800-461-9999
See the document Temporary Importation/Exportation Programs
Visit the Web site:

Valuation of Imported Goods - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

To find out how much duty and tax to apply to a good, importers first have to know how much the good is worth. Canada Border Services Agency's Valuation Division and regional Trade Administration Services, applying the duty provisions of the Customs Act, make these decisions.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-800-461-9999
See the document Valuation of Imported Goods
Visit the Web site:

Protective Measures for Canadian Products against Unfair Foreign Competition
- Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

Canada Border Services Agency administers the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA) and imposes duties on imported goods when they are dumped or subsidized in a way that harms Canadian producers.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-800-461-9999
See the document Protective Measures for Canadian Products Against Unfair Foreign Competition
Visit the Web site:

Food - Health Canada

Under the Food and Drug Regulations, Health Canada is responsible for the safety evaluation of submissions for the use in Canada of a variety of foods and food-related products, e.g. veterinary drugs, food additives, and novel foods such as those derived from biotechnology. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is responsible for enforcement of the provisions of the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations as it relates to food.

For further information, please contact:
Health Canada
Tel: (613) 957-1751
See the document Food

Visit the Web site :

Food (Labelling) - Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency administers the federal labelling requirements for prepackaged foods under the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations and the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and Regulations.

For further information, please contact:
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Tel: 1-800-442-2342 or 426-5775
See the document Food Labelling
Visit the Web site:

Non-Food - Industry Canada

Under the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, Industry Canada administers the packaging and labelling of non-food products at all levels of trade.

For further information, please contact:
Industry Canada
Tel: 1-800-348-5358.
See the document Labelling- Non-Food

Visit the Web site:

Labelling - Textiles - Industry Canada

The Textile Labelling Act and the Textile Labelling and Advertising Regulations specify the requirements for the labelling and advertising of consumer textile articles.

For further information, please contact:
Industry Canada
Tel: 1-800-348-5358.
See the document Labelling - Textiles
Visit the Web site:


Reporting of Imported Goods - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

The Customs Act governs the administration and enforcement of customs laws. Under Part II of the Act, all goods imported into Canada must be reported to the nearest open customs office. The Reporting of Imported Goods Regulations specify how the reports must be made.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-800-461-9999
See the document Reporting of Imported Goods

Visit the Web site:

Records for Imported Goods - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

Under the Customs Act, every person who imports goods for sale or for any industrial, occupational, commercial, institutional, or any other use shall keep records for those goods at the place of business for a specified amount of time designated by the Minister.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-800-461-9999
See the document Records for Imported Goods
Visit the Web site:


Customs Automated Systems: Postal Import Control System - PICS - and Customs Refund System - CRS - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

Postal Import Control System (PICS) and Customs Refund System (CRS) are computerized systems used to collect or refund duties and taxes.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: 1-800-959-5525
See the document Postal Import Control System and Casual Refund System
Visit the Web site:

Courier Low-Value Shipment Program - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

This program speeds up clearance of imports valued at less than $1,600. Goods must be carried by a courier approved by the Canada Border Services Agency. The goods must be low-value casual or commercial goods that do not need certificates, permits, licenses or documentation from another government department.

For further information, please contact:
Canada Border Services Agency
Tel: (613) 954-7150
See the document Courier Low-Value Shipment Program
Visit the Web site:


See the document - Aboriginal Info-Guide

See the document - Business Start-Up Info-Guide

See the document - Co-operatives Info-Guide

See the document - E-Business Info-Guide

See the document - Employment and Training Info-Guide

See the document - Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Info-Guide

See the document - Exporting Info-Guide

See the document - Financing Info-Guide

See the document - Government Procurement Info-Guide

See the document - Innovation Info-Guide

See the document - Library Guide

See the document - Non-Profit Info-Guide

See the document - Taxation Info-Guide

See the document - Young Entrepreneurs Info-Guide

This information is updated on a regular basis, but organizations change unpredictably -- therefore, not all the information as presented may be timely or accurate.

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.

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Last Modified: 2004-11-05 Important Notices