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Foreign Travel

Cultural Issues

Success or failure will depend on your sensitivity to your host's culture so be sure you do not commit a cultural "faux pas". Here are a few examples of how customs differ from country to country:

  • Which country's citizens use a knife and fork to eat their sandwiches as they find it strange to pick them up with their fingers?
  • In what country are academic qualifications downplayed?
  • We find whispering to another person while in the company of others to be rude. In what country is it acceptable?
  • You should never give a green hat as a gift in what country?
  • In what country may the signing of a contract be delayed until an astrologer is consulted and the "lucky day" arrives?

For more information, contact the Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre. Our library contains a number of publications which specifically deal with protocol, business practices and behavior styles around the world.

Online information:

Travel Information

  • Travel Reports : The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade publishes travel reports for Canadians visiting foreign countries on business or for pleasure. Included in these reports are health and personal safety advisories, entry requirements and general demographic information. These reports are updated on a regular basis.
  • Information for Travellers  : These advisories warn Canadian travellers of potential health hazards in foreign countries and, in some cases, recommends precautionary measures to be taken.
  • Planning a Business Trip Abroad: This guide was designed to help to make international business travel more cost-effective, productive and results oriented while reducing some of the uncertainties and help anticipate some of the risks associated with international business trips.

Taking Product Samples to Foreign Markets

If you are planning to take samples of your product with you in order to show it to prospective buyers, you should obtain a Carnet from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. The Carnet is a customs document that allows you to export goods temporarily to another country and re-import them into Canada without going through time-consuming customs procedures or paying duty. A Carnet can be used for:

  • commercial samples
  • goods for presentation or for use at trade fairs, shows, exhibitions or similar events
  • professional equipment


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Canada Business Service Centres, 2005

Last Modified: 2006-07-18 Important Notices