Here's your chance to get your ideas on the web by writing a review for CBC.ca/kids. We want YOU to be involved with us every step of the way. Check out the reviews on the My Two Cents site, leave comments and write your own reviews!
So what do I do ?

That's easy! Just pick something (a book, TV show, video game, something that bugs you- or anything else you can think of) and write a review of it. Your review can be as short as a paragraph, or as long as a page.
A review? What do you mean?
A review is when you tell people what you think about something, and why. If you saw a great movie on the weekend, tell us what you liked about it. If you didn't like it, tell us why! You can also say what could have been better, which actors or actresses were the best, who your favourite character was, whatever you want. Just share your ideas, and you can't go wrong. Check out my sample review on the right to see how it's done!
Remember to include your name and location for your review (so your friends can recognize your work!) New reviews get added every week so keep checking back!
Enter your contact information and review here
*Your last name will not appear online
*Your email will be used for contact in our prize draw. It will not be put online, shared, or used for any other purpose.


By submitting your review you are granting CBC permission to publish your review - in whole or in part - in the "My Two Cents" section of the CBC.ca/kids website. CBC also reserves the right to make minor edits to your review for the sake of grammar, spelling, punctuation and accuracy. We are not able to post all submissions.