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Voluntary Sector Fund
Update: Effective immediately, the Voluntary Sector Fund (VSF) will no longer be accepting project proposals for Bulgaria and Romania. Please see the VSF Guidelines and Application Form for the full list of eligible countries for the VSF.

Program Description
Assessment Criteria
Application Process

Program Description

The objective of the Voluntary Sector Fund (VSF) is to support sustainable international development projects proposed by Canadian not-for-profit organizations in partnership with developing-country partners
in at least one of five priority sectors: governance, health, basic education, private sector development, and environment, with gender as a crosscutting theme in all projects.

The Voluntary Sector Fund has an annual budget of $20 milllion for development projects submitted through an ongoing process based on evaluation of the merit of the proposal against established criteria.

Eligible Canadian not-for-profit organizations can:

The VSF provides funding:
  • for up to 75 percent of the total Canadian contribution (in other words, a maximum of $3 contributed by CIDA for every $1 contributed by the organization) up to a maximum of $500,000 per project submitted (over a maximum of three years); and
  • for up to a maximum of three operational projects at a time.

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To be eligible,
your organization:
  1. must be incorporated as a not-for-profit organization under the laws of Canada or of a province or a territory of Canada;
  2. must have a regularly elected board of directors (or governing body under another designation);
  3. must have its main place of business in Canada;
  4. must provide CIDA with audited financial statements of its last two fiscal years, the latest having been completed within the last 18 months;
  5. must have had revenues of at least $50,000 a year, obtained from Canadian sources, for the organization's past two fiscal years. Exception: Organizations who have never received CIDA funding only need to demonstrate revenues of at least $20,000 a year, obtained from Canadian sources, for the organization's past two fiscal years;
  6. must have had at least two years’ experience in cooperating with developing-country partner organizations and in managing or delivering international development projects in a developing country; and
  7. must not have any outstanding issues with CIDA related to a previous CIDA-funded initiative.
Organizations who meet all the eligibility criteria will not necessarily receive funding from the Voluntary Sector Fund.

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    Project Eligibility Criteria

    To be eligible, your project:
    1. must address one or more of the five priority sectors;
    2. must target one or more of the eligible countries identified for the VSF (see Application Guidelines and Application Form [Microsoft Word Format] for country list);
    3. must respect the CIDA-to-applicant cost-sharing ratio of up to 3:1;
    4. must require a contribution from CIDA of between $75,000 and $500,000 (an organization may have a maximum of three active projects funded by the VSF at any given time);
    5. must be carried out in partnership with a developing-country partner organization;
    6. must have a duration of no more than three years; and
    7. may not receive funding from the VSF if the applicant organization is currently receiving ‘‘program’’ funding from CIDA’s Canadian Partnership Branch. (If an organization’s program funding is ending within a year, it may apply to the Voluntary Sector Fund with the understanding that any approved project may not start until the ‘‘program’’ funding ends.)
    Please see the Voluntary Sector Fund – Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to some common questions about the Voluntary Sector Fund (including eligibilty and proposal assessment).

    If you are unsure whether your organization and your project meet these eligibility criteria, please feel free to contact us to discuss. Please also note that meeting these eligibility criteria does not automatically guarantee that a project will receive funding from the VSF.

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    Assessment Criteria

    VSF support to voluntary sector initiatives is based on a detailed analysis of a proposal using the criteria below:

    A. Developmental Objectives
    1. The initiative’s developmental focus, beneficiaries, and reach clearly support at least one of CIDA’s priority sectors (i.e., health, including HIV/AIDS; basic education; governance; private sector development; or environmental sustainability) that contribute to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
    2. The initiative contributes to at least one of CPB’s voluntary sector objectives of capacity development of developing-country organizations, policy influence and/or empowerment of poor and marginalized groups, or engaging Canadians.
    3. The developmental priorities/plans/strategies of a CIDA-eligible target country(ies) are clearly being supported in a manner that addresses the developmental needs of poor and marginalized groups, including strengthening local capacity.
    4. The initiative is in accordance with CIDA’s policy on gender equality and contributes appropriately to at least one of the gender equality results desired as defined in CIDA’s policy objectives.
    5. Environmental considerations, consistent with the developmental objectives of the proposed initiative, have been appropriately integrated.
      Note: An appropriate integration may mean no environmental activities, since they are not needed; the analysis should provide a rationale.
      B. Results and Value for Money
      1. The expected results and the results chain proposed are consistent with CIDA’s RBM approaches, logical, and complete, and clearly support the identified development goals/needs.
        Note: The outcomes are the results expected at the end of the project, not beyond. A logical and complete results chain means that if the output results proposed are all achieved, then the outcome results will be achieved, and that achieving the outcomes will logically contribute to achieving the impacts in the future. If the outcomes cannot realistically be achieved by achieving all the outputs listed, then the results chain is incomplete.
      2. Activities clearly support identified realistic outputs that are measurable.
      3. Value for money: Evidence that the resources being applied will produce results for the identified beneficiaries in a cost-effective manner.
      4. Sustainability: Evidence that results/benefits are expected to continue after CIDA’s involvement ends.
      5. Potential for Canada and Canadians to add value.
        C. Likelihood of Success
        1. Local ownership and partnership: Evidence initiative is local-country (Southern) driven, there is shared responsibility and accountability for results, and clear roles and responsibilities are evident.
        2. Technical soundness of the proposed development approach to achieve results.
        3. Experience: Capacity, sector, and geographic/cultural experiences of the proponent organization are appropriate to implement the initiative and achieve the expected results.
        4. Assumptions and risks, and mitigation strategies proposed to deal with at least high-level risks, are relevant and appropriate to achieving the results.
        CIDA will aim toward achieving a planned service standard of notifying all applicants of whether their proposal has been retained for funding within 12–16 weeks after submission of a complete application. Due to the anticipated high volume of proposals in response to the launching of the fund, it may prove difficult to achieve this service standard during the first year of operation.

        Please see the Voluntary Sector Fund – Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to some common questions about the Voluntary Sector Fund (including eligibilty and proposal assessment).

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        Application Process

        1. Call us to discuss your organization and/or your project idea before taking the time and effort to fill out an application form. (Note, keep the Director of your Canadian Regional Office informed of your actions at every stage).
        2. Download and fill out the Application Guidelines and Application Form (Microsoft Word format).
        3. Attach the required supporting documentation as described in the application form.
        4. Please send us your completed application form and supporting documentation electronically.
        Supporting documentation can also be faxed to Attn.: Voluntary Sector Fund at 819-953-6357.

        For more information, please contact CIDA's Canadian Regional Offices in Canada or the Projects and Innovation section through CIDA's toll free number 1-800-230-6349 (switchboard), or at (819) 997-1560 (direct) or by e-mail.

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        This section provides other useful links to relevant background documentation for the Voluntary Sector Fund:

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        Microsoft Word Format

        Note: To view this file you need Microsoft Word on your system. To download a copy, right-click on the file below and choose "Save Target As..." from the pop-up menu. If this file is not accessible to you, please request an alternate format to

        Application Guidelines and Application Form (321 Kb, 26 pages)
          Comments or questions on this page prepared by Canadian Partnership Branch? Use the comments form or send an e-mail.Line
          Last Updated: 2006-10-13 Top of Page Important Notices