Tapestry with host Mary Hynes Tapestry
"exploring faith and spirit" Tree   Tapestry  Sun
CBC Radio One

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Broadcast time:
Sundays at 2:05 p.m. ET, AT, CT, 2:35 NT, 3:05 PT, and 4:05 MT on CBC Radio One

Tapestry is a weekly exploration of spirituality, religion and the search for meaning.

This Week

Sunday, October 29
Autumn: A Spiritual Biography

Tapestry celebrates autumn as a spiritual season - a time for transition and continuity, abundance and loss, beauty and barrenness. Mary Hynes examines autumn with all its spiritual complexities. She speaks with Susan Felch, co-editor with Gary Schmidt of Autumn: A Spiritual Biography of the Season, published by Skylight Paths. The program will also feature meditations, readings and music.

Next Week

Sunday, November 5
Sam Harris

Sam Harris has been called a heretic – and a very brave man. Harris, author of The End of Faith, believes that religious tolerance is a disaster in the making – but that political correctness and fear of racism make any discussion of his idea utterly impossible.
Sam Harris is ecumenical in his fear: the Christian who welcomes Armageddon as the harbinger of Jesus is just as terrifying as the Muslim who yearns for a martyr’s death to guarantee his place in paradise. Both, Harris believes, are driving a muzzled, timid society “to the abyss.” Sam Harris' latest book is Letter to a Christian Nation. It's published by Random House.

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