On-the-Job Training (OJT) helps train an injured worker now for mutual benefits in the future. It is a risk-free, cost-saving program offered by the WCB.


Provide an injured worker with new skills, as outlined in their vocational rehabilitation plan.

Get additional help at no cost and no obligation.

Pay no wages and benefits to the injured worker during the agreed upon training period.

Obtain no-cost technological support or adaptive devices for your injured worker's training period, depending on the injured worker's needs and the requirements of the job.

Retain an injured worker who is familiar with your business, your operations and your customers at the end of the OJT period, if you wish.

Attain an easy, risk-free investment in your company's future.

Call us to learn more

The Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor for your region will be happy to discuss our On-the-Job Training Program with you. Send us an email, or contact us at:

Halifax Office
Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia
5668 South Street
PO Box 1150
Halifax, NS B3J 2Y2

Halifax: 491 8999
Toll Free: 1 800 870 3331


Sydney Office
Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia
336 King's Road, Suite 117
Sydney, NS B1S 1A9

Sydney: 563 2444
Toll Free: 1 800 880 0003