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Bilateral projects
Canada Fund for Africa and Pan-Africa Program projects

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The following are selected bilateral projects active in Mali.

A-31895-001: Grain Marketing Support Project – Phase II

This project aims to reduce poverty, increase food security, actively involve farmers in agricultural production in the Diré and Ségou regions, provide them with a more stable income, and guarantee them a fair price for their products.

To this end, the project offers support services to two farmers’ organizations in these regions, Baabahuu Jici and Faso Jigi. The project helps them to establish democratic organizations and advises them on how to market products more effectively. On a long-term basis, the project aims to enable these organizations to operate independently.

Baabahuu Jici is an organization for wheat producers (women and men). Among other things, the project aims to assist the Government of Mali in a consultation and study process to develop a more comprehensive intervention strategy for the wheat industry.

Faso Jigi is an organization for rice, millet, sorghum, and corn producers. Thanks to the progress made to date, this organization should achieve administrative and financial self-sufficiency by 2008, a year ahead of schedule.

To learn a little more about marketing agricultural products in Mali, read the success stories A People’s Hope et Crops Find Their Place in The Sun.

A-19386-001: Nyèsigiso Network Support Project – Phase II

Phase II of this project aims to strengthen the Nyèsigiso savings and credit union network, which has become one of Mali’s largest and most effective. This network has exceeded established objectives. Its savings and credit volume is close to 6 billion CFA francs (C$13 million). More than 50 savings and credit unions have been created to date, with some 124,693 members.

In 2004, the Nyèsigiso network launched a large-scale restructuring program. As at June 30, 2006, only 23 savings and credit unions remained, as well as 34 counters, for a total of 57 points of service.

This project aims to improve the living conditions of the poor by giving them better and safer access to banking services. This project also aims to encourage private-sector development by offering services to small entrepreneurs, and to encourage women to get involved at all levels.

When this project completes Phase II, the network should be self-sufficient. It will then be managed entirely by local personnel trained for this purpose.

To learn a little more, read the success story Nyèsigiso: Mali’s “House of Providence”.

A-31027-003: Paramedic Training Support

This project provides Mali’s Ministry of Health with the human and technical resources needed to implement its Health and Social Development Program (PRODESS). The project aims to establish a training mechanism for paramedics and thus to improve the quality of their services to the community.

This project involves three paramedic training schools: the undergraduate school of nursing, the secondary school of health, and the specialization centre for senior technicians. This project also plans to provide these educational institutions with training material and equipment.

On a long-term basis, the project aims to train enough paramedics to meet people’s needs. This will eventually improve people’s health, especially reproductive health. It will also reduce disease and death among mothers and children.

To learn a little more, read the enthusiastic comments (Relief for Health Care in Mali) by Noëlla Gagnon, a former Quebec nurse involved in this project.

A-19387-001: Support Project for Urban Housing in Mali (PAFHAM)

The project aims to make home ownership easier for the poor, focusing especially on women. The project also supports the construction industry in building affordable housing and organizing to generate economic benefits.

The project specifically aims to adapt a mortgage product to the Malian environment. This will favour home ownership for families in Bamako with a minimum income of 100,000 (C$220). It will also set up a guarantee scheme by creating a guarantee fund to encourage banks to get involved in this sector. The Government of Mali and private stakeholders finance the guarantee fund. Institutions in Mali will finance construction.

A-32008: Textbook Support Project

This project aims to offer better access to learning materials and to enrich teaching methods to improve the quality of education in Mali. The project specifically supports the Ministry of National Education and its private partners in owning and furthering the proposed reform of the textbook and educational material industry.

The Textbook Support Project is based mainly on three initiatives implemented at the same time to ensure better access to educational material:

  1. provision of textbooks and educational material;
  2. support in building textbook management capacities;
  3. support in building textbook repair capacities.
On a short-term basis, this project will:
  1. increase the textbook-to-pupil ratio;
  2. improve the content of educational material;
  3. publish educational content developed by Malian authors;
  4. ensure better material management;
  5. establish a more effective textbook procurement process to favour procurement from local private publishers; and
  6. teach textbook repair techniques to women and men in Mali.
A-31127-001: Community Mobilization and Decentralization Project in Mali (MOPOD) – Phase II

This project supports 60 villages in three rural communes (Sanankoroba, Dialakoroba, and Bougoula) and two urban areas (Mopti and Gao). The project aims to promote the emergence and strengthening of a community-based local development process. This process will pool community resources and local talents to promote self-development. This will increase household income for more sustainable local economic development.

To this end, the project encourages local ownership by proposing participatory and democratic management of community affairs. The project relies on the creation of rural associations. It offers about a year of training, in which members of these associations learn to design and execute their own development projects. The project especially targets women. Note that, to date, 41 percent of association members are women, and women entrepreneurs manage more than 50 percent of projects.

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Canada Fund for Africa and Pan-Africa Program projects

The Canada Fund for Africa and the Pan-Africa Program manage multicountry or regional projects that may have a direct or indirect impact on Mali. For more details on these projects, please use the CIDA Project Browser.
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