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CIDA's Strategy on Knowledge for Development through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Message from the Minister
Executive Summary
1. Knowledge, ICTs and Development 2. Lessons Learned
3. CIDA's Strategy 4. Implementing the Strategy

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Message from the Minister

During my missions to developing countries I have witnessed how access to a range of information and communication technologies (ICTs) can give people knowledge that empowers them.

ICTs such as radio, television, telephones, computers, and the Internet can provide access to knowledge in sectors such as agriculture, microenterprise, education, and human rights, offering a new realm of choices that enable the poor to improve their quality of life. Unfortunately, not everyone enjoys equal access to these technologies.

The resulting digital divide is found not only between industrialized and developing countries, but also within developing countries. As the divide grows wider, it aggravates the existing divisions of power and inequities in access to resources between men and women, the literate and non-literate, and urban and rural populations.

For more than a quarter of a century, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) has supported the use of ICTs as a tool for development. Our new strategy, “Knowledge for Development Through Information and Communication Technologies,” refines our approach by addressing issues related to the growing digital divide. As part of our strategy, ICTs will help develop the education, health, and HIV/AIDS sectors, build local capacity, and support knowledge sharing and networking. Moreover, CIDA will support international activities and partnerships among government, the private sector, and civil society that promote knowledge sharing and other uses of ICTs in development.

The strategy emphasizes the importance of gender equality. This principle is central to CIDA’s programming in all sectors. It is especially important in a sector that is changing rapidly to ensure that our ICT programs and policies enable women to take advantage of opportunities presented by the new technologies.

Given Canada’s size, regional diversity, and technological expertise, we are well placed to help developing countries benefit from ICTs. However, for CIDA’s aid to be effective, our partners in developing countries and countries in transition must take the lead to reflect their priorities, rather than the priorities of donors. This new strategy will ensure that local ownership is achieved through consultative processes involving government, civil society, and other groups within developing countries to decide how ICTs can best serve their country’s economic and social development.

The Honourable Susan E. Whelan, P.C., M.P.
Minister for International Cooperation

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Executive Summary

  • Poverty reduction is a central component of this strategy. Increasing equal access to, control of, and ability to derive benefits from socio-political and economic information
    © CIDA photo: David Barbour
    A Thai woman holds a radio on the floor
    of a new fish pond, built by the CIDA-sponsored
    Community-Based Integrated Rural Development
    can contribute to the reduction of poverty by providing individuals and communities with the opportunity to expand their choices and improve their livelihoods. This information may range from financially viable markets and incomegenerating opportunities to the availability of government services and issues of governance to information on health care and delivery, HIV/AIDS care/prevention, education, and skills-development programs.
  • For the purposes of this strategy, Knowledge for Development (KD) is defined as integrating into development programs the ability of beneficiaries to access, utilize, and disseminate information and knowledge. This is done with a view to promoting socio-economic development using appropriate information and communication technologies (ICTs), coupled with the development of required associated skills. ICTs include a wide range of essential tools for sharing information such as radio, television, telephony, and the Internet.
  • Compared with developed countries, there is a lack of access to and availability of ICTs in many developing/transition countries. This has resulted in what is commonly referred to as the "digital divide," which is an element of the broader development disparity between rich and poor, men and women, urban and rural, etc., within all societies.
  • The international community has responded by launching concerted initiatives to bridge the digital divide. These activities include global initiatives to strengthen policy development, address gender inequalities, create public-private partnerships to leverage private sector investors, build electronic gateways to link information and resources and create networks to bring stakeholders together to share knowledge on promoting ICTs for development. Increasing co-ordination among these initiatives remains a critical element.
  • The Government of Canada responded to this growing concern in the 2001 Speech from the Throne with a commitment to closing the digital divide through domestic innovations, an ICT agenda, involvement in the G8 Digital Opportunity Task Force (DOT Force) and investments in developing countries.
  • CIDA is participating in many of these international efforts, and continues to make policy and program investments in ICTs and knowledge initiatives within the broader context of developing country programming priorities.
  • Based on the principle of country ownership, CIDA's strategy is guided first and foremost by the needs and priorities of developing/transition countries. This strategy is intended to guide and inform CIDA's work in the ICT sector, and its involvement in international initiatives over the next three to five years.
  • The strategy recommends that CIDA's approach be at two levels—programming and strategic institutional partnerships.

