CBC: the fifth estate - Act of Faith
Broadcast April 10, 2003 on CBC-TV

Linden MacIntyre reports on the extraordinary coalition of George Bush and Tony Blair.
In the months leading up to March 19, diplomats worked feverishly the UN to avert a war.
Meanwhile the President of the U.S. and the Prime Minister of Britain had struck a deal
that would ultimately lead to war.

UPDATE: Tony Blair still defends his decision to send troops into Iraq. A British poll taken in September 2003 states that 64% of Britons did not trust Blair and 48% thought he should resign.
When George Bush visited London in November 2003 there were large anti-war protests.

Both leaders are planning an intelligence inquiry into why reports suggested that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destructions when none have been found.

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A British Statesman
- The U.S. Road to War - An Extraordinary Coalition
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