däna Näye Ventures is a Yukon based, Aboriginal controlled institution that encourages business development by providing developmental finance and business training to entrepeneurs.

409 Black Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 2N2
Phone: (867) 668-6925     Fax: (867) 668-3127
Toll Free: 1-800-661-0448
E-Mail: dnv@dananaye.com

DNV Purpose Statement

DNV, A Yukon based Aboriginal owned and controlled institute is a dynamic, self-sufficient institution assisting Yukon people and communities to become more self-reliant. DNV continues to achieve its purpose primarily by providing developmental finance and advisory services to entrepreneurs and Yukon business. DNV continues to carry out its purpose in a manner which values the preservation of the Yukon environment; respects the cultural and social values of Yukon people; and strongly emphasizes developing people as the key resource for building successful businesses.

Since 1985, DNV has been providing financial assistance and business services to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal business enterprises and entrepreneurs. DNV operates throughout the Yukon and in the northern British Columbia communities of Atlin, Good Hope Lake and Lower Post.

DNV is a registered non-profit organization, which is self-administering. Three lifetime members hold the shares in trust on behalf of all Yukon First Nations.

Board of Directors



Linch Curry May Brodhagen
David Joe Greg Charlie
Pearl Keenan Louise Clethero
  Richard (Dick) Dickson
  Helen Holway
  Sandy Trerice
  Stephen Walsh