1. Programming should focus on, but not be limited to:

  1. using ICTs as tools for development of the education and health sectors, in particular, the control and prevention of HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases;
  2. building enabling environments through support for policy and regulatory framework advice and development and promoting local capacity development; and
  3. supporting knowledge sharing and networking with the help of ICTs.
2. Strategic institutional partnerships support international initiatives and partnerships between the government, private sector, and civil society focused on activities related to knowledge sharing and bridging the digital divide through the Knowledge for Development Fund.

1. Knowledge, ICTs and Development

Top of page1.1 The role of knowledge in the development process

CIDA's mandate outlined in Canada's 1995 Foreign Policy Statement, Canada and the World, is to support sustainable development in developing countries, in order to reduce poverty and thus contribute to a more secure, equitable, and prosperous world. According to CIDA's Policy on Poverty Reduction (1996), "poverty results from the lack of human, physical and financial capital needed to sustain livelihoods, and from inequities in access to, control of, and benefits from political, social or economic resources".

Information and knowledge are among the resources fundamental to the development process. Access to information and knowledge, other than strengthening civil society, contributes to poverty reduction by allowing individuals and communities to expand their choices. This information and knowledge can relate to, for example, financially viable markets and incomegenerating opportunities, or availability of government services, education, and skills development
programs. Also, recognition and dissemination of the indigenous knowledge possessed by the poor, especially women, can contribute to development, competitiveness, and productivity. Knowledge and information are therefore key factors in economic competitiveness and productivity, as well as in social and political development. In sum, knowledge empowers people and provides them with the opportunity to make their own informed choices as to what will work best for them.

According to CIDA's policy on poverty reduction, poverty reduction is a sustained decrease in the number of poor people and in the extent of their deprivation. This requires that the root causes and structural factors of poverty be addressed. Reducing poverty places a focus on peoples' capabilities of avoiding or limiting their deprivation. Key aspects of this are: recognizing and developing the potential of the poor, especially women who make up the majority of the poor; increasing their productive capacity; reducing barriers limiting their participation in society, and facilitating the realization of socio-economic benefits from this participation.
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1.2The link between knowledge and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)1

Knowledge can be shared in different ways: verbally—through person-to-person communication, on-the-job training, or classroom education;by listening to the radio or watching TV; by reading books and newspapers, etc.

© CIDA photo: Roger LeMoyne
Jamaican children learn to use computers
as part of the Hope for Children Project,
sponsored by CIDA.
Information and Communication Technologies offer new ways of providing access to information and knowledge, and thereby create significant opportunities for learning; networking, social organization and participation; and improving transparency and accountability. For example, grass roots work by non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations has greatly benefited from media such as the Internet.

New and powerful technologies can also promote efficiency of enterprises competing in the global economy and public sector service delivery. While the impact of ICT investments on productivity remains subject to debate, ICTs are now a standard operating tool in today's information society, and the information ICTs carry is increasingly becoming an important factor of production.

Moreover, teledensity and power supply are generally accepted as drivers of economic growth in developing countries (Saunders, Warford and Wellenius 1994). For example, telecom services can substitute for other forms of communication (postal, personal travel) and build stronger, more productive and complex patterns of communication.
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1.3 The "digital divide"—one element of the broader development divide
  • As of 2000, 70 percent of the world’s poor live in rural and remote areas, where access to information and communications technologies, even to a telephone, is often scarce—over one-third of the world population has never made a telephone call.
  • As of 2000, the developed world had 49.5 phone lines per 100 people, compared to 1.4 phones per 100 people in developing countries.
  • Most of the information exchanged over global networks such as the Internet is in English, the language of less than 10 percent of the world’s population.
  • The Internet population, in most countries, is overwhelmingly male. Even in those developing countries where women seem to be catching up, the number of Internet users is generally less than 10 percent of the population.

