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Career, Employment and Youth Services 
Employment (Wage Subsidy) Programs

Wage subsidy programs are available to assist employers in offering work experience and employment to a variety of individuals. These programs vary in length, duration and type of subsidy. Individuals may utilize these programs in their job search by bringing them to the attention of employers.

Graduate Employment Program
Assists post-secondary graduates in obtaining employment related to their academic field of study.

Provides career related employment and career planning workshops for youth who have not completed post-secondary education.

NL Works
Provides individuals with work experience and skills to improve their employment prospects and attachment to the labour market by providing profit and not-for-profit employers with a wage subsidy to create new positions.

Student Work and Service Program (SWASP) Paid Employment Component
Assist individuals who plan to attend or return to a post-secondary institution.
The Community Service Component of (SWASP) is delivered by the Community Services Council, Click here for more information.

Student Employment Program
(Levels l, ll, lll High School)
Assists community-based, not-for-profit organizations in creating summer employment for high school students.


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