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Found 151 documents listed under the keyword Export

Advantage Lithuania: Lithuanian Development Agency

Agency Sales: The Marketing Magazine for Manufacturers Agencies

AgFITT : Module 1 - Getting Ready - Participant's Manual

AgFITT : Module 2 - Your Business Plan for Export Marketing - Participant's Manual

AgFITT : Module 3 - Assessing Export Opportunities - Participant's Manual

AgFITT : Module 4 - Getting to Market - Participant's Manual

AgFITT : Module 5 - Making the Sale - Participant's Manual

AgFITT : Module 6 - Getting Paid - Participant's Manual

AgFITT : Module 7 - Export Marketing for Specific Agri-Food Industries - Participant's Manual

AgFITT : Module 7 - Implementing Your Business Plan - Participant's Manual

Agri-Food Country Profile : Poland

Agri-Food Country Profile: India

Agri-Food Country Profile: Italy

All About Housing : Canada's Broadest Choice of Housing Information

Analysis of the Problem Loans at Asian Banks: Trends, Issues and Implications - Occasional Research Report

Answers to Questions about Canada's Export Controls on Military Goods

Asia Pacific Region in the Global Economy: A Canadian Perspective

Atlantic Business Magazine: Volume 16, No. 2 March/April 2005

Atlantic Canada Guide To Export Marketing - Volume 1

Atlantic Canada Guide To Export Marketing - Volume 2

Biotechnology Industry Overview : Oregon and Washington

Bottled Water Market in China

Building Abroad : A Guide for the Canadian Contractor

CAMESE Compendium of Canadian Mining Suppliers 2004/2005

Canada's International Business Strategy 2001-2002 : Agriculture, Food and Beverages

Canada's Merchandise Trade Imports / Canada's Merchandise Trade Exports

Canada's Poultry and Egg Industry 2003

CanadExport - Newsletters

Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters Directory 2004-2005

Canadian Automotive Exporters Directory

Canadian Bread and Bakery Industry

Canadian Confectionery Industry : Sub-Sector Profile Sept 2000

Canadian Distillery Industry : Sub-sector Profile

Canadian Distillery Industry : Sub-Sector Profile 2002

Canadian Exporters Catalogue - 1999 Edition

Canadian Fine Craft Niche Market Study

Canadian Import, Export and Interprovincial Requirements for Fresh Fruit & Vegetables

Canadian Import, Export and Interprovincial Requirements for Processed Products

Canadian Import, Export and Interprovincial Requirements for Dairy Products

Canadian Snack Food Industry

Canadian Sourcebook 1999

Canadian Trade Commissioner Service : Our Offices Abroad 2005-2006

Canadian Trade Index - Corporate Reference Guide 2002 Edition

Canadian Trade Index - 2006 Edition

Canadian Wine Industry : Sub-Sector Profile March 2003

CARNET - Your quintessential travelling companion

Central Europe: Supplement - CanadExport Winter 2002

Comparison of U.S. and Canadian Building Codes

Controlled Goods Program of Canada : Kit

Costa Rica - Kick Start Guide for Business Travelers

Countries in Europe: Russia: Canada-Russia Joint Action Plan for an Enhanced Bilateral Partnership

Countries in Europe: Russia: Joint Russian-Canadian Statement on Cooperation in the Field of Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy

Countries in Europe: Russia: Canada Profile

Countries in Eurpoe: Russia: Canada-Russia Relations

Country Forecasts - October 2004

Crossing Borders: Law in a Globalized World

CUBA: A Guide for Canadian Businesses

Definitive Guide to Exporting for Small Business in Canada

Directory of Aboriginal Exporters - 2002

Doing Business with New Zealand

Doing Business with the United States : A Guide for Canadian Exporters

Dual Citizenship : What Travellers Should Know

Electronic Components and Printed Circuit Board Purchasers and Manufacturers' Representatives in the Southeastern United States : A Market Study

Environmental Business Canada

Environmental Trade and Related Associations in the United States

Export Finance : A Guide for Canadian Managers

Export Manager: Guide to Export Marketing and Management 1995

Export Needs and Challenges Facing Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Nova Scotia - 2002

Export Packaging: A Guide for Exporters

Export Savvy: From Basics to Strategy

Export Wise

Exporters' Encyclopedia - Fact File 2006/07

Exporting From Canada : A practical guide to finding and developing export markets for your product or service

Exporting Goods from Canada : A Handy Customs Guide for Exporters (Rev. 05)