Figure 1
The digital divide is a contemporary term used to describe the gap, in access to and use of ICTs, between developed and developing countries (see Figure 1). It is in part a reflection of broader socioeconomic divides, many of which exist within societies. For example, the divide between men and women, rich and poor, young and old, urban and rural, literate and non-literate, etc.

Information and knowledge—often carried by ICTs—are increasingly becoming integral factors in the international, institutional, and political process. The lack of access to these sources creates a divide which impacts opportunities for developing countries' economic growth, wealth distribution, social empowerment, and development. It is the digital divide which largely prevents the equal sharing of knowledge worldwide and leads to "information and knowledge poverty" among certain groups. If only a select number of countries reap the benefits of ICTs while others continue to lag behind, the digital divide will continue to grow. Unless action is taken there is a danger of exacerbating this disparity between developed and developing countries.

It is for this reason that concerted efforts must continue to be undertaken, likely through Official Development Assistance funds, which focus on pro-poor strategies emphasizing provision of rural infrastructure, access of women and the disenfranchised, capacity building and training, as well as the creation and dissemination of local content in local languages. Gender relations, roles, and patterns of resource access should be considered when targeting disenfranchised groups and devising capacity building and training programs, along with other factors of age, sex, class, caste, race, and ethnicity.

Top of page1.4 ICTs and gender equality

A significant gender gap exists between women’s and men’s active and equal participation in the knowledge society. This gap is present in every aspect of ICTs, including access to and use of ICTs, and also in the field of education and employment within the ICT sector.

Experience has shown that women and men have different priorities and preferences in relation to technology. Women and men benefit differently from infrastructure services based on their socially ascribed roles, responsibilities, privileges, ownership of assets, and financial resources. Women are often restricted from using technology due to socio-cultural and religious attitudes and practices, manifested in limits, set by society, on the extent to which women and girls can interact with technology. Furthermore, women’s ability to travel outside the house or neighbourhood is restricted and their priority is seen to be child bearing and rearing. Factors such as literacy and education also affect women's access to ICTs. The content available often does not meet their information needs as women’s knowledge is not generally recognized and included in the information carried by ICTs.

CIDA's policy on gender equality emphasizes the importance of continuing CIDA's work in infrastructure services—including ICTs—as it contributes to achieving the goal of gender equality. The policy also highlights the need for specific strategies, within programming, to address this inequality of access. Gender analyses for new ICT projects and policies must be implemented to ensure women's ability to take advantage of ICT opportunities. Programming should recognize these differences, and develop programs and projects that provide appropriate and accessible ICT services that meet the ICT needs of both women and men.

Such analyses should take into consideration that:

  • both women and men have been consulted to ascertain ICT opportunities and constraints in their communities;
  • both women and men are involved in planning and decision making on ICT policies and projects to ensure relevance to their communities i.e., programs are responsive to their needs;
  • the capacity of institutions to design and implement ICT investments that respond to the needs and priorities of poor women and men, are being developed; and
  • the role of women, in the sector in which ICT projects are implemented, is recognized and supported, e.g., their role as health care providers in their communities.

Top of page1.5 Appropriate technologies to fit the need

ICTs can serve as a tool in sharing knowledge and promoting development. While they are one important driver of economic growth, they should not be considered a panacea. It is equally necessary to assess which type of technology is the most effective and appropriate to achieve specific objectives. Various countries and regions have different goals and needs regarding ICTs. For example, in reaching rural populations simple technology, such as radio, may perform the task more effectively than more complicated high-technology solutions requiring large capital costs.

