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Government of Canada shows support for rebuilding Haiti


(2006-21) News Release
Tuesday, July 25 2006

Ottawa  The Honourable Josée Verner, Minister of International Cooperation and Minister for la Francophonie and Official Languages, the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Honourable Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, today announced that Canada will allocate $520 million for the reconstruction and development of Haiti from July 2006 to September 2011. This announcement was made during the International  Donors' Conference for the Economic and Social Development of Haiti, which is being held today in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) will allocate $485 million of this amount to strengthen political governance, national reconstruction, economic recovery, and to provide access to basic services for the population.

"Haiti's newly elected government has outlined priorities that will set the country firmly on the path of reconstruction and development," Minister Verner said. "Canada is pleased to be one of the principal donors to these important reforms that the Government of Haiti will implement during its five-year term."

The $15 million contribution of the Department of Foreign Affairs comes from the Global Peace and Security Fund and is intended mainly to support the security and justice sectors.

"I am encouraged by the determination of the Haitian authorities to hold elections, deal with problems of national security in the country, and promote political reconciliation, as well as institutional reform," said Minister MacKay.

Nearly $20 million will be allocated through the Canadian Policing Arrangement to maintain up to 100 Canadian police officers as part of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). Renewal of the police peacekeeping component for this mission will be required for 2007 and beyond.

"The work of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Haiti will provide the support and expertise required to stabilize the region," said Minister Day.

Canada's commitments are in response to requests made by the Government of Haiti in its Interim Cooperation Framework (ICF). This framework, which was to end in July 2006, has been extended to September 2007. The funding announced today to assist Haiti includes $135 million allocated exclusively to support activities planned during this extension period.

For more information about Canada's development assistance in Haiti, please visit the Haiti webpage on CIDA's website.

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Pascale St-Pierre
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of International Cooperation
Telephone: 819-953-6238

Media Relations Office
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Telephone: 819-953-6534

Top of page Canada's Commitment to Haiti


In 2004, the Government of Haiti presented international donors with an Interim Cooperation Framework (ICF) to support Haiti's development. Haiti's newly elected government wanted to extend the ICF to the end of September 2007, and to this end, it provided donors with a document that outlines its priorities and financial needs for the extension period. The document also outlines the Government's vision for its five-year term (July 2006–September 2011) and highlights activities that will contribute to social peace in Haiti.

Two-phase Commitment

Based on this document, Canada and other donors announced their financial contributions at the International Donors' Conference held July 25 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The funding announcements made at this conference are in two phases. The first covers the new Government of Haiti's five-year term from July 2006 to September 2011, and the second covers the ICF's 15-month extension.

      1. Five-Year Term (2006–2011)

      The Government of Canada plans to provide $520 million during the new Government of Haiti's five-year term. This amount includes a contribution of $485 million, about $95 million ayear, by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The funding will continue to provide support for the ICF's four pillars: political governance, national reconstruction, economic recovery, and access to basic services.
      The Department of Foreign Affairs will continue its efforts to help strengthen security and justice; disarmament, demobilization and reintegration; and prison reform. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) will be responsible for selecting and deploying Canadian police officers as part of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).

      2. ICF Extension

      Of the $520 million Canada has committed to help rebuild and develop Haiti, $135.5 million will be disbursed during the ICF extension period from July 2006 to September 2007.

      • CIDA will disburse $104 million for health, education, power grid rehabilitation, local development, and economic recovery projects.

      • Foreign Affairs Canada will contribute $15 million through the Peace and Security Fund.

      • Close to $16.5 million will be allocated through the Canadian Policing Arrangement to maintain up to 100 Canadian police officers as part of MINUSTAH.
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  Last Updated: 2006-07-25 Top of Page Important Notices