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BulletJobs - Our Culture

Creativity and Collaboration are Second to None

Creativity and collaboration are at the core of everything we do. Within CBC/Radio-Canada, programming is paramount. What we do, we do for Canadians. Our staff has enabled us to innovate and create and has made public broadcasting what it is today: a vital national institution.

Within CBC/Radio-Canada, we trade in ideas. We bring Canadian stories into Canadian homes. We preserve a public space for Canadian voices and perspectives. We inform, enlighten and entertain our audiences in ways no one else can — in ways no one else will. We renew our selves and our organization at every opportunity. And we truly are a learning organization.

Strengthening our commitment to our talented employees — those who create and those who support them — is one of CBC/Radio-Canada's foremost priorities. To ensure we stay on track, we survey our employees regularly. The results allow us to identify our strengths and prioritize areas for improvement. Since CBC/Radio-Canada's first employee survey in 2001, employees' have indicated that the workplace has improved significantly. And we will continue to make it even better.


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