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Banner: Voluntary Sector Triangle Breadcrumb LinePrograms - Canadian Partnership Programs - Voluntary Sector - Youth Program Breadcrumb Line
Youth Program

Program Description
Assessment Criteria
Application Process

Program Description

The objective of the Youth Program of Canadian Partnership Branch (CPB), managed by CPB’s Agency Services and Canadian Relations Directorate, is to strengthen the understanding and support of Canadian youth for international development cooperation and enable their informed action. The Youth Program provides financial support to the programs of non-governmental organizations, volunteer-sending organizations, and colleges that send Canadian youth abroad and focus their activities on youth in Canada through a number of programs.

These programs include international student exchanges that improve youth employment skills, opportunities, and their knowledge about international cooperation and international relationships; development programs that empower youth to be stakeholders in sustainable development and address their specific needs and issues; youth-centered public engagement programs that raise the awareness of young people across Canada about intercultural realities and development issues; and networking programs that promote discussion among youth leaders from various countries who are taking action for a sustainable future.

CPB's Youth Program engages young Canadians by offering them opportunities for direct involvement in programming by providing information on development issues and by facilitating their ability to debate issues of international cooperation.

Top of pageEligibility

Organizational eligibility criteria

To be eligible for Youth Program funding, an organization:
    1. must be incorporated or registered as a not-for-profit organization under the laws of Canada, a province or a territory;
    2. must have its main place of business in Canada;
    3. must have had a minimum of three years' experience in cooperating with developing-country partners and managing or delivering extensive international development initiatives in at least one developing country;
    4. must have a transparent internal governance structure with regularly elected or appointed board of directors (or governing body under another designation) that sets policy and appoints an executive that is accountable to the board; and,
    5. must have audited financial statements for the two most recent fiscal years, the latest having been completed within the last 18 months.

Note: Organizations that meet the eligibility criteria will not necessarily receive funding.

Youth Program Eligibility Criteria

Eligible organizations must have a mandate to engage youth in international development cooperation, consistent with CIDA's mandate. They must have worked with youth in Canada for at least two years and be able to manage an international project.

Expected results for programs should contribute to achieving the following Key Agency Result: Strategic collaboration between CIDA partners to engage the Canadian public, particularly youth, in development.

The Youth program has the following characteristics:
  • The proponent engages Canadian youth in the delivery of its development programming, complementing their education and training about international relationships.
  • The program is planned and implemented through North-South, regional and global partnerships with demonstrated local ownership of its developmental results.
  • The program has clear milestones and indicators to measure progress in developing capacities, in policy influence, and in engaging Canadians.
  • Partnership agreements with local partners often continue beyond the life of the program, and an exit strategy is part of the agreements.
  • It is not simply a collection of projects submitted by Southern civil society organizations, to which the Canadian proponent organization provides financial support: the proponent needs to demonstrate the Canadian value-added beyond financial support.
  • The program should be a focused, strategic response based on the proponent organization’s specific expertise, knowledge, and experience, with a demonstrated Canadian comparative advantage.

Note: Programs that meet eligibility criteria will not necessarily receive funding.

Top of pageAssessment Criteria

Organizations that meet basic eligibility requirements can apply to Youth Action for cost-shared program funding. Funding decisions are based on a detailed proposal analysis using the following criteria:

A) Support of CIDA's mandate and priorities

The proposal's coherence with CIDA priorities and objectives is assessed on the following basis:
  • The program is aligned with CIDA’s mandate and priorities, including a contribution to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), sectoral priorities, geographic focus, and gender and environmental considerations. The initiative must take place in Countries and Territories Eligible for Canadian Development Assistance.
  • The program contributes to at least one Voluntary Sector Program objective:
  • capacity development of developing-country organizations;
  • enhanced policy influence of poor and marginalized groups; and,
  • increased engagement of a large and diverse spectrum of Canadians in international development.
  • The program is geographically focused to address priority development needs of poor and marginalized populations. The locally identified needs it addresses are relevant to the local context, coherent with the stated priorities of national development plans or poverty reduction strategies, and coordinated with other national and international development actors.
  • The program is in compliance with CIDA’s policy on gender equality and contributes to at least one of the gender equality results desired as defined in CIDA’s Policy Objectives.
  • Environmental considerations have been integrated into programming.

B) Results and value for money

The projected costs of the proposal are weighed against the expected benefits to provide an indication of the value for money of the proposed initiative on the following basis:

  • Results: Baseline indicators and needs are clearly and locally defined; there is a clear and logical link between identified needs, program approach and results; results are clear, realistic and measurable; there is evidence that the results/benefits will continue after CIDA's involvement ends.
  • Value: The relationship between proposed resource use and results is reasonable; there is clear potential for Canada and Canadians to add value; and the proponent has the appropriate capacity to leverage diversified sources of funding for the initiative.

C)Likelihood of success / capacity of the proponent

The feasibility of the initiative to achieve expected results is assessed against success factors on the following basis:
  • The level of local ownership, partnership, and shared accountability for results.
  • The level of relevant sectoral, geographic, and management experience of the proponent.
  • The technical soundness of the program methodology.
  • A weighing and presentation of assumptions, risks, and appropriate risk-mitigation strategies.
  • The initiative is incorporated into the organization's strategic plan and supported by its board of directors.

Top of pageApplication Process

Applications can be submitted at any time, and are assessed on a continuous basis (no time-bound calls for proposals).

A Youth Program proposal should be no more than 20 pages long, excluding the required appendices. The proposal should provide CIDA with a concise, but thorough, description of your program and its various components, referred to as program activities.
  1. Download and fill out the Application Form (Microsoft Word Format).
  2. Attach the required supporting documentation as described in the application form.
  3. Please send your completed application form and supporting documentation electronically.
Supporting documentation can also be faxed to Attn.: Youth Action Division at 819-953-2845 or mailed to:

Youth Action Division

Agency Services and Canadian Relations Directorate
Canadian Partnership Branch
Canadian International Development Agency
200 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0G4

Top of pageLinks

This section provides other useful links to relevant background documentation for the Voluntary Sector Program:
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  Last Updated: 2006-10-06 Top of Page Important Notices