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Venture Checklists

Last Verified: 2006-04-01


The following checklists are meant to assist you in assessing each point against your business plan.


Nature of the Market

  • number of potential buyers, by region
  • number of existing buyers, by region;
  • profile of buyers ... age, income, occupation, education, sex, family size, etc. by region
  • profile of users (if buyers and users are different) by region;
  • where buyers and users live ... region, city size, urban, suburban, rural;
  • where buyers buy ... urban, suburban, rural, trading centre, local, type of store;
  • size of purchases;
  • when buyers buy ... time of day, week, month, year, and frequency of purchase;
  • how buyers buy ... name brand specifications or not, impulse, planned, comparison, personal inspection, cash/credit;
  • why buyers buy ... attitudes, motivation, trends, styles;
  • who influences buying decisions ... type of product and brand, uses of product;
  • unfavourable attitudes of buyers and brand;
  • indications of changes in buying habits.

Structure of Your Market

  • number of competitors;
  • number of brands ... national, regional, local;
  • share of market by brands ... total, regional, city size, type of store;
  • characteristics of leading brands;
  • differentiation of own brand from leading brands ... strength / weakness / opportunity / threat analysis;
  • policies, presentation, methods and tools of principal competitors.

Product Profile


  • quality ... materials, design, durability, safety, method of manufacture and workmanship;
  • models, sizes, colours, flavours, etc.;
  • luxury, standard, essential;
  • convenience of shopping.


  • protection ... shipping, handling, theft, tampering, spoilage, etc.;
  • utility ... measures, closure, reseal, disposable, reusable, etc.;
  • identification ... universal product code, visual exposure, colour, label;
  • display ... versatility for stacking, hanging, filing, etc.

Name Brand

  • legal ... logo, trademark, copyright, industrial design, song;
  • image ... memory value, goodwill value, recognition, suggestiveness, pleasingness, generic original.


  • installation ... who, when, cost, delivery;
  • maintenance ... who, when, cost, convenience;
  • repair ... who, when, cost;
  • warranty ... who, when, how long;
  • accessories ... after-market, compatible.

Place in the Market

Distribution Channels

  • number of retailers ... each type by region;
  • number of wholesalers ... each type by region;
  • per cent of retailers ... each type, handling brand by region;
  • aggressiveness of retailers, co-operation by region, store type and city size;
  • indications of shift in relative importance of channels.


Personal Selling

  • recruiting and selection ... methods, qualifications, standards;
  • training ... methods, skill development, motivation;
  • supervision ... performance reviews, development;
  • compensation ... commission, bonus, benefit plans.


  • effectiveness ... comparison of spaces purchased, timing, appeals and themes, black and white vs.. colour;
  • cost effectiveness ... various media, style, background, placement;
  • product effectiveness ... feature products, merchandising.

Sales Promotion

  • co-operative advertising;
  • deals, premiums, coupons, discounts, bonus gifts, displays.


  • announcements, press releases, mentions.


  • from factory ... volume capacity vs.. demand;
  • to wholesalers ... by type, size and region;
  • to retailers ... by type, size and region;
  • discounts ... functional, volume, cash, other;
  • allowance and deals;
  • service charges;
  • price stability ... commodity influences such as energy, labour, weather, technology.


  • selection of a target market(s);
  • development of a marketing mix [product/price/place/promotion];
  • implementation and monitoring strategies.




Operating Systems

Operating Assistance

- traffic patterns

- lease/

- production

- lawyer

- parking

- utilities

- inventory

- accountant

- zoning

- storage

- record keeping

- management consultant

- local development trends

- expansion potential

- job procedure

- engineering services


- installations

- maintenance

- financial services


- fixtures and equipment


- manpower services


- layout




- leasehold improvements



Capital Structure

Operating Forecast

Financial Services

- equity (25%);

- sales;

- bank/credit union;

- current assets;

- cost of sales;

- mortgage lender;

- current liabilities;

- gross margin;

- insurance coverage;

- fixed assets;

- general operating expenses;

- bonding;

- long term debt.

- net profit / loss;

- trade credit;


- income tax payable;

- venture capitalists;


- cash flow analysis;

- background equity;


- contingency analysis;

- government programs.


- risk analysis;



- inflation impact analysis;



- interest rate impact analysis.


Legal Structure


General Arrangements

- proprietorship;

- trade names / copyrights;

- contracts;

- partnership;

- trademark / logos;

- business forms;

- private corporation;

- business license;

- personal will;

- public corporation;

- permits;

- buy/sell agreement;

- cp-operative.

- Provincial Sales Tax (PST);

- cross insurance;


- Excise Tax;

- key man insurance;


- Goods and Services Tax (GST);

- occupational health and safety.


- professional or trade licenses;



- memberships.



  • skilled;
  • unskilled;
  • professional;
  • supervisory;
  • qualification standards;
  • job descriptions;
  • wages and salaries;
  • performance standards;
  • staff benefits;
  • staff training;
  • employee evaluation and appraisal standards.



  • Can management prepare and implement a sound business plan?
  • Does management have adequate authority and control to fulfill its responsibility?
  • Do training programs encourage personal skill development towards increased responsibility?
  • Can management change be introduced as required to benefit the business?  Even if the changes require a new manager?
  • Does the manager have the qualities of time, character, stamina, planning, control, development, leadership, decision-making, confidence, practical realism?  And commitment?

Preparation and Commitment


  • Have you obtained independent legal advice on all contracts?
  • Are all financial commitments finalized?  In writing ?
  • Does the business plan have time in its favour?
  • Are you prepared to lose your business investment?
  • Are you prepared to succeed?

Prepared by: Saskatchewan Regional Economic and Co-operative Development


© business infosource, 2005. All Rights Reserved.

Last Modified: 2006-04-01