Exporting, Importing, and Beyond - How to "Go Global" With Your Small Business

Exporting to the United States

Facts - Concerning Switzerland for Entrepreneurs, Advisors and Decision Makers

FITT Skills - Global Entrepreneurship - Participant's Manual

FITT Skills - International Market Entry and Distribution - Participant's Manual

FITT Skills - International Marketing - Participant's Manual

FITT Skills - International Trade Finance - Participant's Manual

FITT Skills - International Trade Logistics - Participant's Manual

FITT Skills - International Trade Management - Participant's Manual

FITT Skills - International Trade Management - Participant's Workbook

FITT Skills - International Trade Research - Participant's Manual

FITT Skills - International Trade Research - Participant's Workbook

FITT Skills - Legal Aspects of International Trade - Participant's Manual

FITT Skills - Legal Aspects of International Trade - Participant's Workbook

Fraser's Canadian Trade Directory 2006: Volume Four of Four

Fraser's Canadian Trade Directory 2006: Volume Three of Four

Fraser's Canadian Trade Directory 2006: Volume Two of Four

Getting Started! Guide to Building Regulations in the U.K.

Global Excellence: Innovating for Success - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Corporate Strategic Plan 1999-2002

Global Road Warrior

Going Global : An Introduction to International Trade - Participant's Reference Guide

Guide for Exporters to U.S. Residential Building Codes

Guide to Canada's Export Controls

Guide to Export-Import Basics, ICC

Handbook - Information Concerning Switzerland for Entrepreneurs, Advisors and Decision Makers

Handbook of Export and Import Commodity Codes

Her Own Way: Advice for the Woman Traveller

Hong Kong, Macau, and the Pearl River Delta: A Kick Start Guide for Business Travelers

Horizons - Policy Research Initiative

How to Find Information on the United States Retail Industry

I E Canada Membership Directory 2005/2006

Import / Export Services (Start-Up 2003)

Indonesia: A Kick Start Guide for Business Travelers

Industry Canada Construction Reviews

Industry Sector Directory 2001

International Trade Centre

Japan Fisheries Market Report

Keeping Corruption out: EDC's Guide for Canadian Exporters

Korea - Agri-Food Facts and Trends

Malaysia: A Kick Start Guide for Business Travelers

Management Issues Survey: 2002-2003

Managing Risk - Annual Report 2004-2005

Manufacturing Industry Directory - Newfoundland and Labrador 2003-2004

Market Intellegence Profile of China

Migra's Canadian Export Guide

M?xico: Qu? Pasa? - A Guide for Canadian Visitors

NAFTA and the Electrical Equipment Sector

National Giftware and Craft Market Study for the United States : A Guide for Canadian Producers of Giftware, Crafts and Decorative Home Accessories

New Regime in American Border Security: Dealing With the New US Regulations

North American Economic Integration: Issues and Research Agenda - Discussion Paper #10

Nova Scotia Business Inc: Some of Our Key Strenghts

Opening Doors to the World : Canada's International Market Access Priorities 2004

Organic Food Market in Japan

Path to Prosperity: Canada's Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Pathways to Growth : Opportunities in Biotechnology

Perspectives on Labour and Income: Autumn 2005 Vol. 17, No. 3

Perspectives on Labour and Income: Autumn 2006 Vol. 18, No. 3

Perspectives on Labour and Income: Spring 2006 Vol. 18, No. 1

Pocket Facts : Canada - Economic Indicators & Canada's Merchandise Trade

Put the Power of Canada behind your Export Sales

Quality System Requirements for Medical Devices: Reference Guide for Manufacturers Selling Medical Devices in Europe, Canada and the US

Responding to Unsolicited Orders - On-line Guide for Exporters

Roadmap to Exporting 2005

Roadmap to Exporting 2005

Safe Stowage : A Guide for Exporters

Sale Around the World - Atlantic Canada World Trade Centre

Sector Competitiveness Frameworks : Logistics and Supply Chain Management : Overview and Prospects

Starting a Business in Canada : A Guide for New Canadians

Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting 2005

Steps Toward Entering the Mexican Market

Text of Free Trade Agreement Between Canada and Israel

Trade Confidence Index : Fall 2005

Trade Policy Research 2004

Transportation Export Review

U.S. Industry & Trade Outlook 2000

Vietnam: A Kick Start Guide for Business Travelers

20/20 Canada,s Industry Association Magazine

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