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Online P.Log. Certification Program Launched in Partnership with Athabasca University

As leader in professional development for the Supply Chain Logistics Industry we are pleased to announce the launch of our new Online Certification Program in Partnership with Athabasca University. (more...)

2007 First Trimester Module Schedule Posted

Please see the First Trimester Module Schedule for 2007 (more...)

Industry calls for Expansion of Executive Certification Program for 2007

Industry demand for leadership development across the country has lead to the Logistics Institutes announced expansion of its Executive P.Log. Certification Program into four regions for 2007. The six day intensive program leading to Certification will be held in Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, Vancouver. (more...)

Institute President meets with Premier of China

President of the Logistics Institute, Victor S. Deyglio, met with Wen jiabao, Premier of the People’s Republic of China in a closed session with Premier Wen in Beijing, China. (more...)

Congratulations Alan Wilson Early Renewal prize winner of two tickets from Air Canada

Alan Wilson P.Log. is our Early Renewal prize winner of airfare for two to any destination Air Canada flys in North America. Try our online renewal process and new your membership today! The P.Log. designation is a public statement of your commitment to your professional and a symbol of competence and integrity. Renew Today! (more...)

The Logistics Institute and Kwantlen University College form a “Partnership in Professionalism”

BC – To celebrate its 25th Anniversary Kwantlen University College has formed a unique partnership with the Logistics Institute that will allow all students to receive free student membership. Membership allows students to begin a “school-to-workforce” transition by accessing a Logistics CareerSite, an online skills portfolio and resume service (more...)

     Logistics Quarterly

Logistics Quarterly (LQ) is the official magazine of the Logistics Institute. This leading industry magazine publishes informative stories on important news affecting logistics and the supply chain sector.

Upcoming Modules
  • Supply Chain Strategies - Athabasca
    Jan. 15-Feb 9 Online
  • Leading & Managing Change -
    Jan 17 - 19 - Toronto
  • Team Dynamics
    Jan 29-Feb 23- Online
  • Ethics & Leadership
    February 7-9 - Toronto
  • Logistics Process Diagnostics
    Feb 26- Mar 23 - Online
  • Supply Chain Strategies
    Apr 18 - 20 - Toronto

    Breaking Logistics News from Google Canada chooses Microsoft Corp., Manhattan Associates to offer ... - Ferret

    The 2006 Supply& Demand Chain Executive 100 - Supply&Demand; Chain Executive

    Bharti puts state on Wal-Mart map - Calcutta Telegraph

    Pallet& Logistics Industry 2031 - A Look into the Future... ... - Pallet Enterprise

    Investors tracking express-delivery firms this season - Chicago Tribune

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