Three additional key considerations are: a reliable source of electricity is required for sustainable ICT investments; technologies using alternative power sources and transmission media, such as solar power or satellite transmissions, may be more appropriate where infrastructure is unreliable; and in order to be effective, technology may need to be adapted to local conditions and requirements (e.g., local content in local languages, or based on current/planned infrastructure capacity). Differentiation should be made among the needs and perspectives of various target groups.

Top of page1.6 Response of the international community

In response to the challenges of the digital divide, the international community has introduced a number of initiatives—often in partnership with civil society organizations and the private sector—that attempt to address this division. These initiatives assist developing/transition countries to generate the capacity and to mobilize the resources to introduce, use and benefit from ICTs as a tool for economic growth and poverty reduction.

These activities include:
  • global initiatives targeting policy level impact and coordination of activities (e.g., the UN ICT Task Force, the G8 DOT Force and the UN World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS));
  • public-private partnerships leveraging private sector investors (e.g., the Digital Opportunities Initiative, consisting of the Markle Foundation, Accenture, and UNDP);
  • gateways which endeavor to aggregate information and resources using the Internet (e.g., the Development Gateway Foundation; Women’s Human Rights Net (WHRnet) and the Gender, Science and Technology Gateway);
  • grant facilities for small, innovative projects with the potential of being scaled up (e.g., the World Bank's infoDev); and
  • networks that bring multiple stakeholders together to share knowledge on promoting ICTs for development (e.g., the Global Knowledge Partnership and the Global Community Network Partnership).

An important aspect of this work is increasing the degree of coordination among the various activities.

Canada has participated in many of these efforts—most notably the work of the G8 Digital Opportunities Task Force (DOT Force) established at the G8 Okinawa Summit in 2000. Canada, as chair of the G8 in 2002, facilitated the implementation of the "Genoa Plan of Action" which was submitted by the DOT Force at the G8 Summit in 2001. The report consisted of a nine-point action plan outlining how the international community could collaborate to bridge the digital divide. Action points ranged from establishing national e-strategies, improving connectivity, enhancing human capacity developing, fostering entrepreneurship, promoting the use of ICTs in health care and against HIV/AIDS, to supporting local content creation. Progress on the Plan of Action was reported by Canada at the G8 Kananaskis Summit 2002. According to the G8 Summary Report, the leaders "reviewed implementation of the DOT Force's Genoa Plan of Action and welcomed its initiatives to strengthen developing countries' readiness for e-development. "CIDA contributed to this process by serving as the international chair for the DOT Force working group focused on the role of ICTs in Health and HIV/AIDS.

There are many other initiatives originating from developing countries that highlight the need for ICTs as a contributor to sustainable economic and social development. For example, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) strategy underscores the strategic vision and development priorities of African leaders, and calls attention to the urgent need for infrastructure development and ICTs. NEPAD identifies ICTs as a important theme for Africa's development and lists key objectives and actions required to bridge the digital divide.

Internationally, Canada is regarded a world leader in its domestic efforts to promote the use of ICTs. Its commitment is evident in the Connecting Canadians Agenda, its general emphasis in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors on leveraging ICTs for the benefit of its citizens, and its support for the efforts of developing countries to access these new technologies. At the Summit of the Americas in Québec, 2001, the Government of Canada demonstrated its leadership in this field by announcing a contribution of $20 million towards the establishment of the Institute for Connectivity in the Americas.

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2. Lessons Learned

The international community has identified a number of lessons learned on policy and program approaches to ICTs. These include the following:

