The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) is a national non-profit organization that provides tools and resources to access Aboriginal people as partners, employees, and customers. We promote the full participation of Aboriginal people and communities in Canada's economy.

Networking events
The Circle for 2015 is Canada's premier Aboriginal business networking program. Join us at these upcoming events:

PAR is a program to help companies benchmark their work with Aboriginal people, businesses and communities. Find out more about PAR, how to get started, and meet the companies taking part.

This is where we honour and profile the pioneers of Aboriginal business in Canada. Meet the laureates, and send in your nominations.

The Foundation for the Advancement of Aboriginal Youth is the scholarship and bursary program dedicated to developing the next generation of Aboriginal leaders. Find out more, apply for a scholarship or bursary, or become a sponsor.

See photos and video from recent events.

Meet our team, our board of governors, and our board of directors.

Get in touch with any questions or comments.

CCAB Patrons
Why access the Aboriginal marketplace?

Aboriginal people make up over 4% of Canada's population - over 1.3 million people.

They are the fastest-growing segment of the population. Half are under the age of 25.

There are more than 27,000 Aboriginal-owned businesses in Canada, half in urban areas.

Aboriginal people own and control 20% of the Canadian land mass. That's expected to rise to 30% in the next 15 years.

Our Mission

CCAB's vision is the full participation of Aboriginal people in the Canadian economy.

Our mission is to broker business relationships between the corporate sector and the Aboriginal community. We do that by providing the private sector with the resources it needs to engage Aboriginal people, businesses and communities.

In the pursuit of this mission, CCAB is becoming the acknowledged expert and advocate for Aboriginal business and economic development.

Join our mailing list

Subscribe to Newsbytes. It's our monthly email digest of news, events and opportunities about the Aboriginal community. Join thousands of subscribers across Canada who stay in the know and get advance notice of conferences, special events and Circle for 2015 networking opportunities.


Email address:

204A St George St
Coach House, Main Floor
Toronto, ON M5R 2N5
View map
Phone: 416-961-8663
Fax: 416-961-3995