Doc Zone CBC-TV: Doc Zone
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CBC-TV: Starting Thursdays on October 12 at 8pm on CBC-TV

Thursday November 2 at 8pm on CBC-TV

ferry commandSenior Cabinet Minister Lord Beaverbrook-a Canadian working in Churchill's war office-organized an all-civilian operation to ferry bombers from the California factories through Canada and across the North Atlantic to Britain.

Ferry Command tells this remarkable story through the first-person accounts of surviving ferry pilots - men in their eighties who have lost nothing of the passion that drove them to attempt the impossible in a desperate time.  more »


Thursday November 9 at 8pm on CBC-TV

In the spring of 1944 all of Europe was at war, and before it was over, one million Canadians would join the fight. Back home, a million more worked day and night to supply guns, tanks, ships and planes-the arsenal of democracy.

One warplane in particular, the four-engine Avro Lancaster bomber became a legend. Three teenaged women from rural Ontario turned their hands from farm chores and housework to shooting the rivets that held the Lanc together.

One week after D-Day, a crew of young men barely out of high school, set out on a fateful mission, flying from a British airfield through a storm of flak and night fighters to destroy Nazi supply lines in northern France. The women who built the bomber never met the men who flew it. Dedication, and the airplane itself, were what they had in common. The 13th Mission is their story.  more »