  • The most effective role for government is to establish well-regulated and competitive environments conducive to private investment and innovation. This is essential for improving the quality and breadth of ICT services available in developing/transition countries. The trend towards liberalization in the last decade has resulted in lower costs and better ICT services. Many developing country governments, however, are reluctant to forgo revenues (in particular foreign currencies) generated by telecom monopolies. Solutions need to be sought which make such transitions easier and manageable.
  • The most effective roles for the private sector are to support investments to build ICT infrastructure (which tends to be very capital intensive), operate ICT networks, and deliver ICT services. Therefore a fair and transparent regulatory and policy framework is necessary to secure and promote private sector involvement.
  • For ICTs to have positive development impact, the various social groups must have equal access to them, particularly disadvantaged groups such as the poor, children, and indigenous peoples. Gender relations, roles, and patterns of resource access should be considered of each of these groups. If country policies and development strategies don't account for these issues, ICTs can exacerbate inequalities, leaving disadvantaged groups lagging further behind. For instance, ICTs may benefit skilled workers, more than unskilled workers, because they do not require additional training. ICTs also tend to benefit urban areas, more than rural areas, since larger cities often have the required infrastructure.
  • Sustainable ICT projects must be locally owned and accompanied by human capacity development, to ensure the ability of individuals and communities to use, maintain, and benefit fully from ICTs.

3. CIDA's Strategy

Top of page3.1 Purpose of the strategy

The purpose of integrating ICTs into development programming is to enhance the opportunities and maximize benefits for individuals, communities, and nations to access information and knowledge to promote socio-economic development, and to improve their overall well-being.

The purpose of this strategy is, therefore, to set out a framework to guide CIDA's programming efforts in this sector, particularly considering the efforts underway by the broader international community including the G8 DOT Force, World Bank, and UN. The strategy is set in the context of CIDA's existing policy framework, which identifies infrastructure services as one of the Agency's six programming priority areas. The strategy builds on the Agency's extensive experience in this area, and at the same time establishes a strong link with the Agency's Social Development Priorities and the Strengthening Aid Effectiveness agenda.

It is also expected that the implementation of the strategy will increase sharing of best practices among CIDA officers, regarding the benefits that KD and ICTs have for CIDA activities, and endeavor to integrate KD and ICTs more broadly into Agency programming.

Top of page3.2 CIDA's approach to ICTs

The majority of CIDA's programming, in some way, is fundamentally about sharing knowledge. CIDA's approach to programming in ICTs, envisions ICTs as a tool for enhancing knowledge sharing, and promoting economic and social development for women and men.

Top of page3.3 CIDA's work in ICTs today

CIDA has been programming in ICTs for over 25 years. Arecent review of CIDA's programming in infrastructure services revealed CIDA’s interventions were relevant, addressed real needs, and contributed to the balanced development of institutional, human and infrastructure capacity, while adapting well to the rapidly changing dynamics of the ICT sector (which often outpace the regulatory capacities of governments and the courts). These reforms, coupled with the strengthening of institutions, contributed to improved equity and access to services, sector planning, and policy development. ICTs are an important sector within the infrastructure services programming area, and CIDA's work in ICTs is informed by the Agency's approach to infrastructure services.

CIDA has a broad programming portfolio in KD and ICTs. The Agency's work in KD andICTs can be divided into three categories:
  1. ICTs as a sector in itself;
  2. using ICTs as tools across sectors; and
  3. using ICTs to promote knowledge sharing and networking.
These three categories are linked. For example, investments in the ICT sector create greater opportunity for using ICTs across multiple sectors. Therefore, if an appropriate regulatory and competitive environment is in place for Internet service provision in a developing country, and given appropriate private sector investment, then individuals, organizations, and firms are afforded access to the Internet at reasonable cost and without undue restrictions.

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Category 1 – ICTs—a sector in itself

Infrastructure services, which includes ICTs, is one of Canada's six programming priorities mandated to help developing countries deliver environmentally sound infrastructure services, with an emphasis on poorer groups and on capacity building. Investments in infrastructure are a key component of economic growth and poverty reduction. CIDA's work in the ICT sector focuses on creating an enabling environment through legal and regulatory reform, improving access to ICTs, and building human capacity to use ICTs, as well as ensuring appropriate applications and local content.

