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Customs Internet Gateway
The Customs Internet Gateway is an alternative way of transmitting customs data. For information, contact the Electronic Commerce Unit at 1-888-957-7224 or visit the Web site at

Trade Data - Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada maintains records related to sales, inventories and operating data for retail and wholesale businesses and the number and value of new motor vehicles sold in Canada. Statistics Canada also maintains detailed trade date by commodity or industry and records related to exports and imports on a customs basis.

The on-line catalogue of products and services is available at:

For further information, please call 1-800-263-1136, see the document 






Your business plan is the most important document you will develop in the start-up of your business.

Most entrepreneurs follow a specific pattern when they write a business plan in order to present the information in an organized way. While plans will vary because of different writing styles and preferences as well as types of business being developed, they all must cover the same common elements. These are:

  • Executive Summary

  • Business Description

  • Ownership and Management

  • Technical/Operational

  • Marketing

  • Financial

The Interactive Business Planner (IBP) enables you to do your business plan online. The IBP is:

  • customized for five different types of businesses; manufacturing, primary, service, retail and other start-ups;

  • prepares your 3-year projected financial statements;

  • password protected; and

  • user-friendly.

Need additional help? Our library contains materials on how to prepare a business plan as well as samples of business plans.

  • "Preparing a Successful Business Plan" by the Self-Counsel Business Series

  • "Business Plans Handbook: a Compilation of Actual Business Plans Developed by Small Businesses Throughout North America" by Craft, Donna, Senior editor, Farmington Hills, MI: The Gale Group

  • "The International Instant Business Plan" by Gustav Berle PhD and Paul Kirschner, Santa Maria, CA: Puma Publishing Company

Here are some useful sites on doing a business plan. Remember to check out Business Guides for more on business planning.

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