Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) - Tables on Diskette for Windows (WinTOD)

Starting January 1, 2001

This version of TOD calculates the amount of tax (federal and provincial) based on the exact amount of taxable income. Previous versions of TOD calculated the amount of tax based on the mid point of the ranges of income shown in the Payroll Deductions Tables (T4032).

WinTOD is a stand-alone computer program that the CCRA issues twice a year, as tax changes occur, to calculate payroll deductions [Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions, Employment Insurance (EI) premiums, and tax] by pay period. This edition includes changes to CPP contributions, EI premiums, and federal and provincial/territorial taxes that take effect January 1, 2001. All employers should use this edition to calculate payroll deductions on or after January 1, 2001.

The file to be downloaded is compressed, so you will need at least 986 kb of available free space on your hard drive to expand and install the program.


On December 20, 2000, Finance Canada announced an increase in the general prescribed rate used to find the taxable benefit related to the personal portion of automobile operating expenses paid by employers. The rate increased from 15 cents per kilometre for 2000 to 16 cents per kilometre for 2001. For taxpayers employed principally in selling or leasing automobiles, the rate increased from 12 cents to 13 cents per kilometre.

Tables on Diskette (TOD) went to production before the announcement; therefore, this change was not included in the TOD release. The version of TOD now available on the Internet includes the corrected calculation of the automobile operating cost benefit.

How to download and install WinTOD from our Web site:

  1. Download the file wtod0101.exe to a temporary directory on your hard drive.
  2. Before you install WinTOD, it is important that you disconnect from the Internet and close all active Windows applications.
  3. Make a note of where (in which directory) you have saved the downloaded file. Locate the file wtod0101.exe, then double-click on it or use the run command. This will extract the set-up files from the wtod0101.exe file. If you use the run command, be sure to include the full path to the file wtod0101.exe. Since the space available on a floppy disk is insufficient to expand all the required files, you will need to expand the files on your hard drive.
  4. After expansion, locate the WinTOD file called setup.exe. It will be in the same directory as wtod0101.exe. Double-click on setup.exe. If you use the run command, include the full path to the setup.exe file to install WinTOD.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions throughout the installation.

If you experience problems, or if you want more information about WinTOD, please refer to TOD troubleshooting.

Click here to request a copy of the publication called "Tables on Diskette (TOD)" (reference number "T4143").