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Accelerated Commercial Release Operational Support System - ACROSS

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

Last Verified: 2004-11-29

The Accelarated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS) lets the importer, broker or carrier use Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) technology to transmit customs release, cargo and conveyance data to any automated customs office for all modes of transport including rail, marine, and highway. EDI lets you transmit information from one computer to another quickly, easily and accurately.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible importers, brokers and carriers may use ACROSS. All existing cargo, conveyance and release services are available via the system, including, but not limited to, the following methods of release:

  • Release on Minimum Documentation (RMD);
  • Line Release: Prearrival Review System (PARS); Frequent Importer Release System (FIRST) and customs Self-Assessment (CSA).
  • OGD Single Window Interface
  • EDI Highway, Rail and Marine

CBSA offers a wide range of service options for importers, many of which involve EDI technology; for a complete list, visit their Web site.


ACROSS was designed to facilitate the Customs portion of the import business function. An increase in the use of top-speed electronic networks to exchange information between CBSA and the client is at the core of ACROSS, a system which reduces and, in some cases, eliminates the need to submit paper release requests. The following convenient, cost-saving features combine to reduce processing time and minimize the risk of human error:

  • transmission of release data electronically, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
  • transmission of other government department release and permit data electronically;
  • processing of release requests for several ports of clearance from one centralized location;
  • improvement in the accuracy of information through data exchange;
  • improvement in the level of client service delivery; and
  • reduction in paper and handling costs by eliminating the photocopying of release packages.

There are three methods of transmission by which clients may exchange information with Customs:

  • a value-added network (VAN) which acts as an intermediary by providing clients with communication links and message-forwarding capabilities;
  • Customs Automated Data Exchange - CADEX - and Customs Declaration - CUSDEC;
  • Customs Internet Gateway (CIG).

ACROSS also improves the enforcement capabilities of Customs. The system allows Customs to dedicate more time to preventing the entry of illicit goods into the country. It also provides a sophisticated method for targeting high-risk shipments.

Other Government Departments (OGD) Single Window Interface
A few years after the implementation of ACROSS, clients were provided with the option of electronically transmitting release information that has OGD requirements. Clients currently use this feature to reduce or eliminate the need for the issuance of paper documents to meet OGD requirements.

For more information on the OGD Single Window Program, send your request by fax to (613) 952-9979 or visit the OGD Web site.

Release of Goods Using ACROSS and EDI

A simple sequence of steps is required to release goods using ACROSS and EDI:

  • Importer/Boeker compiles the shipment information and prepares an EDI request in one of two formats:

  • CADEX, or UN/EDIFACT format for "Releases".

  • the client sends the request to the Customs port of entry via a CADEX, VAN or Internet connection;
  • upon receipt of the client's transmission, Customs computers automatically verify the shipment data to ensure it conforms to the EDI format. If any file errors are discovered (e.g. incorrect syntax), Customs will transmit a return message indicating the error. The client corrects the error, and retransmits the updated data;
  • the correctly formatted EDI request data is then processed into the ACROSS system for review by a Customs officer;
  • a Customs officer reviews the request and makes a decision to either recommend release when the release request type is a PARS, or to release when the release request type is an RMD. Other possible decision are: refer, reject, refused, seized etc. Once the goods are release, ACROSS transmits an electronic release notification to the client via the Release Notification System (RNS) or via the CADEX lines;
  • the importer/broker send B3 Canada Customs Coding form to the Customs Commercial System (CCS) within the prescribed post-release time limit for final accounting purposes.

A technical manual has been assembled to provide clients with ACROSS and EDI data format requirements. Copies of the ACROSS Participant's Requirement Document (PRD) may be obtained from the Electronic Commerce Unit in Ottawa at 1-888-957-7224.

What's new in ACROSS?

Customs Self-Asessment (CSA) Processing

The CSA program will provide CSA-approved importers with the benefits of a streamlined accounting and payment process for all imported goods. The streamlined accounting and payment process eliminates the requirement for CSA-approved importers to maintain separate and costly customs processes, allowing them to use their own business systems to trigger a trade data report and to self-assess customs duties and taxes.

The CSA program also provides CSA-approved importers, CSA-approved carriers, and registered drivers with the benefits of a streamlined clearance option for CSA eligible goods. The streamlined clearance option eliminates the requirement for any transactional transmissions of data related to eligible goods. The option allows for the clearance of goods based on the identification of the CSA-approved importer, approved carrier, and registered driver at the border.

To take advantage of the benefits of CSA clearance, accounting, and payment, a comprehensive risk assessment, which includes a rigorous pre-screening of advance information, must be performed.

The streamlined accounting and payment process will be used for all CSA approved importers' importations, regardless of the clearance option used to import the goods. The streamlined clearance option will only be used for CSA-eligible goods.

G7 Import One Step Release on Full Documentation (RFD)

RFD is a service option that allows importers or agents to obtain the release of a shipment by submitting release and accounting information in a single EDI transmission, while deferring the payment of duties and taxes to a later date (usually on a monthly basis).

Importers or agents can transmit the information either before, or when, the shipment arrives. If they have an established relationship with a known supplier, they can submit the release and accounting information to customs officials before the release of the goods. These importers or agents may be interested in the RFD process.

Although the RFD process is a G7 Initiative, it is not restricted to shipments from G7 countries.

Export registration/CAED (Canadian Automated Export Declaration Program)

Statistics Canada and Canada Customs and Revenue Agency have jointly developed a software to improve the quality and the completeness of reported data. The software captures the data to a local database and then formats the data for the electronic submission to the Federal Government.

ACI Initiative (Advance Commercial Information)

The ACI introduces more effective risk management processes and tools to identify threats to our health, safety, and security prior to the arrival of cargo and conveyances in Canada.

In support of these enhanced risk assessment processes, the CBSA is requiring key data to be transmitted electronically before goods and conveyances arrive in the country. This data will be processed through a sophisticated targeting tool to detect high-risk shipments. At the same time, legitimate low-risk shipments will be cleared more quickly.

Excise Act 2001

The Excise Act, 2001 is a revised federal commodity taxation system for the application of federal excise levies in respect of alcohol and tobacco products.

For every shipment, customs systems will verify that the importer does have the appropriate endorsement for alcohol other than beer.

If you require personal assistance contact the Customs Client Services Office closest to you (see Related Reading: Customs Offices - Supplement or from Canada Border Service Agency's Web site for a list of addresses).

Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Border Information Service - BIS
Canada Border Services Agency
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0L5
Toll-free (information): 1-800-461-9999
Toll-free (publications): 1-800-959-2221
Web site:

The Canada Business Network
Visit the member of the Canada Business Network in your province or Territory

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Last Modified: 2004-12-13 Important Notices