Grey Cup 93rd Grey Cup
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Woo hoo! Streamers are falling from the Dome ceiling. Hope they don't stain Governor General Michaelle Jean's cream-coloured designer suit. She's handing out Earl Grey's hardware to the Eskimos ... raise the Cup boys!


How could this NOT be the best game in Grey Cup history? Well, that first half was a bit dodgy, but hey, maybe the players were nervous (kind of like me during the nail-biting second half!). Seriously, that was one of the best football games ever.

Game Over

"We are the champions, we are the champions ..." - Queen really knew a hit, didn't they? And I guess Maas knew to call "heads" on the opening coin toss.




Not looking good for the Alouettes ... Charles Alston sacks AC and Frank got a hand in to prevent a Cahoon reception. Oh oh, third and long - Calvillo's going to need a rocket-launcher of an arm if he wants a shot at winning this game. Last chance for Grey Cup romance - Esks chase him down - game over!


Calvillo is in trouble. Wait a sec, AC fires a bullet down field to Kerry Watkins. Montreal's leading receiver drops it! What?! Dude, you're wide open. That's the game - you could have won it. Oh, my bad ... that was illegal forward pass by Calvillo (ball got batted back into his hands by Edmonton's D). 10-yard penalty too - that has to hurt.


Boy, Trevor Gaylor is kicking himself. That dropped catch should have set up a touchdown not a field goal. Oh well, Sean Fleming is money from 36-yards. Count a 38-35 lead for Edmonton. Montreal will have a shot at the win.


NO WAY! Ray finds Tucker at the back of the end zone. On Edmonton's first possession of OT, Tucker, the 2003 Grey Cup MVP, shows his poise with a diving catch in double coverage. 35-35.


Big-time players come up with big-time plays. Calvillo threads a perfect 30-yard pass to Dave Stala in the back of the end zone. Stala, a former Saint Mary's University star, ignored the cape on his back (Edmonton corner Malcolm Frank) and hauled in the biggest TD of his three-year CFL career.

End of Fourth Quarter | OT

Guess these teams took my earlier barn burner comment to heart. OT here we come.

4th quarter | 9 seconds

OVERTIME!!!! Ice-veined rookie kicker Damon Duval nailed a 27-yard field goal to tie the game 28-28. First time the Grey Cup has gone to extra time since 1961.

4th quarter | less than one minute

Jonas Lewis gives AC good field position on the kickoff return. A determined drive here for the Alouettes. Calvillo gets Montreal into field-goal range, but not before almost getting intercepted by Keyuo Craver and Donny Brady. If the Eskimos lose this game, these guys should give up football and become jugglers.

4th quarter | 1:10

Three Montreal penalties in a row!!!! 1st and goal Edmonton. Ray dove in for the score. TOUCHDOWN ESKIMOS. What an unbelievable second half. Two-point convert is good to Tucker - tippy-toe catch at the back of the end zone for a THREE-POINT lead. Oh ... my nerves.

4th quarter | 1:43

Just when you think it's over ... 3rd and four ... Ray fires a beautiful long bomb to Derrell (Mookie) Mitchell. I think Don Matthews' handle-bar moustache is turning whiter.

4th quarter | 3:23

Montreal is making Ray work for his downs. Like highways under construction, there are no open routes for his receivers to travel on. Could we see backup Jason Maas come into the game? Maciocia said no, but if the Esks need a spark ... there's nothing to lose, right?

4th quarter | 9:37

NAKED BOOTLEG. C'mon how can I avoid saying that? Ha ha. Wow. Anthony Calvillo fooled everyone on that play - faked the hand off to Lapointe and then called his own number into the end zone. I mean, who would really expect AC to run from five yeards out?! 25-20 Montreal

4th quarter | 11:20

Montreal's defence is fired up. Anwar Stewart owned Bruce Beaton! Poor Beaton. Not even a holding call could stop Montreal's 3-man rush. Stewart swarmed Ray forcing a fumble. Ed Philion recovered - Alouettes ball.

4th quarter | 13:43

OUCH. What a hit! Alouettes receiver Thyron Anderson thought he had that catch in the bag. Edmonton's Malcolm Frank just cleaned him out at the knees. Anderson hit the turf in a V-position. Are bodies supposed to fold like that?

End of Third Quarter

Oh ... my nerves.

3rd quarter | 1:03

Unbelieveable. This is CFL at its best. Tony (Tiny) Tompkins kickoff return for a TD! Found an open seam and used some great blocks - 96 yards! Longest in Grey Cup history. Talk about momentum swings.

3rd quarter | 2:18

Troy Davis fumble - first Eskimos turnover of the game. And look who has the ball ... Mathieu Proulx, a former Laval star filling in for Karikari. Lots of Canadian-born players bringing it at the 93rd Grey Cup. Duval hits a FG for a 18-13 Montreal lead.

3rd quarter | 2:58

Lapointe. There's some serious deja vu going on in Vancouver. The workhorse collects his second TD of the game and fifth of the post-season. Unreal. If he calls it quits after this season, which he says he might do, he's going out with a bang.

3rd quarter | 3:36

Calvillo isn't shy! First play from scrimmage, launches a massive bomb to Sylvain Girard. Amazing catch even with Donny Brady draped over him like a soaking wet shirt.

3rd quarter | 4:21

Sean Fleming pads Edmonton's lead to 13-8 with one through the uprights.

