

The Octonauts and the Only Lonely Monster:

My mom bought me a new book. The title is The Octonauts and the Only Lonely Monster. I had never seen these characters before, but the pictures are very colorful and fun.

The story is about eight animals who make up the Octonauts team. They explore the sea and live together in a base called the Octopod which looks like a big octopus. When a giant squid monster grabs the Octopod, they discover it is just lonely and they agree to help him find him another friend.

This is where the drawings really get amazing - they look like were done on a computer. As some of the Octonauts travel the world's oceans, you have to turn the book in all four directions (north, east, south, west). This was cool and each page is full of animals, just like an aquarium. Overall the writing is creative and the art is unique, and I recommend it to readers who like both those things. I'm looking forward to the next Octonauts story.


Thanks for the great review. I am a grade four teacher and I know some of my students would really like this book. I am going to go out soon and get it!

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