CIDA supports projects in category 1 such as:
  1. The Telecommunications Sector Reform project in Colombia. The goal of the project is to modernize the telecommunications sector (spectrum management, technical plans, regulations and operations) and to frame structural changes for an open market.
  2. The Digital Telecommunications Training Project in China. The goal of the project is to enhance the technical capacity of China’s Telecom Digital Communication Bureau through engineer and executive training, installing a demo network, along with training engineers on the demo facility.

CIDA's programming in the ICT sector includes:

  • support for modernizing IT and telecommunications sectors through policy development, spectrum management, promoting competition, and instituting legal and regulatory frameworks;
  • support for installing a tele-communications, television or radio network; and
  • training and capacity development in ICTs.

Category 2 – Using ICTs as tools

These projects focus on enhancing the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of sectoral interventions. ICTs, by virtue of their cross-cutting nature, impact multiple sectors and therefore lend themselves well to integrated efforts.

CIDA supports projects in category 2 such as:
  1. Global Distance Learning Center (Ukraine)—the goal of the project is to provide courses, seminars, opportunities, and encourage discussion through satellite, electronic classrooms, and the Internet.
  2. Integrating and Launching ICTs in Education (Jordan)—the goal of the project is to integrate ICTs into the education system, in part through workshops on raising awareness on e-learning, computers for schools, connecting Jordanians and summer institutes for teachers.
  3. Carioca HIV/AIDS project (Caribbean Region)—the goal of the Caribbean AIDS Telecommunications and Information Network is to connect the national AIDS programs of 12 Caribbean countries, thereby helping them to exchange information, coordinate and promote prevention and control activities, and help in setting standards for collecting, organizing and disseminating HIV/AIDS information.

CIDA uses ICTs as tools in its programming in the following manner:

  • to enhance delivery of education (tertiary education, teacher training, etc.), often through distance education
  • to improve and modernize public sector administration systems (taxation, finance, health)
  • to manage water systems, environment, and agricultural production through Geographic Information Systems
  • for sharing information (e.g., agricultural practices)
  • to promote health care

Category 3 - Using ICTs to promote knowledge sharing and networking
These projects focus on building knowledge networks, linkages, and sharing knowledge. Many CIDA projects currently use networks—often through the use of ICTs—as a vehicle for achieving positive development outcomes in other sectors.

CIDA supports projects in category 3 such as:
  1. The global Developing Countries Farm Radio Network, an NGO that gathers and researches information about practices that farm families find helpful. It then produces radio scripts and distributes them free of charge to more than 1,100 Network members. They, in turn, share the information with an audience of millions of farmers and their family members around the world.
  2. The Earth Council, created to promote and advance the implementation of the Earth Summit agreements, uses different ICT mechanisms to strengthen cooperation by linking Earth Council partners and other civil society organizations, through an electronically dedicated 'Earth up-to-date Network for Sustainable Development'.
  3. The Sierra Leone Web, a project which supports the website. The website was the first site dedicated to supplying news and information about Sierra Leone. It has been, and remains, an invaluable source of independent information not just for Sierra Leoneans inside and outside the country, but also for a wide range of NGOs and official aid agencies who rely on it for independent information.

CIDA programming examples in using ICTs to promote knowledge sharing and networking include linking governments for knowledge sharing and capacity building (south-south, north-south), and linking individuals and experts in various sectors (governance, health, agriculture, immigration, parliamentary).

CIDA is a founding member of infoDev, a multidonor World Bank program. This provides seed funding in operationalizing global knowledgerelated goals for developing countries, such as providing better access to ICTs and their applications through establishing of regulatory frameworks, reforming the telecommunication sector, promoting private and public sector partnerships to attract infrastructure investment.
In addition to its programming, CIDA manages the Knowledge for Development Initiative. The Initiative includes a Knowledge for Development Network, and a Knowledge for Development Fund which focuses on various policy level and international initiatives.

