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Found 90 documents listed under the keyword Technology

Innovation Roadmap on Bio-Based Feedstocks, Fuels and Industrial Products : Capturing Canada,s Natural Advantage

Aboriginal Businesses: Characteristics and Strategies for Growth - Occasional Paper No. 20

Agri-Food Country Profile : Poland

Answers to Questions about Canada's Export Controls on Military Goods

Asia Pacific Region in the Global Economy: A Canadian Perspective

Atlantic Business Magazine: Volume 16, No. 2 March/April 2005

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency - Report to Parliament 1993 - 1998


Backbone: Business Technology Lifestyle

Bioproducts Toolkit

Bioscience World: Website for the bioscience industry

Biosciences Resource and Recruitment Guide - 2003/2004


Biotechnology Focus: Insights for the Life Sciences Industry

Biotechnology Industry Overview : Oregon and Washington

Building Long-Term Capability Now : Canadian Human Resources Study in Biotechnology

Canada's Innovation Strategy - Info Kit

Canadian Aerospace and Defence Technology Framework

Canadian Assistive Devices & Technology Industry Directory 3rd Edition

Canadian Biomass Innovation Network website

Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee - Annual Report 2004

Canadian Biotechnology Statistics

Canadian Distillery Industry : Sub-sector Profile

Canadian Distillery Industry : Sub-Sector Profile 2002

Canadian Electric Power Technology Roadmap : Forecast

Canadian Farm Manager - Newsletter of Canadian Farm Business Management

Canadian Women: Risktakers and Changemakers

Challenges of Rapid Technological Change - Catching up with the Jetsons

Chronolog - The Dialog Corporation Newsletters

CISTI : Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information : Gateway to Worldwide Scientific, Technical and Medical Information

Collaborating for Innovation : 2nd Annual Innovation Report

Computer Dealer News : Source Guide - 2002

Connectedness in Manufacturing : The Key Is Standards

Connectedness Series : Internet by Cable

Corporate Executive

Cyber Law Canada : The Computer User's Legal Guide

Digital Divide: A Framework for Action

Doing Big Business on the Internet

Economic Contribution of the Nova Scotia Life Sciences Sector

Economic Growth in Canada and the United States in the Information Age

Employment, Skills and the Knowledge Economy in Atlantic Canada : Maritime Series

Energy Efficiency Opportunities in the Solid Wood Industries

Entrepreneurs Forum - EF

Environmental Business Canada

Environmental Solutions through Technology Innovation and Partnerships

Ethnic Media & Markets Fall 2005

Export Wise

Federal Science and Technology: The Pursuit of Excellence

Future Needs for Medical Imaging in Health Care : Report of Working Group 1 - Medical Imaging Technology Roadmap

Guide for Small Retailers : Putting Energy Efficiency to Work for You

Guide to Canada's Energy Efficiency Regulations - 1999

Industrial Research Assistance Program : IRAP kit

Industry Sector Directory 2001

Information and Communication Technology Use : Are Small Firms Catching Up?

InNovacorp - Nova Scotia Innovation Corporation

Innovation Nation: Canadian Leadership from Java to Jurassic Park

Innovation Roadmap on Bio-Based Feedstocks, Fuels and Industrial Products : Capturing Canada,s Natural Advantage

Investing in Innovation 2001-2002 Year in Review

Life Science Company Search Engine

Linkages in the National Knowledge System: Fostering a Linked Federal S&T; Enterprise

List of biotech products and producers

Metropolitan Outlook 1: Economic Insights Into 27 Canadian Metropolitan Economies (Automn 2005)

MP Biomedicals 2006-2007

Nova Scotia - Open to the World

Nova Scotia Bio-Industry Directory - 1997

Nova Scotia Business Idea Explorer, The

NovaKnowledge - Information package

Offshore Technologies Association of Nova Scotia - OTANS: Members List January 2001

Partner Solutions Guide

Path to Prosperity: Canada's Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Pathways to Growth : Opportunities in Biotechnology

Performance of Canada's Manufacturing Sector

Perspectives on Labour and Income: Autumn 2005 Vol. 17, No. 3

Perspectives on Labour and Income: Autumn 2006 Vol. 18, No. 3

Perspectives on Labour and Income: Spring 2006 Vol. 18, No. 1

Profile of the Canadian Manufacturing High-Technology Industries

Report on Business

Science and Technology Advice : A Framework to Build on - A Report on Federal Science and Technology 2002

Science and Technology Data : 2002

Small Business Canada Magazine

Smart Communities : Report of the National Selection Committee

Solutions for Advanced Manufacturing (SAM)

Start and Run a Retail Business

Summary Document : A Summary of Principal Ideas Arising From Research Papers Not Addressed in the Biotechnological Intellectual Property and the Patenting of Higher Life Forms Consultation Document 2001

Technology Partnerships Canada (Kit)

Technology quarterly - TQ Magazine

Technology Roadmaps : Follow the Path to Tomorrow's Technology

Technology Transfers and Licensing - 2nd Edition

Telehealth Sector in Canada

Winning at New Products - Accelerating the Process from Idea to Launch : Second Edition

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