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PLETT alt. Duration: 00:01:23

Thousands of armed men are staging anti-American demonstrations in Pakistan.

They're protesting against the military action yesterday which killed as many as 80 people and injured many more.

Pakistani authorities say the target was an al Qaeda training school.

They acknowledge they had help from the U.S. in gathering intelligence for the raid, but say the U.S. was not directly involved.

Local people say the compound was a religious school. They say the dead were students, and, they blame the Americans..

Barbara Plett reports.

Afghan Deaths Duration: 00:00:14

Two NATO soldiers were killed and two more wounded in a roadside bombing. It happened while they were on patrol in Nuristan, in eastern Afghanistan. NATO has not released the nationality of the soldiers, but U.S. troops are known to work in the area.

CF-18s alt Duration: 00:00:25

It appears the Defence Department is preparing six C-F-18 fighter jets for deployment in Afghanistan, though last month the department denied such plans. In the House of Commons yesterday, Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor admitted Canada had committed the jets to NATO, if they are required.

Last night, another contingent of Canadian troops departed for Afghanistan. The 76 soldiers from C-F-B Valcartier will be assigned to protect reconstruction projects, and to train members of the Afghan National Army

adhopia#2/wr***** Duration: 00:01:28

Alberta's booming economy is hungry for skilled workers. And companies there are luring people to the province from every corner of Canada.

Yesterday in St. John's Newfoundland, about 5-thousand people lined up for hours hoping to land a job.

The huge turnout was for a job fair hosted by companies in Alberta's oil industry.

Vik Adhopia has this report:

Terror Cash Duration: 00:00:24

A federal government study has found problems with the way border officials are handling cash seizures. The internal audit uncovered cases where money was wrongly confiscated, cash seizures were not properly reported, and money was not promptly deposited in the bank.

The Canada Border Services Agency says steps have been taken to fix the problems. Between January 2003 and March 2005, border guards seized 88-million dollars, looking for links to money laundering and terrorism.

lunn #2/wr***** Duration: 00:02:10

A group created by the government to monitor Access to Information requests, says the Conservative government is delaying and denying access as much as the former Liberal government did.

The head of the group charges that requests are often delayed for months, and come with huge search fees.

As Susan Lunn reports, the CBC has its own example.

MacKinnon/wr***** Duration: 00:02:02

In Quebec, 200 people are waiting to find out if they came in contact with potentially tainted blood.

Almost two weeks ago, a free clinic run by a group called Diabetes Quebec was held in a grocery store in Thetford Mines.

Apparently, a glucose testing device malfunctioned and now Public Health officials are re-testing the participants, this time for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.

Health officials in Quebec say they may have been exposed to the virus through shared needles.

Catou MacKinnon reports.

Oaxaca alt Duration: 00:00:27

Bands of young people continue to roam the streets of Oaxaca in Mexico, throwing gasoline bombs and hijacking vehicles. Last night, thousands of protesters faced lines of riot police in the city's main square. They're demanding the resignation of the state governor Ulises Ruiz. He's being accused of corruption and using police to attack opponents.

Yesterday, the Mexican National Congress passed a non-binding resolution, asking Ruiz to resign. So far, he has refused.

Ottawa is advising Canadians not to travel to the city.

brazil Duration: 00:00:27

Brazil's newly re-elected President has set out priorities for his second term.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva says the emphasis will be on economic development, the redistribution of wealth from rich to poor, and education.

Lula won more than 60 per cent of the vote in Sunday's election.

He says that is a mandate to continue focusing on the plight of the poor in Brazil.

Lula plans to invest in more land reform, university scholarships for the poor and welfare programs.

HAMANN****(refile) Duration: 00:01:48

As leaders of the Association of South East Asian Nations gather in China this week, the problem of smoke from forest fires in Indonesia is expected to be at the top of the agenda.

The fires have been burning for more than three months and the smoke is now blanketing large areas of Southeast Asia.

Although lighting fires to clear land for plantation is illegal in Indonesia, a lack of enforcement means the practice is still widespread.

Katie Hamann sent this report from Jakarta.

KW Symphony Duration: 00:00:15

And finally.......

There is good news for classical music fans in southwest Ontario.......

The Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony managed to stave off bankruptcy, by raising two-point-three million dollars in just three weeks. The donations came from 14-hundred individuals and corporations.

Falling attendance rates have hurt the symphony's finances.

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