Top of page3.4 Criteria for CIDA's work in ICTs

CIDA will follow these criteria when planning/considering ICT programs and projects:

  • interventions must be demand-driven, with developing/transition countries determining if and how ICTs are a priority for their social and economic development. This might mean greater consideration of ICTs in the Country Development Programming Frameworks (CDPF) process, as well as Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs);
  • ensure governments, civil society, and the private sector in developing/transition countries play the lead role in deciding and implementing;
  • use the UN Millennium Development Goals to ensure KD-ICT programming targets the poor, takes into account the differing concerns and resources of various sectors within a target group, and supports achievement of the goals agreed upon by the international community;
  • use the range of technologies available as appropriate—from low technology (radio) to high technology (Internet, e-commerce), including the use of alternative power and delivery technologies, such as solar power and wireless/satellite technologies. Often a low-technology solution might be the most appropriate application, either on its own or in a mixed technology network; and
  • build partnerships with like-minded donors, other government departments, multilateral organizations, etc. By collaborating, donors can leverage comparative advantages, maximize impact (e.g., through new programming initiatives such as Sector-Wide Approaches (SWAps)) and reduce duplication of efforts.

In addition, given that typically women and girls have unequal access to ICTs, appropriate attention must be paid, through sound gender analysis, to gender equality, the value of women’s knowledge, and to the importance of integrating women into the knowledge society at all levels and in all sectors.

In view of the above criteria, CIDA will look to the following guidelines when forming strategic institutional partnerships:

  • engage in global and international policy dialogue—this provides CIDA with the opportunity to share knowledge and best practices, and to influence policy work in the ICT sector;
  • support policy research to further our understanding of the links between ICTs and poverty reduction, including gender differences in accessing resources, and the key success factors for good program interventions; and
  • promote and facilitate greater donor coordination.

Top of page3.5 Areas of strategic focus for CIDA

CIDA's approach will be to work at two levels: programming and strategic institutional partnerships.

1. Programming

CIDA's programming in ICTs will focus on, but not be limited to:
  1. using ICTs as tools for the development of the education and health sectors (in particular HIV/AIDS and communicable diseases);
  2. building enabling environments through supporting policy and regulatory framework advice and development;
  3. developing local capacity through promoting pro-competitive and flexible policy and regulatory environments in the ICT sector; and
  4. supporting knowledge sharing and networking—facilitated by ICTs—within developing/transition countries, as a way of accessing and sharing information to empower individuals and encourage knowledge-based societies.
In the future, and with incremental resources, CIDA could consider broadening the scope of its work to include greater integration of ICTs, as tools, into other economic and social sectors, such as governance, the environment, trade capacity building, and microfinance and microenterprise.

2. Strategic institutional partnerships

CIDA recognizes that partnerships between government, private sector and civil society are needed to successfully bridge the digital divide. CIDA will continue to engage with strategic and like-minded institutional partners with a view to strengthening its programming in KD and ICTs and sharing knowledge with its partners in this field. CIDA's support for international initiatives in KD and ICTs will be made primarily through the Knowledge for Development Fund.

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4. Implementing the Strategy

CIDA will encourage an increased and broader integration of ICTs into the activities of programming branches and partners (e.g., in CIDA's Country Development Programming Frameworks (CDPF) and the World Bank's Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP)).

CIDA will undertake the development of operational guidelines for KD and ICT programming, including such instruments as workshops, networking (the Knowledge for Development Network), consultations with the field, and possible case studies. Such activities will:

  • help CIDA staff to make informed choices regarding ICT options and their potential results;
  • provide practical information about key success factors, best practices and examples of how to integrate results-based management (which includes development of results statements) into particular areas of ICT programming;
  • develop an evaluation mechanism for measuring results of programming in ICTs; and
  • address the issue of forging more active partnerships with other government partners, international organizations, and Canadian partners in ICT programming and delivery.

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1Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is the term given to define the sector encompassing all converging technologies that carry information—it includes traditional telecommunications, informatics, broadcasting (radio and TV), cable television, multimedia Internet, Geographic Information Systems, etc. (back)

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