3rd quarter | 8:49

Ray is taking it to the Alouettes' secondary again. Safety Richard Karikari is getting treated for an unknown leg injury. Play action, Ray rolls out and completes to ... Tucker! He must be hearing me.

3rd quarter | 11:15

10-8! 1st and goal Eric Lapointe touchdown. Shades of the East Division final. Who says a Canadian-born running back can't make an impact. His fans at Mount Allison University in Sackville, N.B., are probably cracking a few Alpines right now. Sorry - bit of a tangent. HUGE catch by Cahoon to set up the 1st and goal. Props to No. 86.

3rd quarter | 13:30

Don Matthews wasn't lying when he told Friedman that Calvillo knows what he needs to do in the second half. Calvillo just scampered like Warren Moon for a first down.


Black Eyed Peas are on. Do these guys even know what the Grey Cup is? We want Shania! Actually, Fergie (BYP's female singer) is decent. Not sure about those shorty-shorts - that has costume malfunction written all over it. Look! The drummer has a Tucker jersey on - at least someone is giving him some lovin'!

End of Second Quarter

10-1 at the half. Yikes. Coach Maciocia just told CBC's Steve Armitage he's not going to Maas in the second half and why would you? Ray has been accurate, no turnovers and the Esks are up - thanks to their defence. Two turnovers, plus strong coverage in the secondary. Montreal's four 1,000-yard receivers have been silenced so far. AC must not be getting a lot of looks.

2nd quarter | 1:48

That can't be Jason Tucker's first catch of the game. Hello, Ricky and Co. Hasn't Tucker been your go-to guy all year? 1,400-plus receiving yards on the year, not to mention 217 yards against the Alouettes the last time you guys played them! I know Ricky Bell is a good coverage guy and all, but give Tucker some love … he's exciting.

2nd quarter | 2:55

Telegraph, telegraph. Anthony Calvillo threw right into Shannon Garrett's arms. Another turnover by the Alouettes. Edmonton's zone D is causing all kinds of strife.

2nd quarter | 3:54

Ball's back with the Alouettes ... tough possession for the Esks. What's this Craver kid doing? What a dork. Doing handstands after tackling guys. Seriously go back to sandbox.

2nd quarter | 8:52

It's going ... wide. Duval's 47-yard attempt hooked at the end. Duval must love holder Ben Cahoon's mitts for hands because that snap was a little high ... humble opinion, of course.

2nd quarter | 11:11

TOUCHDOWN! Veteran Ed Hervey hauls in his first major of the year (actually he bunny-hopped into the end zone). More importantly, it's Ray's first TD pass in eight games. That's got to bring back some confidence. Alouettes are still managing to smoke Ray though - it'll be interesting to see how durable he is the rest of the way.

End of First Quarter

Pamela Anderson's at the game! Check her out ... it's her first CFL game since being discovered by Playboy. CBC's Elliotte Friedman is interviewing her - now that sure beats talking to sweaty players.

End of First Quarter

3-1 Edmonton. Definite barn burner in B.C. Kidding. As predicted it's a defensive battle.

1st quarter | 0:50

Whoa, the Montreal hogs are having some problems with their balance. Two procedure calls in a row - Chiu and Mudge. Probably too many T-bones last night.

1st quarter | 2:45

Run Ray Run! Sack central ... Strickland gave chase and Mawuko Tugbenyoh wrapped Ray to the floor. Strickland is having a strong first quarter, two plays earlier he batted down a Ray pass.

1st quarter | 6:57

Three and out for Alouettes - Esks defence is winning the early battles. Holy crap can Damon Duval punt!

1st quarter | 8:13

3-0 Eskimos. 18-yard chip shot for Sean Fleming. Edmonton's second drive was looking pretty dangerous, Ray is totally going after the Alouettes' secondary. Gaylor was looking for a pass int call in the end zone, but Crutchfield kept his hands to himself.

1st quarter | 11:21

TURNOVER! A.J. Gass just scooped up Terry Vaughn's fumble ... man, that's pretty uncharacteristic of Vaughn. This is the big game, guy!

1st quarter | 13:28

Ed Philion just made Ray eat turf. Field turf to be exact (feels like grass but made of rubber and stuff). Anyway, not much happening on the Esks first drive ...

Pre-game | coin toss

I told Maas to call tails! Idiot!! You ALWAYS CALL TAILS, NO MATTER WHAT!!! There goes my Pro-Line windfall. Prime Minister Paul Martin is pretty good at coin flippin'.

Pre-game | 3 mins to kickoff

Nice work by Jully Black on the national anthem, though I must admit her French is a tad rusty. But hey, the players are all singing ... is that Alouettes coach Don Matthews belting out "true north strong and free .."?!

Pre-game | 7 mins to kickoff

Check out the blow-up Alouettes mascot bopping around on field. The players must love running out through the tunnel, wiping smoke out of their eyes, weaving around cheerleaders and then here comes a huge walking eagle full of hot air.

Pre-game | 15 mins to kickoff

Is this the CFL championship? Where's the snow? Where's the fog? The mud? Oh, that's right Earl Grey's Cup is being played in a dome!! He must be rolling in his grave. Anyway, B.C. Place Stadium is sure to be rocking with a sellout of 59,000-plus. Oh ... pre-game introductions ... sweet.


Stat Book
Head-to-head stats
Grey Cup Championship:

Montreal - Edmonton

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